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The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.

The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.

Princeton78 Profile Photo
#1The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 6:27pm

I'm starting a thread in honor of Hairspray beginning its final week of performances at the Neil Simon Theater. For many, this show is a favorite and it has brought great joy to my life. I consider it to be the best musical of this decade, I consider the original cast to be one of the brightest ever assembled and I consider "You Can't Stop The Beat" to be the most exciting, explosive, and in many ways...moving finale on Broadway in years.
I've seen the show 5 times on Broadway, 3 times on tour and twice in regional theatre, and it never gets old. I tip my hat to the creators and all those how have brought joy to many theatergoers over the years.
Best of luck to the cast, crew and staff over at the Neil Simon this week!

**Feel free to use this thread to share your thoughts and experiences concerning Hairspray and its outstanding Broadway run**

"Y'all have a GRAND day now"

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#2re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 6:33pm

It was never one of my favorites, but it is still very sad to see it go. Best of luck to cast and crew.

#2re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 9:10pm

I didn't get into this show until 2007 when I first saw the movie. I just never bothered to see it or even listen to the cast recording - why? I don't know. But, I saw the movie, opening night and LOVED it. Which brings me to my first time seeing it on Broadway (Neil Simon Theatre). Ironically enough, my first time seeing it was January 4th 2008. I absolutely loved it, and to this day, I CAN'T get enough of it. I mentioned in another thread how I already got back to NY to see it a couple of weeks ago and now I am going to catch the final performance. I'm looking forward to it as Harvey Feirstein and Marissa Jaret Winokour were GREAT! Having never seen the complete original cast, it was special to see these two in action - they have great chemistry together. I also saw Clarke Thorell who was impressive as well.

I will miss this show but will continue to listen to the cast recording and remember how much fun it was while it lasted.

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#3re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 9:24pm

I am sorry to see it close before Pia Zadora had a chance to be in it.


DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#4re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 9:47pm

Oh Sueleen, whatever will we do with you? re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.

If it makes you feel better, I saw Pia Zadora in the final performance of Crazy for You in 1996 and unfortunately she was nothing to write home about. Though for some strange reason, I can't get her rendition of, "Naughty Baby" out of my head!!

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

#5re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 9:49pm

The Beat continues in our hearts :)

#6re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 9:53pm

Very sad--seeing the show a couple weeks ago was one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had in a Broadway show in a while. My first time seeing the show was truly magical.

And the beat doesn't stop! There's still a tour going around, isn't there??

Best of luck to the closing cast!

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

TimeSquare3 Profile Photo
#7re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 9:56pm

Yep the tour is still going with the amazing Brooklynn Pulver as Tracy.

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"The gay one?" -- Marissa Jaret Winokur on the Jonas Brothers.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#8re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 9:58pm

You CAN'T stop the beat, can you?

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#9re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 9:58pm

How long has she been with the show?? She's been doing it for a while hasn't she? Was she the original non-equity tour Tracy or was she the first regional Tracy?

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

TimeSquare3 Profile Photo
#10re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 10:03pm

She is the original tour Tracy, she's on her 3rd year. Jerry O'Boyle is also returning for his 3rd year as Edna & Christian White is returning for his 2nd year as Seaweed.

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"The gay one?" -- Marissa Jaret Winokur on the Jonas Brothers.
Updated On: 12/30/08 at 10:03 PM

SNLMedia Profile Photo
#11re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 10:04pm

Thank you for starting this thread.

I saw the show for the first time in January 2005, and as I left the theatre with a huge smile on my face, I knew that performance was only the beginning of my immense love of Hairspray.

I've seen it over 50 times now, and as Princeton said, it never gets old. It's the biggest party on Broadway, and I don't think a more joyous finale has ever been created. You certainly can't stop the beat!

"The world is a better place because of hairspray." - Michael Ball

Gingersnap2 Profile Photo
#12re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 10:07pm

I'm a little sad to see it close.

It's a show I didn't expect to like one bit. I hated the original film. Sure, I liked "You Can't Stop The Beat" after I heard it at Broadway In Bryant in 2005, but not enough to get myself a ticket to the show. But I mentioned the show in passing during a conversation with Hugh Panaro and he started saying how he'd gone to see it the night before going back to play The Phantom in 2004 and how much fun it was. A few weeks later, two of my friends wanted to go see it when we got together in NYC. I went with an open mind and I had a terrific was enjoyable and we all had fun.

I would have liked to see it one more time before the end, but life gets too busy sometimes.

#13re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 10:11pm

SNLMedia WoW! 50 times? That is incredible!

I wish I saw it sooner than I did but it's been an obsession of mine for a couple of years now.
Updated On: 12/30/08 at 10:11 PM

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#14re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 10:17pm

On Sunday, I will have seen the stage production of Hairspray 22 times. The only Tracy I didn't get to see was Kathy Brier as she happened to be on vacation at the time.

The Neil Simon Theatre is where I saw my first broadway show in January 1978. Who knew that I would return to the same theatre over and over again to see such a wonderfully happy and energetic show. And for some reason, "Good Morning Baltimore" always brings tears to my eyes (I have no idea why). Ironically my seat for the final performance of Hairspray is in the same row I was in for my very first Broadway show.

