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Taking pictures of the set before the show starts- Page 4

Taking pictures of the set before the show starts

Jane2 Profile Photo
#75Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 4:38pm

^ you've got a strange way of reasoning right there son.

Updated On: 3/13/14 at 04:38 PM

tmbyru Profile Photo
#76Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 4:51pm

Was at Aladdin and the usher told us to take all the pictures we wanted before the show started, including the curtain which I thought was copyrighted as well.

#77Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 4:58pm

Ok, so the curtain is copyrighted but the paintings on the hallways are not? That big Mufasa mask on the minskoff stairs is not? The scar costume on display right next to the souvernirs is not copyrighted? Or have people been taking illegal pictures of it all this time?

tmbyru Profile Photo
#78Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 5:02pm

I think maybe it's once you enter the theatre itself?

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#79Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 5:23pm

"SO buy a program, that's why they have them!"

Um very rarely do souvenir programs have photos of the curtin... just saying.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#80Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 8:08pm

"But why do you think taking pictures of the curtain is wrong and should therefore be prohibited?"

Because it's illegal. How hard is that to understand?

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Jane2 Profile Photo
#81Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 8:17pm

He doesn't get it, Diva.


Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#82Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 8:22pm

My thoughts, for what they're worth:

1. It's illegal. If you didn't know it before you know it now.
2. If you can get away with it, and you're not bothering anybody, and you don't care that it's illegal, go ahead, I guess, if it means something to you.
3. If you are bothering somebody, and they tell you so, stop doing it, because otherwise you're just being a dick. Also it's illegal, but mostly because you're bothering somebody and being a dick.
4. I imagine the OP kept saying the same thing because, despite her having said the same thing A LOT, people kept posting "Why do you care? What's the problem?"
5. I don't think there's much difference between the OP posting the same thing over and over and other folks either pointing out multiple times that she's said the same thing over and over or asking the same question a dozen other posters had asked.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#83Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 8:22pm


My most recent question to police officers who ignore smaller things was "How illegal does something have to be before you do anything about it?"

Wrong is wrong.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#84Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 8:32pm

"I don't think there's much difference between the OP posting the same thing over and over and other folks either pointing out multiple times that she's said the same thing over and over or asking the same question a dozen other posters had asked."

Guilty! I'm dizzy...

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#85Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 8:41pm

Why would you as an audience member tell someone to not take a picture before the show has begun? It can't possibly be ruining your enjoyment of the show as it hasn't started yet and I would be pretty annoyed if some other audience member told me what I can or cannot do before the show thinking they work for the production. I'm glad the usher made you look like a fool by saying the people taking pictures are totally fine.

I asked someone to stop taking pictures of a set pre-show once. It was less the act of taking the pictures and more that he was crawling all over the seats to do it. He was taking picture after picture at different angles - high, low, etc. I was trying to have a conversation and every so often a foot or hand would fly past my face. Running up and down our row of seats. So, I politely asked him to stop. When he asked why I told him that the set is copyrighted and it was illegal. He walked back to his seat where he grew a pair. He came back all huffy saying "other theatres let you do it". I told him just because you don't get caught doesn't make it right. He sat quietly the rest of the show.

As for enforcing the "no cellphones" rule I know the Sondheim does. I was on my phone when I attempted to enter the theatre but was told I had to finish my phone call in the lobby.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".
Updated On: 3/13/14 at 08:41 PM

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#86Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 8:46pm

Ghostlight, then my hard work ain't been done in vain for nothin'.

#87Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 8:57pm

" "But why do you think taking pictures of the curtain is wrong and should therefore be prohibited?"

Because it's illegal. How hard is that to understand?"

So I understand from your answer that you don't have any actual problems with pictures being taken besides it being illegal and that if the law were to chance and make it legal, then you'd be fine with it. Is that so?

Updated On: 3/13/14 at 08:57 PM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#88Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 9:00pm



#89Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 9:24pm

"Ghostlight, then my hard work ain't been done in vain for nothin'."

Reg, I can always count on you to (gently but firmly) slap some sense into me when I gang a-gley.

For this, much thanks.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#90Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 9:25pm

Taking pictures of the set before the show starts

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#91Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 9:58pm

Bottom line for me: I kinda see everyone's point. Do what you need to do, but don't trample on other people, be it their program-reading time or their valued intellectual property.

But if nobody cares--have at it.

Updated On: 3/13/14 at 09:58 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#92Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 10:14pm

The few minutes before a show begins are some of the most magical in my life. I say, put the camera down and experience the energy around you.

In the audience, some people are rushing in, some people are calmly reading their programs, some people are looking forward to the show, some dreading it, some have personal tragedies going on their lives they are hoping to forget for a few hours, some are on dates or celebrating anniversaries. Someone is attending the theater for the first time. Someone is from a foreign country and not sure if the words will make sense. Someone is there because a performer in the show is a particular favorite, or maybe the writers or the director or designers. Someone is there for a friend. Someone is there as a future performer...or a disappointed auditioner. Someone is excited already. Someone is bored already. Someone is about to have a peak experience. Maybe it's you.

Behind the curtain, the actors are just about ready. Some of them are nervous, some of them are old pros. There are technicians making sure everything is lined up to do well. Maybe there's an understudy or replacement about to go on. Maybe there's a theater legend about to make it fresh again. They have no idea what you and the rest of the audience will be like it. Maybe it'll be terrible. Maybe it'll be great.

Put the camera down and feel the energy. Say hello to the ghosts in the theater. Magic is about to happen--or not. That picture doesn't matter. Having a fuzzy souvenir of this moment doesn't matter. What matters is that you be present.

Updated On: 3/13/14 at 10:14 PM

#93Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 10:50pm

I still don't fully get the idea of intellectual property though. When the cast of Matilda perform on Macy's Thanksgiving Parade is it okay to take pictures? Aren't the costumes copyrighted and wouldn't this be a reproductions of intellectual property, and thus illegal?

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#94Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 11:33pm

Lots of people were taking pictures in front of the set at Cinderella tonight before the show. In fact, one group of people were taking turns taking group pictures infront center with the stage . The Ushers did not seem to care; I took one of the set, just because this thread was on my mind. LOL

Darreyl with an L!

Liza's Headband
#95Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 11:35pm

felip. it's a very complex matter. Feel free to read more here:

This is just on costumes. Doesn't address scenery, show curtains, and so on.

uncageg Profile Photo
#96Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 11:42pm

Beautifully put PalJoey. If there was a like button I would hit it a thousand times for your post.

Just give the world Love.

MarkBearSF Profile Photo
#97Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/13/14 at 11:54pm

Thank you for such a well-written post, Pally. It just increased my anticipation for the pre-show anticipation on our upcoming trip in May.
(And, for the record, I never take photos - primarily because ...why would I want to do so???)

Liza's Headband
#99Taking pictures of the set before the show starts
Posted: 3/14/14 at 12:43am

Not a very scholarly read. He just echoes the personal sentiments. I think the legal argument is just as compelling, and one that all those complaining on here should begin to learn and understand. Here are a few good places to start...
