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TOOTSIE - Chicago tryout- Page 10

TOOTSIE - Chicago tryout

#225Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/26/18 at 7:47am

BalconyClub-- so many people here have said that the ending/'Big Reveal' is still a let-down. You've probably seen the show most; have you noticed anything at all that this is being worked on? It would be unfortunate if the creative team had this amazing show with a weak ending.

BalconyClub Profile Photo
#226Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/26/18 at 9:15am

bdboston said: "... people have said the ending/'Big Reveal' is still a let down; have you noticed anything at all that this is being worked on?

One reason the final reveal is less than satisfying is that we in the audience have already seen Michael remove his wig maybe 3 times while he is wearing a dress.

So near the end of Act 2 at the big reveal, the look of Michael in a dress without a woman's wig is no longer a visual surprise to us.

Once Michael reveals his secret, he explains why he did it, and then we hear and see the reactions from Rita Marshall, Ron Carlisle, Max Van Horn, then Julie Nichols.

I think it would feel more natural to see and hear the reactions BEFORE Michael explains why he did it.



#227Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/26/18 at 10:36am

TheSassySam said: "You could probably get an orchestra seat on TodayTix for $60. Mine was Row D Center."

Thanks! I've only seen $60 tickets for the balcony, gonna keep looking.

BalconyClub Profile Photo
#228Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/26/18 at 2:06pm

Use a code of FIRST to score a pair of main floor orchestra seats for $99. For performances today through Sunday, Sept 30.

#229Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/26/18 at 4:20pm

Is there a full understudy list in the playbill? Curous who covers who.

BalconyClub Profile Photo
#230Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/26/18 at 6:40pm

Before today's Sept 26 matinee, a charter bus from a Clinton, Iowa church arrived on Randolph Street.

The church group included Andy Grotelueschen's mom and a woman who once babysat Grotelueschen.

Grotelueschen (Jeff Slater) welcomed several passengers as they exited the bus. He shared several hugs and posed for pictures under the theatre marquee.

"I need to go warm up," he beamed.

I warned the babysitter about Jeff Slater's language, and in a typical Iowa stubborn moment, she said "I've heard it all."

Meanwhile, I had not bought a ticket ahead of the matinee, but a mom and daughter duo from Champaign IL had an extra $128 center orchestra fifth row seat. The daughter graciously accepted my initial offer of $20.

The dad had made a last minute decision to fly to Paris to watch the Ryder Cup!

As it is a two show Wednesday, I was not expecting any tweaks today, but a few small ones were evident.

The GODDESS line by Michael to partygoer Amy was dropped.

A Stan Field line to Michael about returning a STEAK has been changed to the IRS and MOM.

Welcome back to the brief flourish music atop the UNSTOPPABLE fantasy sequence!

Dorothy's line about Ron Carlisle's BLACKBERRY was removed.

At Dorothy's dressing room table, last night's higher chair was switched back to a standard height, yet a square white cushion was added to the seat.

Today, Max Van Horn WHISPERED the robe remark to Dorothy.

After the show, I grabbed two glazed donuts at a nearby Dunkin and watched the Iowa bus depart.

Updated On: 9/26/18 at 06:40 PM

BalconyClub Profile Photo
#231Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/26/18 at 8:31pm

MadsonMelo said: "No rush for this show or a cheap way to get a ticket?"

As Jorge indicated, the online lottery is EASY to win.

I have entered the lottery 8 times. My winning percentage is 100 percent. It's $25 plus a $2 service fee. 

I recommend entering the lottery!  Go on line Saturday Oct 13 between 9AM and 5PM CST to place a lottery entry for 1 or 2 tickets. Then, set an alarm for 5PM to remind yourself to see if you have won. You could be an instant winner or be placed on the standby list.  Standby winners are notified at 6PM.

If you are not a lottery winner, purchase a $37 limited view orchestra seat at the box office day of show.

Currently, there are boatloads of tickets available for the Oct 14 performance.

BalconyClub Profile Photo
#232Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/27/18 at 12:10am

Tonight's enthusiastic audience applauded when the curtain went up. It meant a good night ahead.

At the end-of-night curtain call, a camera man raced down one of the main floor aisles to the front of the house to capture the bows.

Fairly steady show in between!

Except, after Sandy's repeat slamming of a shoe on the chair in I KNOW WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN, it appeared that the heel broke off.

Even once this show freezes after its NY opening, I predict that the New 42nd St Studios audition singing of the first 2 auditioners will change from night to night. It's always a hoot to hear the changes from performance to performance.

