Featured Actor Joined: 7/16/06
Are you talking about the side seats or center? Because mine were side, and I think most people would prefer to be a little farther back and in the center. (At least I would, since there was a man with an absolutely enormous head blocking a good part of my view.)
I've come to realize that the seats will vary by day/matinee/evening. Generally, the rush seats are the sides of the orchestra from row A all the way to row Q. Being farther best is better because the view is less obstructed. They also rush the boxes which are wonderful seats.
will i have a problem rushing it on a friday in august?
Just show up 2 or 1 and a half hours before and you'll be fine. They give away a lot of seats.
thanks sooo much. my hotel is fairly close so i may just get up early, check it out: play it by ear. i really wanna see the show.
Hi guys, I know this is a bit of a redundant question, but what's the rush line like nowadays? I am going to get student rush tickets tomorrow morning (Wednesday), and I'm wondering how early I need to get there. I'm not ever by that theater at that time of day so I really don't know how long the line ever is.
on saturdays i get there bout 2 hours early, 8am, dont know exactly how it is on weekdays, prob bout the same
Get there anytime between 8-8:30. Tomorrow is a two show day so there will be more tickets so you have more of a chance.
Leading Actor Joined: 2/4/06
What are you guys thinking rush will be like after the Tony's? I am planning on trying to rush on June 20th, I think (the Wednesday of that week, at least), and I was wondering if it will be extra hard to get tickets. I plan on getting there pretty early.
Swing Joined: 2/17/07
now that there's no sunday performances, does the box office open at 10AM every day?
if the scalpers from JB come to SA, now that it won best musical, i will not be happy at all
The box office opens at 10am on weekdays right? Just want to double check! Yea rush after the Tonys should be very interesting I would think!
bumping because I'm totally curious- did any of you rush this morning for tonight's show, and if so how was it?
I just walked past this teenage tourist girl on 44th St holding up the rest of her family's vacation as she made them take pics of her in front of that huge Spring Awakening poster that's up there- this pose, now that pose, oh what about this pose, ok now with dad's camera, ok now with grandma's, etc.- it was possibly the funniest thing I've seen today.
But so that got me to wondering what rush is going to be like these days- any reports?
Stand-by Joined: 7/2/06
I wanted to ask the exact same question. I'm assuming it's going to get a lot tougher, but how long does that usually last? Will it pull a JB and be crazy forever or will it die down a bit? Basically, what has rush been like for other shows that have won best musical in the past?
Bump, I'm also curious. I may be going this Saturday and the earliest I can get there is probably 9, so I'm wondering whether it's worth it. I'll probably stop by the theatre to check it out, so how many people should I look for before I deem it pointless to wait in line?
I think if the line is already to the gym at 9 then you should probably consider not even trying, or just doing SRO, which could go really fast as well.
I've heard that it hasn't been TOO crowded, but that's not to say it isn't crowded at all. I think now the time to get there is around 7/7:30.
my friend got there at around 9 on friday...we wanted SRO and we got it. But she said there were probably only 20 people in front of her, which isn't bad; however, she did say the student rush sold out about 5 people before her so it's a good thing we didn't want that anyways. But I would say 8 or 815 for student rush
Here's another question for you very helpful people... Do they sell the rush tickets for both performances when the box office opens, therefore increasing the chances? Also, what time does the evening performance usually get out? I'm always the victim of the bus schedule.
Yes, they sell both performances when the box office opens. So yes, it'll make more tickets avaliable meaning you can't really go by what the line is. Since there could be more people who want evening than matinee, or vice versa.
And it would probably let out around 10:20.
Swing Joined: 7/2/07
Hey guys, does anyone have any recent rush reports? I'm going to NY next week and have Friday and Saturday free and I'd like to see it, though with the current 98% capacity SA's been getting I'm not sure if there's any hope. What time would you suggest I get to the theatre if I want to try to get a ticket for a Friday show? Thanks for any help.
I'd say 7ish would be good.
Just an fyi, next Saturday (the 14th) will be a lot more crowded because Matt Doyle will be going on for Melchior and a lot of people are going to be rushing to see him.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/04
I'm curious because I read on another post that someone said that there was like 50 rush tickets? Is that the right amount or is it lower than that?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/3/06
I have no idea what I am talking about
Updated On: 7/6/07 at 03:40 PM
They had 50 tickets when I rushed last Thursday.