Kudos to the cast, writers, director, etc. for such a great experience.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

SNLMedia Profile Photo
#15re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 10:21pm

Thanks LinkLarkin! Many of those were lotto seats.

Dottie, I can relate. The opening chords and chimes in "Good Morning Baltimore" always give me goosebumps.

"The world is a better place because of hairspray." - Michael Ball

#16re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 10:26pm

I've never done the lotto before - It seems to have worked well for you though!

From the beginning of "Good Morning Baltimore" to the end of "Nicest Kid's in Town" my excitement level is through the roof - I guess because of all the energy those performances give off - and plus, it's the beginning.

I'm also a big fan of the Dynamites - they bring something extra to the performance.
Updated On: 12/30/08 at 10:26 PM

#17re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 10:29pm

Don't even get me started on the Dynamites--ALWAYS give me goosebumps!!

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

SNLMedia Profile Photo
#18re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 10:35pm

Oh my gosh, the Dynamites "Welcome to the 60s" reprise is a moment of pure joy!

And the most exciting moment for me is the dance break in "You Can't Stop the Beat". I've "WOO"'d loudly at that point a few times (along with other audience members) because I am just so filled with joy and excitement watching all of that fast-paced choreography.

"The world is a better place because of hairspray." - Michael Ball

#19re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 10:39pm

I totally agree about the "Welcome to the 60's" reprise is amazing! Just the 3 of them on stage - it looks great. I love when the one spells out 6 to the 0 apostrophe S with her finger!

It's so cool how they come out of the Billboard also - Very nice touch.

jennamajig Profile Photo
#20re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 10:52pm

Okay, all the talk in this thread had me splurge! I found an active discount code and purchased myself a ticket for tomorrow's matinee. Orch left, Row E, seat 3. Judging from the seating chart, this looks be a great seat (anyone sat around there in this theater? Never seen a show at the Neil Simon before). After fees, $75, which isn't too far off from what I would have spent getting it from TKTS tomorrow without the hassle of waiting outside, lol.

I'm excited! I've only seen it on tour once and that was without Harvey :o).
Updated On: 12/30/08 at 10:52 PM

#21re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 10:55pm

^ I think you have a GREAT seat! Also, seeing it with Harvey is like seeing a different show. I saw George Wednt play Edna the first time I saw it - he was good, but Harvey is just hilarious!

jennamajig Profile Photo
#22re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 11:02pm

^ I was surprised to find that seat myself, but since I was looking for a single, I think I got lucky! I just hope Harvey's definitely on, but from what I have read here, his attendance record seems to be very good.

I can't remember who I saw it on tour with. I saw it in Boston in 2005, I think. I'd have to dig up my ticket to make sure :).

I'll try and post a review tomorrow when I get back. I'm trekking into the city from NJ, but I am getting out of there as soon as the show is couldn't pay me to stay in midtown on New Year's Eve, lol. Too many people!

Updated On: 12/30/08 at 11:02 PM

seaweedjstubbs Profile Photo
#23re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 11:05pm

I can still remember the day that I fell in love with HAIRSPRAY. My family was at a Best Buy and I was looking through the soundtracks. I noticed the HAIRSPRAY Cast Recording and picked it up. I remembered seeing HAIRSPRAY perform on the Tony Awards a year before, but all I could remember from it was that some guy dressed as a woman said something about a Christmas ham and not giving a damn! re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray. I debated on whether or not to buy it, but something told me that I should. That night, I listened to the CD all the way through and instantly fell in love! I'd never heard the songs before, but I was singing right along! There was something about the show that made me feel so good inside, and all I had done was listen to the cast recording.

I drove all my friends crazy with the songs. My friend gave me Hairspray: The Roots as a "just because" gift. I took that book from class to class sneaking peaks at it while the teacher was talking. That same year, the HAIRSPRAY tour came to Raleigh. I was so excited I could hardly stand it! I sat in the balcony next to a nice British couple and waited for the show to begin. I tried my best not to get up and start dancing and singing as the show went on. I was so sad when those opening chords of "You Can't Stop the Beat" started, because I knew that my night of joy was almost over. At the curtain call, I hopped up and applauded like crazy. The mini-finale at the curtain call made me so happy that when Tracy said "EVERYBODY LET'S DANCE!!!" I didn't even care who was watching me! I danced my little butt off! That was the most magical night in the theatre ever!

I'm SO sad to see HAIRSPRAY close, but at the same time I'm happy because now it will live on through High School, Community Theatre and Regional Theatre productions. I consider "You Can't Stop the Beat" to be my theme song. I always play it on my darkest days, and just for that five minutes, nothing else seems to matter. Congratulations to HAIRSPRAY, my favorite musical of ALL TIME! :)

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#24re: The Beat Stops......We'll miss you Hairspray.
Posted: 12/30/08 at 11:07pm

HAIRSPRAY is truly one of the top five best new musicals of the last twenty years.

I will miss it a whole lot.