#233Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/27/18 at 1:24am

How much money do you think you will have spent seeing this show when it's finished its run?  I'm just curious about this kind of hugely obsessive behavior.

BalconyClub Profile Photo
#234Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/27/18 at 7:42am

bk said: "How much money ...?"

Less than the cost of Cubs playoff tickets.


BalconyClub Profile Photo
#235Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/28/18 at 12:00am

Thursday Tweak Report:

A. During the opening number, there is a new ensemble ripple, in which each individual twirls, visually from right to left. Movement during the RISING LIKE THE MOON lyric has also changed.

B. At the apartment birthday party, the exchange between Michael and Amy was dropped. Instead, Michael is regaling 4 partygoers about theatre and opportunities. Amy is one of the 4.

C. The tartar sauce PEOPLE'S CHOICE reference has been changed to FOLLOWERS.

D. A canary yellow tube of belching FOG debuted tonight during the ALIVE rehearsal.

E. Rumps removed! That visual moment was replaced by a classic Fosse tipped hat gesture.

F.  In the duet WHO ARE YOU, Dorothy's anything and everything line was changed to THAT SOUNDS AMAZING.

G.  In UNSTOPPABLE, three marquees have been updated to Dolly Levi, Auntie Mame, and Beauty and the Beast.

H.  At the top of Act 2 when the curtain rises, the apartment was already in place downstage. Previously, the apartment had coasted forward during the last bars of the Entr'acte.

I.  Last but not least:  NEW LYRICS and music arrangements in the final scene.


Updated On: 9/28/18 at 12:00 AM

#236Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/28/18 at 10:32am

Looking forward to another go at TOOTSIE tonight in Chicago. I appreciate tracking the changes on a short time-delay due to the good reports here. Thanks for that. I'll share what I see tomorrow as I go for the third time.

A lover of theater for decades. Teacher by day. Family man by night. See more theater than most, oftentimes a hesitant plus one.

#237Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/28/18 at 11:34am

  I saw Tootsie on the opening night and then again last night, 9-27-18.  All I can say is that I think it has only gotten better.  It is shorter (15-20 minutes), starting at 7:40 and ending at 10:05.  Everything seems to move more quickly and if I am not mistaken, there is even less Julie Halston than there was on the 11th, which is a shame.  Sandy was played by the understudy last night and there seemed to be less of her fast paced song.  The original is the same, but my memory was that there were 2 reprises and last night there was just one.  They all seemed more comfortable and it is just a fun, entertaining evening.  To me, Santino and Lilli are really great, and supported by a cast of characters Jeff, Sandy, Max, Stan, Julie) that are just perfect.  Last night, the music struck me as much more like Dirty Rotten Scoundrels than it did the first time.  What an enjoyable night of theater.

BalconyClub Profile Photo
#238Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/28/18 at 3:06pm

schmoe said: "... Sandy ... there seemed to be less of her fast paced song. The original is the same, but my memory was that there were 2 reprises and last night there was just one.

Shalom Schmoe,  

Both short reprises are still there. One occurs soon after Michael and Sandy make dinner plans. The second reprise pops up in the final apartment scene.

I cannot keep up with the many changes in the show either!  

Ron Carlisle's reference to his father being a failed magician has returned to Carlisle's memory of growing up in a formal household.

kade.ivy Profile Photo
#239Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/28/18 at 10:06pm

Seeing the matinee tomorrow! Robert Horn posted on Instagram a photo of a notebook with the story caption “Pencils down.” Could this mean the Chicago production is frozen-do out of towns ever freeze? I seem to recall reading that press opening is Sunday?

At any rate, I’m thrilled to see it after these wonderful reviews in this thread. I’m new to the Midwest (been here just over a year) and can’t believe I’ve already been able to see three out-of-towns in Chicago (regrettably missed Cher over the summer)!

#240Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/28/18 at 11:05pm

BalconyClub said:"I cannot keep up with the many changes in the show either!"

...yeah, because the other 50 posts wouldn't suggest that at all. Nope. No bueno. Not at all!

Also, you must really be breaking the bank if you're spending a ton of money to see an out-of-town tryout in its entirety in terms of its run even though no one told you you had to, or whatever!

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#241Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/28/18 at 11:10pm

BalconyClub, I hope you're tuning out the one obnoxious user who isn't grateful for/fascinated by your updates about the show.

#242Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/28/18 at 11:23pm

BroadwayConcierge said: "BalconyClub, I hope you're tuning out the one obnoxious user who isn't grateful for/fascinated by your updates about the show."

