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Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night

ozone20 Profile Photo
#1Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 10:30am

Anyone see her in Rent last night? if so HOW WAS SHE????
Updated On: 5/30/07 at 10:30 AM

#2re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 10:51am

I wasn't there, but one of my friends was, and she said that her voice is amazing, but she needs to work on her acting. She felt that Tamyra would improve, though. She also apparently kept her hair short.

ozone20 Profile Photo
#2re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 11:15am

Thanks! hmm.. a mimi with a different hairstyle.. doenst bother me. kind refershing in fact.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#3re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 11:54am

Her hair is really the least of my concerns, although I'm sure we'll get Rentheads who think the most important thing is that "OMG MIMI NEEDS TO HAVE LONG CURLY HAIR," or else the show is just entirely wrong.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 5/30/07 at 11:54 AM

#4re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 12:00pm

The only reason I was interested in her hair was because people were wondering how she was going to do the glitter, since she can't put it in her hair. So apparently she has a bunch of glitter in her bra and pulls it out and throws it/sprinkles it. I think she looks better with short hair; she would look odd with the normal Mimi hair.

#5re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 12:01pm

I've seen long-haired Mimis who didn't use any glitter at all.

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

ozone20 Profile Photo
#6re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 12:14pm

i think she would look fine with the long curly hair too. Either way i LOVE that she is doing something different(with the short hair). just an interesting sidenote.
I am most interested in critique of her acting and vocals. will be interesting to hear that feedback.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#7re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 2:18pm

I was there last night and let me tell you, she's FIERCE. She looks amazing in all the costumes, and the girl can sing her butt off. The acting faded in and out for me, but there were moments where she was FANTASTIC. Her 'Out Tonight' and 'Without You' were really really wonderful, and I think after she spends a little more time with her character, she'll be giving a really really full, fleshed out performance as Mimi. Definitely enjoyed her, and glad she's there.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#8re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 3:09pm

glad to hear.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.

almostxfamous Profile Photo
#9re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 3:40pm

That's refreshing. Somene who hasn't done rent for the past 5 years.

ozone20 Profile Photo
#10re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 3:42pm

wow. amazing. i had a feeling she would be fierce in the role. i imagine as well that as she really digs into it, she'll be quite an amazing Mimi. excellent to hear.

also who is the the seasons chick now. and is she good? Updated On: 5/30/07 at 03:42 PM

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#11re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 3:50pm

Maia Nkenge WIlson is the new soloist and she's fantastic. It's hard to replace Gwen Stewart, but she hits some amazing notes during SOL. All in all, both replacements are great and very refreshing in the show. I agree that it's nice to see new people take on the show.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

ozone20 Profile Photo
#12re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 3:53pm

why do they keep using rehashed talent? do they ever use FRESH NEW TALENT? or are they always pick from some past rent tour?
guess it saves them money in the end.

#13re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 4:23pm

why do they keep using rehashed talent?

It makes good business sense. If you bring in someone who knows the role (and can still do a good job), then you're looking at minimal rehearsal opposed to rehearsing a brand new performer. You're also looking at someone that knows the ropes re: the business side of the show, etc. They transition in very easily.

Plus, I'd rather see ANY recycled "Roger" than sit through the current "fresh" Roger they have there now. In all the years of seeing this show, I've never seen a more bizarre/inconsistent performance *ever*.

I saw the show a few weeks ago, and I thoroughly enjoyed the veteran performers (who've been around a while or are currently filling in)...and I was unimpressed with some of the "new" faces.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#14re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 4:25pm

Now I'm curious. Who's the current Roger? I'm assuming it's not Tim Howar? I'm so out of the loop, just sort of awaiting The Return.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 5/30/07 at 04:25 PM

antiandrewx Profile Photo
#15re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 4:27pm

It's Tim still. Although Kyle Post has been going on a lot recently and he is a horrible Roger.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#16re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 4:36pm

I can't wait to revisit "RENT" again -- wow - that's like almost more than 10 years.... I cant wait to see her but I will wait forAdam Pascal & Anthony Rapp this summer -j*

#17re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 4:36pm

I like how you capitalized it, em. I, too, am waiting for The Return (got my tickets for 8/8 right here!)

#18re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 4:43pm

I saw Tamyra last night and loved her. I was glad that she stuck to the style of singing that Mimi does and didn't oversing everything like so many r&b singers do when they go to broadway. I also thought her acting was really good, better than Rosario or the touring Mimi I saw last month. I thought she played it well without copying previous Mimi's and I thought she really made good choices and stuck to them, it was more realistic then say Maureen, who was amazing but does the whole overacting because its a musical thing. Tamyra to me was very into the character and showed really emotion, you need to go just to see her "Without You" and her "Goodbye Love" the lovesick desperation she put into her voice, not to mention she was really crying, was astonishing. I had gossebumps and was about to cry. I really want to go back and see her after she's been there a little while, especially when Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp are there because Adam and Tamyra's voices are gonna be phenomonal together and how much her and Roger got into each others faces, pushing each other and sangin it out, it'll be a true broadway "moment".

#19re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 4:45pm

Now I'm curious. Who's the current Roger?

I saw Tim 2 weeks ago. In the last 10 years, I've seen outstanding, great, good, acceptable, and poor performances from various people in the role. I've never been as disgusted with a performance. (A few of the vocal moments were ok in some songs, but overall I couldn't get over how forced and bizarre his *anger* was...often coming out of nowhere. His characterization - if you can call it that - was all over the place.) Some friends I traveled with went a few days later, and they felt the same. One of them texted me at intermession calling it "William Shatner" acting re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night I had to giggle.

Timote, I'm going 8/8 as well re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#20re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 4:51pm

Well, it is indeed momentous. re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night I'm not gonna lie, I'm jump-out-of-your-pants excited.

I saw Tim really early in his run. I think he had been in the cast... maybe a week. I was really impressed -- he was far from my favorite, but certainly more than passable. I like angry Rogers. re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night As time's gone on, though, I've been reading more and more negative thoughts on his performance. It's a bummer, because he started out quite well.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 5/30/07 at 04:51 PM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#21re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 4:54pm

Saw Rent last week for the first time in six years. LOVED Tim. Yes, slightly over-the-top in the anger dept, but it suited him.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#22re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 5:36pm

it was more realistic then say Maureen, who was amazing but does the whole overacting because its a musical thing.

It's not "overacting because it's a musical." Maureen is always played over the top, like she's constantly performing. It's not supposed to be realistic; she's a drama queen that takes herself so seriously she doesn't realize how over the top she is.

I think most people are holding out to see her until Adam and Anthony are there as well. It'll be awhile before there's a sampling of reviews.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 5/30/07 at 05:36 PM

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#23re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 6:18pm

"it was more realistic then say Maureen, who was amazing but does the whole overacting because its a musical thing."

If someone is overacting, I don't understand what's "amazing" about that.

And orange, there's a difference between an over-the-top, overdramatic character and the actress over-acting and being too aware of the character's absurdity. Most Maureens tend to be the latter.
Updated On: 5/30/07 at 06:18 PM

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#24re: Tamayra Gray/RENT/Last night
Posted: 5/30/07 at 7:37pm

Define "most". Most of the few you've seen? Haven Burton, the current understudy (yes, current! Shock, I know, there ARE good actors in Rent post-OBC!) has given the most consistently good performances as Maureen I've seen- Idina included.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
