Leading Actor Joined: 1/26/06
Honestly, I think they are referring to college students. Maybe I am wrong. However, im a student who is thankfull that I am able to get these cheap seats. Teenagers will probably get there two hours before as it says. It wont be a big deal. Im sure since they announced the policy clearly, they will check for valid ID.
"Teenagers will probably get there an hour beofre."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! Funny joke!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/18/04
An hour before? Ha.
As for rush versus lotto, lotto makes it equal for everyone--I would rather there be a lotto for the show than rush.
Stand-by Joined: 3/2/06
an hour early? Kidding... right?
2-3 hours is more realistic and that's for not so popular show.
the three times that my friends and I rushed Aida, we got there at 6am...four hours before the box office opened. the people who got there one hour before (9am) did not get rush tickets.
If they are going to do a rush policy (with a first row held for rush seats - not just "what's left") they should sell the student tickets at 10:00 AM because trust me - in the midst of the summer, there will be people camped out all day until 6:00 PM.
Miguel Bennett, how can you say "trust me" when you've proven over and over your word is useless? Have you remembered yet whether or not you actually have seen The Wedding Singer or whether you attended a wedding that had a singer?
I actually think student rush is a lot more fair than the lotto, because if you make the effort to get to the theatre early and wait, you're basically guaranteed a seat. With lotto, people who get there hours after you could get picked while you get stuck without a ticket. As for the time rush consumes, I don't think people do rush unless they know they have that time.
And I was wondering if the rush for Tarzan would be in the obstructed view section. That would suck, but to evoke the old cliché, beggars can't be choosers.
I think a lot of it depends on the popularity of the show. RENT basically adopted their lottery because the same groupies kept lining up for it night after night (often literaly minutes after the curtain fell) which not only made it "not fair" to other people, but it became a potential liability when you had 30 people camped out on the sidewalk during the middle of sub zero temperatures in February.
I don't think TARZAN is going to be like that, but I would imagine Disney would have very low tolerance for anything cluttering up the outside of the theatre - I mean have you seen how clean Disneyland is?
Updated On: 4/5/06 at 07:11 PM
"With lotto, people who get there hours after you could get picked while you get stuck without a ticket"
Lottos are 30 minutes max.
Edit: Except in Chicago, where people have all day until 6pm to enter the Wicked lotto. And there might be other cases. In NYC, it's 30 minutes.
Updated On: 4/5/06 at 09:28 PM
Broadway Star Joined: 10/22/05
OOOOMMMMMMGGGGGGG, i already spent $220 on two tickets on it for june and now im really mad. Do you think I can return them since the show sells out???
any cute students with proper ID wanna take an Old Guy to the show?
This policy will be moot once the show opens.
Undergraduate students are NOT the only "poor" people who benefitted from lotteries. On the average, graduate students are actually poorer than undergrads (who tend to have their parents' support). These rush policies infuriate me as a graduate student. I've got far less money than I did as an undergrad, yet many places (like Tarzan) think I should be paying full price. - Starletta (I think... too lazy to switch back)
Yes, I agree that grad students can be just as broke/broker than undergrads. I'm a senior undergrad now and am starting grad school in the fall where my "international student" status will prohibit me from working as much as I currently do. What I think they *should* do is to follow the Second Stage Theatre policy - rather than Student Rush, make it Youth Rush. In this way, the "target audience" of (primarily students) under 25 can buy affordable tix but then there's no loss for kids who can't go to college for various reasons/recent grads drowning in debt/etc. Making sure that someone doesn't do rush more than once or twice a month can also spread the wealth.
But I have no sympathy whatsoever to people who would go to the Tarzan lottery multiple times complaining about the student status - if you can afford to see the show in lotto seats 4 times, then you can buy a full price ticket once. I think it's more unfair for people like that to, in a sense, "deprive" students or others from seeing shows... why not let everyone have a shot.
Whatever, I have no intention of seeing Tarzan because there are so many better shows out there, but I find it amusing that you all are so up in arms about this whereas if you were an undergrad I doubt you'd be upset.
"if you can afford to see the show in lotto seats 4 times, then you can buy a full price ticket once."
Why would I want to see it once when I can see it 4 times?
"I think it's more unfair for people like that to, in a sense, "deprive" students or others from seeing shows... why not let everyone have a shot."
Do you think that people will not be going to get student rush multiple times??
Understudy Joined: 9/24/05
If the rush winds up being in the back of the Orchestra, I will be pissed as hell. I'm a student, I'm poor... but I want to actually be able to see the entirety show. And I certainly can't afford full price tickets.
I prefer a lotto. I'd much rather try multiple times and only win once or twice when I KNOW I'm going to have a good seat, than stand around for hours and wind up with a ****ty seat.
Someone needs to rush and report back as to how the whole thing is handled.
I'm going home for break in about a week, maybe I'll rush Tarzan ans find out where the seats are, I can always not take the tickets if they're in the back of the orchestra...I think I'd rather see something else anyway. If I end up doing it, I'll report back.
Any word on where these seats are located?
"if you can afford to see the show in lotto seats 4 times, then you can buy a full price ticket once."
Why would I want to see it once when I can see it 4 times?
1. Because it's Tarzan...
2. True, maybe you *would* like to see it 4 times, but some people could only drop $20 to see it once... I live with first-year college students, some of whom are on fin. aid, working a work-study job to pay off add'l loans or for tuition itself, and barely have money for food outside of the mandatory meal plan. True, this is not EVERY undergrad, but if one of my kids saw it once they'd be content. Very few - if any - could afford to pay the regular price for a seat unless if they were dependent on their parents. Why not be so selfish?
"I think it's more unfair for people like that to, in a sense, "deprive" students or others from seeing shows... why not let everyone have a shot."
Do you think that people will not be going to get student rush multiple times??
Like I said in my previous posting, I think that they should follow that of Jersey Boys and some other shows and restrict it to one pair of student rush tix per 1 month or whatever time period. All it would take them is an extra couple of seconds per ticket to enter a name into a spreadsheet/database. No biggie at all.
Stand-by Joined: 1/17/06
Some friends of mine got rush tickets for tonight's performance and they were seated in the front row on the side. I'm not sure if those are partial view or not.
When I saw the show I was in the center, but I'm sure the view from the sides is fine.
Updated On: 4/6/06 at 11:03 PM
Broadway Star Joined: 6/15/03
hey gboogie,
just wondering what time your friends got there for rush? Thanks in advance:)
So, I just got off the phone with the TARZAN box office and they told me that Rush policy was back to a lottery. Can anyone confirm?
Broadway Star Joined: 10/22/05
They so would not go back after 1 day.
Not true, I asked at the box office today.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/22/05
Does anyone know where the Student Rush tickets are located in the theater? Has anyone sat in them? Are they fairly good seats?