yay! Much better then lotto if you ask me..
yay! now i'll be able to get in! lotteries are annoying cause u have no control at least this way if you really want to see it you can by getting there waaaaay early.
Stand-by Joined: 9/6/05
Does anyone know if this is still for front row?
Waiting around for hours and hours to get rush tickets will be a huge waste of time. Especially in the middle of the day!
Granted, I will still do it, but I'd much rather have a lottery! It equalizes everyone who is poor and wants to see the show, or who couldn't get tickets because they are sold out.
don't some shows have both? this seems strange, and by the way, my college doesn't have different id's for undergrad and grad, so I have no idea how the theater could tell the difference
How can you still do it if you're not undergrad... are you going to cheat the system and deprive poor undergrads from seeing Tarzan?
If they actually check then you'll need to have one of those validation stickers or what not on your card... well if I want to see it I have one month left since they don't count grad school... ah well I didn't really want to see it anyways.
A rush is much better in my opinion, especially for a show like Tarzan. This makes me very happy.
what the heck is a validation sticker? my SUNY New Paltz id doesn't even have an exp. date or a issued date
this is not an improvement. If you read the article, it says that rush will be based on availibility- so that means whatever tickets they don't sell. And since it will sell out for a while-no rush.
Does that mean that starting tomorrow, all the front row seats that they have been saving for lotto will be sold at the box office? Or will they keep the front for the rush tickets?
at my school we're supposed to get a sticker every semester with the first 2 letters of the semester (like FA or SP) and then the last 2 digits of the year. if we want to go to the met for free, per se, we need the sticker on.
anyways, it just bugs me when people lie about their status. my mom coerces my little brother to do those hi five tix all the time and will sometimes go w/o him... whatever she makes me pissed off like no other... but crap like that just annoys me. because honestly, most undergrads/high schoolers really can't afford to pay full ticket price.
Stand-by Joined: 9/6/05
I don't know about what JackiesBroJoe said. A lot of shows say their rush is based on availability, and all that means is that there are only a certain number of rush tickets so just showing up doesn't guarantee you'll get a ticket.
I think it might still be front row, because that hadn't been sold because of lotto, and the rest of the theatre is sold out (or close) for weeks.
Updated On: 4/5/06 at 12:52 AM
My feeling is that Tarzan's student rush is going to be like Jersey Boys'. I guess they realized that when there are many obstructed view seats that they have to deal with (I read that they are trying to modify the show to limit the obstructed view as much as possible), giving out the front row seat for $20 isn't a wise idea.
So the seats for student rush would be those obstructed view seats that they haven't sold (as JB's case).
I suppose Disney might want to sell those front row tickets if they are having so many complaints about the bad sight lines in the theatre...At any rate it sounds like it is "subject to availability" which usually means when they have free seats which for Tarzan will be in 2008.
Or this is their solution for the obstructed view in the back of the orchestra- Have the last row or two of the orchestra be student rush, and move people who have already bought seats there to the front.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/04
Having the rush seats in the back makes sense. While thats certainly not a popular decision among us students, it does make sense.
That's what I was thinking...that it is the obstructed view seats. If that is the case, it should be an addition to the lotto.
Rush is much better than lotto - I can't stand lotto's and avoid them at all costs.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Yes, lite2shine, just like Jersey Boys, with one fake student in the front of the line saving places for six scalpers who show up five minutes before rush tickets go on sale...
I VERY MUCH perfer student rush to lottery. I think it is a lot more secure. What kind of seats do you think they offer for Tarzan?
I agree, lite2shine. The student rush tickets will most likely be in the back of the orchestra. That makes the most sense. $20 for a partial view seat instead of $55 or whatever they are charging (and I think that price goes up after May 10th).
Broadway Star Joined: 1/6/05
I very much prefer rush over lottery. Since you have to wait on the line now, you probably won't see the same people there over and over again. And now the people who REALLY want to see the show can if they can spare a few hours one morning, not just some tourists walking by saying, "Hmm.. what's this?"
Stand-by Joined: 3/2/06
It seems like with partial view seats, the front row beceame a very good seat. Instead of selling it $20, now, let's sell it full price and do rush on the whatever available(meaning partial view seats).
No complain, better than nothing but I just don't think that it's better than lottery system.
Also, hey! If you are theatre lover and happen to be poor, well sorry and bye bye.
alli, if I'm reading the press release correctly, they sell the tickets two hours before the show, not in the morning, right?