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Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto- Page 2

Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto

elimeyer Profile Photo
#25re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 10:07am

As a non student, this sucks!

Lottery makes theater available to those of us with limited funds AND time.

Student Rush means I can't get tix AND HOURS waiting for first come first served (LINES LINES LINES)for Students!!!

Without a lottery, I wound not have been able to see Wicked and Rent, (still trying for Q lol).

Oh well, Strike 2 - Disney wins again... 1st they won't hire me cause I have a beard, (even to sell CD's and Programs at "The Lion King" in Ft Lauderdale) now this....

-elli- Visit me @ "They say that life is 'Tit for Tat' and thats the way I live, so I deserve a lot of 'TAT' for what I've got to give!!!"

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#26re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 10:07am

...but if you show up exactly two hours before, there will already be a line of people down the block. I'm sure Ali (and all the rest of us) will want to get there a couple hours early to guarantee that she will get a ticket.

WaltSummersPI Profile Photo
#27re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 10:07am

1st they won't hire me cause I have a beard

OK, what's THAT story?

WithoutATrace, point taken. Updated On: 4/5/06 at 10:07 AM

#28re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 10:12am

Disney wants a clean-cut image, which makes them adverse to facial hair. I don't blame them , I think facial hair is gross, but I digress. As for the change, I don't like how they discriminate against grad students, who are just as poor as undergrads. I wonder how closely they check IDs. I know Jersey Boys didn't even look at mine.

#29re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 11:00am

On second thought, I wonder if the production was asked by the city to stop lottery. As much as I love the lottery, the sidewalk in front of Richard Roger is not good for the amount of crowd for its lottery.

Anyway, this is a bad news for me.

#30re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 11:06am

"On second thought, I wonder if the production was asked by the city to stop lottery. As much as I love the lottery, the sidewalk in front of Richard Roger is not good for the amount of crowd for its lottery."

Under that logic then the city should shut down pedestrian traffic in Times Square. The city cannot tell them to NOT do a lottery, at most they can restrict where they do business. But I doubt they did it in this case. Plus Tarzan isn't the only show with a lottery. Avenue Q frequently blocks pedestrian traffic as dies RENT and (sometimes) Hairspray.

liotte Profile Photo
#31re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 11:44am

So I just reread Tom Schumacher's statement, and he wants the show to be accessible for students. But by doing the rush at the same time (6pm) as the lotto, the students would have been able to go enter the lotto, and not waste hours of their day sitting around on the sidewalk outside the theaterwhen they should be studying (if Tom is so big on students).

The show had great publicity with the lotto- tourists, locals, people of all ages could enter. Lots of people on the sidewalk, a guy yelling with a megaphone, it brought a lot of attention and people would come over to see the attraction. Now, there will be a bunch of teenagers sitting outside the theater all day, I don't think parents or tourists who are visiting in town will want to go if they think teens are the target audience.

#32re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 11:50am

"Now, there will be a bunch of teenagers sitting outside the theater all day, I don't think parents or tourists who are visiting in town will want to go if they think teens are the target audience."

Well, this is how RENT first started, they switched to a lottery after what, a year? If people start camping out I think we'll see Disney eliminate it all together or go back to the lottery.

liotte Profile Photo
#33re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 11:56am

Agreed, I hope they get rid of the rush soon.

Honestly, they need to do like Beauty and the Beast, or Lion King- CHANGE THE THEATER. Sales are open til what, October? Close the show for a month, 6 weeks, whatever, and reopen for the holidays in a new theater with better sight lines and a larger amounts of seats to accomodate more audience members. Then do a student rush or a lotto if they want to have that policy.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#34re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 11:59am

This is pure ageism(sic)
I'm sure it is a business deal to sell those obstructed view seats cheaper and sell first row for Top dollar.

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#35re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 12:06pm

I'm sure it is a business deal to sell those obstructed view seats cheaper and sell first row for Top dollar.

Of course it is. No one was buying full price orchestra seats in the front row or the back rows. They're potentially losing lots of money. It's better for them to fix this "problem" now before it opens than to have it while open and struggling to get people to see the show. I think it's a smart move for them. This in no way is trying to help out the students of America.

That said, I may actually try for the student rush now. But if the seats are in the obstructed view areas, I might wait to get the money and buy a full-price ticket. And if that's the case, I'd rather have a lottery.


#36re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 12:21pm

"How can you still do it if you're not undergrad... are you going to cheat the system and deprive poor undergrads from seeing Tarzan?" -dreaminarent

Excuse me if I sound offensive to anyone (in advance).

