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Starshines Unite! The official HAIR love thread...- Page 96

Starshines Unite! The official HAIR love thread...

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2375Hair thread.
Posted: 10/11/09 at 9:20pm

There are Equity rules about how long an understudy can perform. They have to replace her....even if its only temp.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#2376Hair thread.
Posted: 10/11/09 at 9:25pm

The Equity rule is that ONE understudy can only perform for 2 weeks straight without being promoted to principle. More than one understudy can alternate every week & they wouldn't have promote anyone.

#2377Hair thread.
Posted: 10/11/09 at 9:45pm

There are Equity rules about how long an understudy can perform. They have to replace her....even if its only temp.

Right. Which is exactly why they hired Vanessa Ray to temporarily replace Allison while she's on medical leave.

#2378Hair thread.
Posted: 10/12/09 at 6:18pm

I'm back! I'm tired from a crazy (the good kind of crazy) weekend in New York, but nonetheless, I am back alive!

Here are my thoughts:


The show was incredible. I was stunned and still am stunned by how fantastic the show was. There was a certain electricity running throughout the room from the moment the lights dimmed that was absolutely indescribable. There were countless little moments that were so powerful, and I just sat in my seat and was completely overtaken by all that was going around me.

I was in the middle of a cast that was believing every damn word that came out of their mouths, a flawless band, and an audience that was just as into the show as the cast was. The combination of these things created a certain buzz that was impossible to escape and UNBELIEVABLY powerful. There were moments that were so powerful that I just sat in my seat and I was literally shivering from the chills running all throughout my body. Very early on, I could tell that I was apart of something special and unforgettable.

The key phrase of that sentence, "I was apart of something". I didn't just feel like I was sitting in my seat and watching a show, I felt like I was actually apart of it. The show says a lot of powerful things about war, peace, love, sexuality, drugs, and equality. A lot of the things they discuss would be very impacting if someone just read them from a sheet of paper, but when they were discussed by having an incredible cast involving you in the show through interaction and fourth wall breaking, it only upped the power even more. In the last half hour of the show, each number gets more and more intense and I had chills the whole time... and as the show progressed, my chills only intensified even more, and it got to the point where at the end when Claude was lifeless on the american flag, I had my shoulders up, I was shivering, and I could barely move my hands to clap at the end of the number because I was so taken by what I had just witnessed.

I have never walked into a theatre and had a show make me feel the way that HAIR did. To me, HAIR was a reminder of how blind I am. I continuously complain about all of the issues going on in the world.. but I never do anything to fight for what I believe in or to support my cause. ALL of us have the power to power to be the change we want to see if we stand together, even by doing things like going to an equality rally or even going to the friggin' voting booth. Seeing Claude dead on the american flag and watching the cast silently weeping as they walked through the aisle (which I sat a mere 2 seats away from) was a stunning reminder of all the potential I have inside of me to make change that I've repeatedly ignored.

Unfortunately for him, he was very blocked by all that was going on around him. He felt trapped in the middle of what his parents wanted, what his friends wanted, and what *he* wanted. He was so confused by all of this that he didn't even know what he wanted, and he tried to figure it out.... but all he could find out was that humans are too greedy, barbaric, and selfish for humans to be able to live in harmony with each other (as explained in "What a Piece of Work is Man?"). He died before he found his place, and the end of the show was a very tragic beg for hope... and it moved the sh*t out of me. I've seen shows that were touching, but the sentiment wore out in about 15 minutes. It's been a couple of days and the impact this show had on my way of thinking is still very much present within me and it doesn't seem like it will be going away anytime soon.

So since my thoughts were more of a complete love-fest, I figured I would discuss some of the flaws in the afternoon. I personally did not like the trip sequence. I felt that while it was staged and performed to perfection, the writing was very cluky and it didn't actually 'work' for me until "Three-Five-Zero-Zero", and that was partially because of how powerful the cast and direction made it. I also thought that Vanessa as Crissy was not bad, but she was not all that great either. She was just... adequite, nothing else. I felt the same way about the actress who played the mother, as well. Not terrible... but not up to par with the rest of the cast. While these things didn't help the show, they hardly took away from the overall experience I had in that theatre.

I liked the new tribe members! They were all very into the show and they were extremely professional. My personal favorite was Heath Calvert, he had a LOT of presence and it was very thrilling. There was a brief moment in the song "HAIR" where he totally stole the song from Will & Paris just by dancing around. OF COURSE I loved Krystal, and she was exactly like I remembered her. A charming, beautiful performer with a gorgeous voice. I hope that she'll get the chance to grow in a big role someday.

This is probably what everyone wants to hear. How did I like Paris? I LOVED him. He had a lovely, lovely voice and he sold the character perfectly. Part of the reason why I saw Claude the way I discussed in my review was because of the way he portrayed him. I REALLY felt for his character and he brought a lot of depth to the role. Oh, and did I mention? He ACTUALLY has chemistry with the other cast members, which seems to be impossible to find in an understudy these days! I definitely don't feel like I lost out on anything because Gavin was out.

