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Taking pictures of the set before the show starts- Page 2

Taking pictures of the set before the show starts

mikem Profile Photo
#25Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/12/14 at 11:45pm

The only time I personally have been at a regular performance of a Broadway show where people were taking photos and no one cared was at the curtain call for the recent revival of Hair, where many people were openly taking photos on stage. But that kind of fits in with the esthetic for the show.

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"

#26Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/12/14 at 11:50pm

Somebody upthread has a crappy cellphone.

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#27Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 12:00am

On the way out of the theater tonight I noticed a big sign in the lobby saying "Please turn off all electronic devices. Cameras are prohibited" Just saying.

Also to answer a few questions, The only reason I said something was because this person kept taking pictures. You want to bend the rules and take a quick picture, fine. But taking pictures over and over of the same set is redundant. The flash is very annoying when it is right by your eyes and you are trying to read the Playbill.

Maybe reemed was a strong word. He was corrected that pictures were in fact not allowed.
And as far as running to the house manager, he was standing right next to me because of another situation our boob of an usher had created during the show with people being disruptive a few rows back. So I asked about the picture policy. No running involved. And my white wine was tasty.

Updated On: 3/13/14 at 12:00 AM

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#28Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 12:15am

When I was at Les Miserables Monday night people were taking pictures like crazy before the show. None of the ushers said a word.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#29Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 12:21am

I was at Les Mis tonight, and pictures were going off like crazy before the show started. But once that downbeat hit, the ushers were out for blood. One usher came to the row behind us a few minutes into act one and said, "Please turn off your cameras, or we will have security come down and talk to you. We saw a camera go off here. Thank you."

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#30Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 12:28am

No offense, but what the hell is it to another theatre goer if a person is taking pictures BEFORE the show. If the ushers aren't doing anything to stop it, why press the matter- unless you own/have rights around said set. i just don't see the point..

Darreyl with an L!

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#31Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 12:29am

Yes, BUT if you want a picture of the set with you in front of it- buying a program won't get it.

Darreyl with an L!

#32Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 12:36am

Again if you want to take A picture fine. But 10, 15 come on. The flash is really ANNOYING while trying to read the Playbill.

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#33Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 12:52am

Did you ask the actually photo taker to stop and explain that?

Darreyl with an L!

#34Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 1:01am

YES, I asked them nicely to stop and the usher heard me asking them to stop and said it was okay to take pictures. I never ran to an usher. I was with another poster from BWW and she was shocked at the usher's response. I am a very sweet lady, and understand that a quick photo (I would never do it) is something the kids like to do, fine. But to take photos over and over of the same thing (which is technically not supposed to happen anyway) is just wrong. Buy a program. Support the show.

#35Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 1:08am

Direct quote form the PLAYBILL

"The use of any recording device, either audio or video, and the taking of photographs either with or without flash, is strictly prohibited. Please turn off all electronic devices such as cellular phones, beepers and watches. The use of cell phones in the theater is prohibited by New York City law."

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#36Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 1:24am

"The use of cell phones in the theater is prohibited by New York City law"
That's news to me, so you're not supposed to use your phone even before and during intermission. That seems soo extreme- why is that?

Darreyl with an L!

#37Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 1:28am

I have no idea, but pick up a Playbill and there is a little box, in the Les Miz one it's right under the cast list and it's there in black and white.

I just checked three Playbills, it is in a little box right under the cast list in all the Playbills.

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#39Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 1:41am

That's really surprising. I had no idea that was a law.

Darreyl with an L!

#40Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 1:43am

So not only is it annoying, it's illegal. So, I am well with my rights to tell them to stop taking pictures, or text or phone at ANY time in the theater. It's illegal. Again, I know it happens and I don't usually care but when it is excessive I get ticked off. Those flashes are annoying.

Updated On: 3/13/14 at 01:43 AM

#41Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 1:51am

You can perform a citizen's arrest!

Now t/d/b/a haterobics on here.

#42Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 2:05am

That is not the point, it's bad manners, you cannot light up in a theater. Why would you think that taking pictures or using your phone while you are at the theater to see a show was acceptable. Now that I know that it is a law, I will be curtailing my cell phone use at the theater.

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#43Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 2:33am

Now I wonder if this is ever enforced- where phones are not allowed to be out at all .

Darreyl with an L!

#44Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 2:37am

With the advent of phone cameras, it's become too prevalent to control. In the 70s, when home video cameras came into vogue, the licensing houses fought against taping productions, which they don't have the rights to grant. But when every parent showed up with a video camera to preserve their kid's precious performance, the licensing houses backed off. Don't sell it in the lobby, don't broadcast it on cable, and you'll be fine.

#45Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 2:47am

I was at MoMA (museums are covered under the law) and got an emergency phone call (I had the phone on vibrate btw) and was told I had to go outside to continue the call by one of the guards.

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
#46Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 5:56am

I always take a picture of my Playbill with the set in the background once I sit down at my seat, but never with flash. I always turn my phone off right after as well. It's as much for me to remember what it looked like and what theatre I was in than anything. I've only seen ushers get upset at people taking pictures at curtain call.

#47Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 11:06am

when I was at Les Mis, to my surprise, everyone was taking photos and no one was getting stopped so I too took a few. Yes, a few; the lighting is dim in that theater and the set/curtain is dark and nothing was coming out properly and hey, if the ushers didn't have a problem with it then why not? Not one usher stopped me or the 100s of others taking pictures.

However, at Rock of Ages, the usher yelled at anyone with a camera phone in sight, which is typically what happens, with good reason, at most shows I attend. The usher at RoA even gave my friend and I a speech "NO PHOTOS! NO PHOTOS!" as she was escorting us to our seats.

Also, at Cinderella, I saw people taking photos and overheard the ushers say to each other "are we supposed to stop them?" and the other replied "i don't think so. i think it's okay..."

I believe at most shows it's prohibited, and I understand why, but if an usher isn't stopping anyone, who are you, a patron, to tattle on another patron? That's just annoying IMO.

Updated On: 3/13/14 at 11:06 AM

#48Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 11:27am

SO buy a program, that's why they have them!

Once again, IT is ILLEGAL to use your phone all in the theater and I didn't tattle. I just asked her to stop taking pictures after the 10th one. The usher jumped in when he heard me ask her politely to PLEASE STOP, the flash was driving me crazy. Read the earlier posts. IT IS in the Playbill in black and white No photography with or without flash. Why don't people get this? and Once again if you want a quick snap shot fine. but to keep taking pictures of the same thing over and over is stupid. Buy a freaking program and support the show you love so dear.

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#49Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 11:29am

@Hairspray0901 -My feelings exactly!

Darreyl with an L!
Updated On: 3/13/14 at 11:29 AM
