Thanks so much!
This is my new permanent desktop.
Someone in a Tree is easily the vocal/musical highlight of PO...
STP: Are you sitting in the mezz or the orchestra for your performance of PO?
Unfortunately, I only got Mezz, as I am seeing it with four other people and we couldn't get any orchestra seats together.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/4/04
It's not that unfortunate, Priest. The mezz has plenty of advantages in this production.
You're better off in the mezz, as Plum said, Priest. You'll see why when you're seated... Oh, and don't forget to look up sometimes...
I do wish I had seen the production when it was done for the Lincoln Center Festival, though... Just to be able to compare the two.
Yep, Mezz. is better than some other places in the theater...
Oh, and that's been my desktop for a while now.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/31/04
hi there,
i need an alto/belter sondheim song, and quick. can't be sweeney. oh, and it shouldn't be too obscure. i'd like to be able to put my fingers on it real quick. any suggestions? puh-lease.
while i'm at it, i might as well put in a plea for an early 1900s up-tempo song for a pirates of penzance audition.
cheers! (and thank you so much)
Updated On: 12/8/04 at 01:02 AM
is "More" from Dick Tracy available?
"I wash my face, then drink beer, then I weep. Say a prayer and induce insincere self-abuse, till I'm fast asleep"- In Trousers
I love that song Matt...then I love all things Sondheim...hence the reason I'm BUMPing this thread
Someone had the gall to post for audition help in a Sondheim thread?
Well, at least she didn't start a new thread.
But she did a fine job of killing this one.
This thread is a shining beacon on the main page of the message board right now...
Has anyone heard anything else about a potential Assassins tour I heard whispers that a private investor was looking into touring it.
there is a song called everyone wants to be sondheim, and they got permission from him to kind of make fun of him, using peaces of different music from his shows as kind of a tribute. it really is a great song, and if you know his stuff you will enjoy it very much.
Sum, if that were true, I would be the happiest person on earth.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/4/04
Actually, I also heard that rumor. Don't remember where, though.
Has anyone still heard anything about a potential Assassins tour?
Sigh, Oh well.
It was a long shot anyway.
I can't see it happening anymore; too much time has passed since it closed.
Damn you and your voice of reason.
I think I need to listed to my Assassins recording tonight... again....
Anyone have the English National Opera recording of Pacific Overtures? (looking hopefully at Priest) How does it compare to the OBCR?
The English Opera recording is more complete, and perhaps has a fuller sound to it, but it lacks the charisma and charm of the OBCR.
Mako is reason alone to buy the OBCR.
The English Opera recording is argubly better sung, but I still find the OBCR more enjoyable to listen to.
It's great, but the OBCR is far superior.
That recording is on my Wish List, but I'm content with my OBCR right now (and with the Revival recording on the way ).
So. What'd you think of the Revival Recording?
I was fairly disappointed in it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/5/04
While it was great to get more of the dialogue, there's a lack of intensity and vibrancy to the performances on the revival CD that wasn't apparent in the theatre. There the sense of urgency and electricity that you find on the best cast albums is missing here. It's as if they were a bunch of hired studio singers who didn't know the material, rather than the actual actors doing the show 8 times a week.