I did stagedoor, and most of the cast came out. I was extremely nervous and very awkward... and the cast members (as well as the other stagedoor-ers) probably thought I was incredibly strange because I was saying a bunch of things that made absolutely no sense, but I was just so nervous! They were all very nice and ya know what? I'm sure there have been MANY people that were A LOT weirder than I was. If any of you think you saw me, all I can say is... YIKES. THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M NORMALLY LIKE!

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.
Updated On: 10/12/09 at 06:18 PM

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#2379Hair thread.
Posted: 10/12/09 at 7:19pm

I can't tell. Did you like it, Jazzy?


dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#2380Hair thread.
Posted: 10/12/09 at 7:28pm

Hair thread.

TheatreFan4, I love that you have a Halloweentown quote in your sig. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#2381Hair thread.
Posted: 10/12/09 at 7:28pm

wow sorry that is huge, i don't know how to resize it. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2382Hair thread.
Posted: 10/12/09 at 7:48pm

It's beautiful just the way it is!

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#2383Hair thread.
Posted: 10/12/09 at 8:01pm

Don't worry about the size, dancingthrulife04. It looks great. Excuse my ignorance, but is the person who is holding the sign that says "We've Been Together 18 Years. We Want Real Marriage." a tribe member? I'm just morbidly curious.... Seriously though, stories like that make me so frustrated that a gay couple can't have the same f*cking rights. A heterosexual couple can meet after a night of heavy drinking in Las Vegas and get married ten minutes later, yet a homosexual couple who have been together for years and are in love with each other don't get the right of marriage. That is so damn unfair and it makes me want to throw a brick at a wall. I really salute the entire cast for going to this rally along with everyone else who was there. I wish I could've been there myself, and I can't wait for the next opportunity to be able to fight for marriage equality. Boy am I yappy today!

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.
Updated On: 10/12/09 at 08:01 PM

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#2384Hair thread.
Posted: 10/12/09 at 8:29pm

I don't think so Jazz. It's probably someone who was caught in the background.

singalongsong2 Profile Photo
#2385Hair thread.
Posted: 10/12/09 at 9:01pm

Hey Jazzy! It sounds like you had a good time. Hair is one of those shows that really sticks with you. It's truly a powerful piece of theatre. I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

#2386Hair thread.
Posted: 10/12/09 at 10:32pm

So so so so glad you had a great experience Jazzy. I so hoped you would! I very happy that you were able to visit NYC and get to see the show. And yes, Paris is a wonderful Claude. Also, Heath Calvert is my favorite new tribe member too. He's a sweetheart!

I was at the March on Sunday and it was something to behold. Just amazing and inspiring. I'm straight, but I went to support all of my gay and lesbian friends. Because no one deserves to have their any of their rights denied. Here's to hoping things change very soon.

"And I'm a grown up....I don't go on vacations....I go to Broadway." - dramamama611

"Even I think that's hot, and I'm a straight guy. If I ever become gay he is the reason." - Drunk Chita Rivera on Gavin Creel

"Leia947 is my theatre mamma, and I love her for it." - AndAllThatJazz22

FeelingElectric2 Profile Photo
#2387Hair thread.
Posted: 10/17/09 at 10:08pm

Question: are the Hair t-shirts (the gray ones that say Hair) in men or unisex? And do they shrink fast? I have a SA shirt (the gray logo one) in medium, would the Hair shirt be around the same size?

#2388Hair thread.
Posted: 10/17/09 at 11:10pm

I have the SA shirt in medium as well, and I have the Hair shirt in a large and they both both pretty much the same size.

FeelingElectric2 Profile Photo
#2389Hair thread.
Posted: 10/17/09 at 11:14pm

So the gray Hair shirt in large is the same size as the medium? ok. Has anyone seen the hair shirt in medium? is it pretty small or large? Im buying it online or else I wouldn't be asking.

dshnookie Profile Photo
#2390Hair thread.
Posted: 10/18/09 at 3:50pm

I saw HAIR for the first time last night and I have to sum it up in the following words:

spellbinding, enthralling, purposeful, relevant.

I've seen a lot of Broadway shows, and by far I have to say this is the hardest working, most talented Broadway cast I have ever had the pleasure of seeing.

QUESTION: Is there supposed to be a screen or transparent curtain (like the curtain that drops at the beginning of the show) during the nude scene? I was under the impression that there was supposed to be one but there was nothing like that last night. I sat Orch Center Row P and could see everything, a lot more than I expected. *sorry if this has been discussed, I didnt comb through the rest of the thread*

At intermission, I saw a woman and her no more than 10 year old daughter coming down the aisle toward the lobby with the most blank gazes as if they had just seen a ghost. Definitely not a show for the kiddies.

Amazing night at the theater, definitely worth checking out by all - which if you're reading this thread you probably already have :P

I also saw someone holding a standing room ticket. I assume the show was sold out and am glad that it's still going strong.

#2391Hair thread.
Posted: 10/18/09 at 4:29pm

QUESTION: Is there supposed to be a screen or transparent curtain (like the curtain that drops at the beginning of the show) during the nude scene? I was under the impression that there was supposed to be one but there was nothing like that last night. I sat Orch Center Row P and could see everything, a lot more than I expected.