You're equally as obnoxious as me, but you're not seeing me drag someone else under the rug!

Edit: also, why should I be fascinated??? Are you trying to tell me how to post or something? I assumed "policing" was against this board's virtues, or does the rule not apply to you...?

Updated On: 9/28/18 at 11:23 PM

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#243Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/28/18 at 11:28pm

I'm not saying you need to be either thing. I'm saying you ought to stop chastising BalconyClub for living his/her life the way he/she wants to.

Edit: Why do I continue to engage with somebody who suggested that another user was on incorrectly prescribed medication by a psychiatrist a few weeks ago?

Updated On: 9/28/18 at 11:28 PM

BalconyClub Profile Photo
#244Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/28/18 at 11:42pm

Friday Night Lights:

Gotta start with the ending first. The new verses that debuted Thursday night in the final scene may have turned out to be a one hit wonder.

Tonight, the ending returned to its usual pacing, lyrics, and music.

Earlier, in the Act 1 picnic scene, Ron Carlisle brought a NEW ITEM.

In the WHO ARE YOU duet, last night's That Sounds Amazing line by Dorothy changed tonight to That Sounds Wonderful.

Two more UNSTOPPABLE theatre marquees have been updated to Evita and Blanche DuBois.

In GONE GONE GONE, the upright piano had a new back cover. The colorful lighting in the scene looked more enhanced tonight.

It was also noticeable that Dorothy removed her wig LATER than usual in 2 musical scenes. In earlier previews, Dorothy had removed the wig several beats ahead of the last lyric. Tonight, the two short interludes ended before she removed the Dorothy persona.

Meanwhile, ERm Research collected detailed 3-part audience surveys Thursday and Friday night.

Updated On: 9/28/18 at 11:42 PM

Bwayfan292 Profile Photo
#245Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/28/18 at 11:43pm

Balcony club, I think its super cool that you do this. I appreciate it!

Would you say the show is getting better each night? or staying the same?

"Why was my post about my post being deleted, deleted, causing my account to be banned from posting" - The Lion Roars 2k18

#246Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/29/18 at 12:11am

BroadwayConcierge said: "Why do I continue to engage with somebody who suggested that another user was on incorrectly prescribed medication by a psychiatrista few weeks ago?"

And why do I continue to engage with someone who posted truly abhorrent things on the Off-Topic board, tried to cover it up with an "it's all good" thread in that typical BroadwayConcierge way, and has literally caused so many posters to leave because of his cloyingness and complete obnoxiousness in being "in charge" and basically being the self-appointed leader of a message board that didn't need one in the first place (political views notwithstanding!)

As much you want to believe it, BroadwayConcierge, I'm honestly not going anywhere; I will say what needs to be said, and I do not care how others react, because that is what these boards are for! You can report me and have me banned as much as you want, but I can see through your 'puppeteering' ways, and whatever your goal is in policing a message board will eventually blow up in your face!

Bwayfan292 Profile Photo
#247Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/29/18 at 12:15am

Dont rain on peoples parade! If Balcony club likes going to see Tootsie, who cares! Its their money and its bringing them joy!

As for BC, if you have such a problem with them block him! You wont see anything they post and you can enjoy the boards.

"Why was my post about my post being deleted, deleted, causing my account to be banned from posting" - The Lion Roars 2k18

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#248Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/29/18 at 12:21am

I also think it’s great that you do this. I don’t know how you do it, but I’m glad you do. Wicked toured near me this month. I had seen it twice when it first toured through Tulsa in 2009, but not since. I loved it so much when I saw it on matinee this month that I saw it again that night and then again a week later. Thank goodness for the lottery and discounts, but I think I overdid it even though my last time I got a $40 second row ticket - my best seat for Wicked, yet. Anyway, I don’t feel the need to see it again anytime soon and I love it! I don’t judge you though. I drove to Tulsa twice from OKC this month to see Wicked plus stayed overnight both times plus ate out plus bought a slew of merchandise. So i most likely spect more $$$ than you have with your lottery/discount Tootsie tickets. I also stagedoored the show twice so I suppose I’m prone to a bit of obsessiveness. Lol

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#249Tootsie - Chicago tryout
Posted: 9/29/18 at 12:39am

BalconyClub has been nothing but kind and accommodating, which is more than I can say about others. Just because we have a narcissist with aggressive communication tendencies as our president doesn’t mean we have to act like him. And Broadway Concierge, I don’t recall being bothered by any of your posts. .