Undergraduate students are NOT the only "poor" people who benefitted from lotteries. On the average, graduate students are actually poorer than undergrads (who tend to have their parents' support). These rush policies infuriate me as a graduate student. I've got far less money than I did as an undergrad, yet many places (like Tarzan) think I should be paying full price.

liotte Profile Photo
#37re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 12:26pm

And for those who have recently (or those not recently) graduated from grad school or undergrad, student loans are quite expensive to be paying off!!

ShuQ Profile Photo
#38re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 12:37pm

I support this idea...I think the people who are willing to work their ass off to get to the theatre and get in line should get the tickets. Now, I personally probably won't be one of those people, but I know how expensive it can be to see a show in New York.

It could always be worse...there could be NO lotto or student rush. Quit your b****ing...if you wanna see the show that damn bad, but a ticket full price.

Princeton78 Profile Photo
#39re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 12:39pm

Those of us who have our degrees, yet are still po' get gypped by this.

"Y'all have a GRAND day now"

TBM1020 Profile Photo
#40re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 12:42pm

the press release from Disney didnt say anything about the student rush being for the obstructed view seats - maybe they will still be the front row tickets they were holding for the lottery - why dont we wait and see before bashing them for putting the poor students in the obstructed view seats - if that proves to be the case, then bash away, but until then, good for them for giving the opportunity to students to see the show for 20 bucks - i do however agree that it shouldnt be limited to undergrad students, as few grad students have money to spare

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#41re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 12:56pm

In terms of the studying vs. waiting in line all day...of course this doesn't apply to all students, but when it's me doing something like that, I bring my homework and actually get a lot more studying done while waiting on the line than I do when I'm at home because then I go on BWW instead of studying.

And I'm not sure, but is it premature to be assuming there will be huge lines and people waiting for HOURS? I honestly don't know, and am generally curious. I mean, I don't see why it would be so different from most rushes, where people tend to get there 2 hours early the earliest.

And I honestly didn't expect lotto or rush or anything for Tarzan, since Disney doesn't do that with Beauty and the Beast or the Lion King.

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

jakebloke Profile Photo
#42re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 12:56pm

I don't mind that they are going to do a rush policy instead of lotto. If you are willing to wait for the seat, then should get a ticket. BUT, I don't agree with a student Rush, especially for only undergrad students. I had way more money when I was undergrad. I like general rush better because it allows anyone who may not be able to pay full price get tickets. But then you have more problems with scalpers buying them. So I think they need to maybe limit the amount of times you can do it like they did for Chicago back in it's day. You could only rush once a month I believe. They made copies of your ID supposedly. I don't know how true that is, but some kind of system that helped stop scalpers from getting in line everyday would be good. Hmmm maybe the lotto is a better system :)

darkmist115 Profile Photo
#43re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:18pm

even though the seats may suck, it's kind of exciting. easier for m to get inre: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto. at least when it stops selling out (summer, mayhaps?).

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#44re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:21pm

I predict Disney is true to their fine print and scraps this entire rush/lotto thing by the end of the summer. "Subject to Availability" could basically mean never.

liotte Profile Photo
#45re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:22pm

Right now, people get to Jersey boys around 7am for the rush tickets that go on sale at 11. People are already in line at 11 for the rush tickets that go on sale at 4:30.

And I wouldn't count on it not being sold out this summer.

WRQ- You get homework done? I have done rush with you before, you don't study!! You talk to everyone around you.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#46re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:27pm

Yeah, but this is a Disney show. There is NO way they are going to allow a crowd of teenagers sleeping and camping out outside of the theatre.

First time that happens, they will scrap the student rush tickets.
Updated On: 4/5/06 at 01:27 PM

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#47re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 2:01pm

When I'm alone Liotte :-P Or depending on how pressing the need to get my HW done is. Usually it's not very pressing. That's not my fault...

Wow, sorry. I don't do rush that often, didn't realize how early people are getting there for them.

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

#48re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 2:13pm

I believe that the front row will probably be for student rush. Look at Movin Out and how it was able to accept ID in the front row. In fact, the front row is probably more likely to be obstructed because you have to look up the whole time.

"This is a stupid story. It never stops. But we keep making lemonade! We're opening the biggest f***ing lemonade stand you ever saw!" -Walter Bobbie after a long day of Sweet Charity Rehersals (

liotte Profile Photo
#49re: Tarzan Student Rush instead of Lotto
Posted: 4/5/06 at 2:17pm

The front row is awesome, and definitely not obstructed. It's just close. I loved sitting there, whether for Tarzan, Movin' Out, Seussical, Footloose, etc.