Nope, no sort of screen or anything.

I'm really glad to see that you enjoyed the show!

#2392Hair thread.
Posted: 10/18/09 at 7:42pm

I'm so glad you enjoyed it, dshnookie! I 100% agree with you (as seen in my love-fest/review). This is easily one of the best revivals of the decade, if not THE best. Perfect direction, perfect cast, perfect timing, great show. It doesn't get much better than that!

Excuse me for my fangirlishness, but does Heath Calvert add random people on FaceBook? I'd friend request him and find out for myself...but I'd feel kind of embarrassed to add him if he wouldn't accept.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.
Updated On: 10/18/09 at 07:42 PM

dshnookie Profile Photo
#2393Hair thread.
Posted: 10/18/09 at 7:55pm

There is definitely an excitement and appreciation for this show. Having seen several Broadway productions in the last couple of months, none has received an entrance applause as the lights went out like HAIR. I also liked seeing the numerous people in tie-dye shirts, head scarfs and wearing peace sign jewelry.

I almost wanted to run on stage just to be bathed in that exquisite lighting.
Updated On: 10/18/09 at 07:55 PM

#2394Hair thread.
Posted: 10/18/09 at 8:48pm

So, I too was at the show last night. And I was IN the show last night! Hair thread. Last night was my walk on, and was it an experience! The entire cast were so supportive and sweet to me! I got to hang out backstage while they did my hair and costume. Kober hung out a bit while we were doing a little 'rehearsal' for what I was to do in 'Electric Blues'. Josh, Jay and Ato made a point to introduce themselves to me when they crossed the stage. Heath told me I should steal my beads as a souvenir. Gavin gave me a hug before I went on saying, "Don't be nervous. We're all just sweaty, happy hippies!" Before everyone went out for the top of Act 2, Darius busted out into song for me and everyone chimed in, making the tech people shush them! In which Darius replied, "Like they don't know we're back here." LOL Kober said he was going to give me a shout out in the beginning of EB, but I couldn't hear. All I have to say is that Cassie Levy is the loveliest person alive. She hugged me about 5 times before I went on and made her way over to dance with me a bit. Lauren Elder and Krystal were my "guides". They danced with me, as did Bryce. While I stage doored after the show, everyone came up to me and gave me a hug and said I did wonderfully. It was amazing.
There was so much more, but I was so excited and so energized, that my memory is a bit choppy! LOL

And yes, Jazzy, Heath friends people. I have him friended on FB.

"And I'm a grown up....I don't go on vacations....I go to Broadway." - dramamama611

"Even I think that's hot, and I'm a straight guy. If I ever become gay he is the reason." - Drunk Chita Rivera on Gavin Creel

"Leia947 is my theatre mamma, and I love her for it." - AndAllThatJazz22

FeelingElectric2 Profile Photo
#2395Hair thread.
Posted: 10/18/09 at 8:53pm

That is beyond cool! Ah! So were you only in one scene? Would that mean tht you watched the show and then performed and came back?

Devious Profile Photo
#2396Hair thread.
Posted: 10/18/09 at 8:58pm

Eep double post sorry Updated On: 10/18/09 at 08:58 PM

Devious Profile Photo
#2397Hair thread.
Posted: 10/18/09 at 8:58pm

AH THAT IS SO COOL! I am insanely jealous! What was your costume/hair like?

#2398Hair thread.
Posted: 10/18/09 at 9:17pm

Yeah, i got to watch the first act, went for the one song and then went back to my seat about halfway through the second act after I got changed. I could have stayed in costume until after the dance party and then gotten changed after (which, in hindsight, I should have done so I could have hung out backstage a little more) but I didn't. When I upload the picture, I'll post it. But I had a Claude-ish headband on, a long, bright, multicolored tunic with a patchwork denim vest over it, flare jeans, hoop earrings, and three different sets of beads. People in the audience kept saying, "Oohh... look, she dressed for the show!" LOL

"And I'm a grown up....I don't go on vacations....I go to Broadway." - dramamama611

"Even I think that's hot, and I'm a straight guy. If I ever become gay he is the reason." - Drunk Chita Rivera on Gavin Creel

"Leia947 is my theatre mamma, and I love her for it." - AndAllThatJazz22

#2399Hair thread.
Posted: 10/18/09 at 9:19pm

Leia, that is amazing. Congratulations on your kinda/sorta Broadway debut! I'm glad to hear that the cast was so friendly. They SEEM like friendly people, and they are all very nice at the stagedoor... but you really never know until you REALLY meet them. That sounds like quite an experience and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

ETA: I just added Heat... and like an idiot I added a ridiculous message that almost made me sound like a stalker. This is what it said:

"I come to you as a HAIR fan who had the pleasure of having his head rubbed by you... and as someone whose hair looked like yours when you first started the show (literally...that's what you told me at the stagedoor! Hair thread. ) "

What was I thinking? Fail. Now he probably thinks that I REALLY think he is my friend. Mega Fail.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.
Updated On: 10/18/09 at 09:19 PM
