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The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread- Page 34

The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread

#825The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 10:45am

Yes, I felt like it REALLY needed "Everything I Know." I also didn't like how they moved "Paciencia y Fe" and interrupted the blackout. I'm used to it being the Act I finale so that just felt so unresolved to me. 

I also think that there was something lost with the Stanford storyline in making it more about being an outcast culturally and less about Nina not being able to put in enough effort because she was so busy working to afford textbooks etc. "Breathe" implies that Nina failed her classes, IMO. 

And moving the argument in the club to Usnavi/Vanessa didn't really work for me because I felt like it was never brought up again. Next scene they seem just fine with each other.


Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#826The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 10:56am

teddy1996 said: "the movie has been getting a lot of backlash. many black latinx people have spoken out on twitter against the movie for the lack of dark skinned afro latinx people in leading and supporting roles and for reducing them to be background talent. and they are absolutely right. i’m glad that they are voicing their perspective and i hope that there is a change in prominent latino media that allows for black latinx representation and imagery to be in the forefront."


Updated On: 6/13/21 at 10:56 AM

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#827The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 11:09am

teddy1996 said: "daphne rubin vega was one of the best parts of this movie. she was a scene stealer. she needs to be in more projects"

She has been - from countless movies to even as a series regular on TV and even Broadway.  Like countless others, she’s just been flying under the radar for decades.  Many seem to just remember her as Mimi from the original Broadway cast of RENT (25 years ago!) and are unaware she’s done anything else.  The film adaptation  of IN THE HEIGHTS is her “overnight” success.  


CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#828The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 11:11am

“It’s Mexican, it’s Puerto Rican, Dominican, Colombian, Peruvian,” Anthony Ramos says of #InTheHeights. “I love that this movie encapsulates everything, from the lightest of the lightest to the darkest of the darkest.”

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#829The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 11:14am

BrodyFosse123 said: "teddy1996 said: "daphne rubin vega was one of the best parts of this movie. she was a scene stealer. she needs to be in more projects"

She has been -from countless movies to even as a series regular on TV and even Broadway. Like countless others, she’s just been flying under the radar for decades. Many seem to just remember her as Mimi from the original Broadway cast of RENT (25 years ago!) and are unaware she’s done anything else. The film adaptation of IN THE HEIGHTS is her “overnight” success."

And she deserves it. She was one of the highlights of the film. 


#830The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 11:43am

this movie really didn’t need cuca at all. she was an extremely pointless character.

MichelleCraig Profile Photo
#831The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 12:21pm

Interesting article on the business that IN THE HEIGHTS did this weekend:


#832The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 12:31pm

MichelleCraig said: "Interesting article on the business that IN THE HEIGHTS did this weekend:

Absolutely brutal. It didn't even end up the top movie of the weekend. Underperformed its weekend estimates that were made after people knew it's Friday totals were underwhelming. Originally predicted to pull in $20M+, revised down to $13M after Friday's poor numbers, then revised down again to $11.4M when all is said and done.

Updated On: 6/13/21 at 12:31 PM

#833The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 12:36pm

As a first-gen NYC Latina and fan of the Broadway show, I was excited for the movie but ultimately disappointed by its execution. Yes, I cried throughout the entire thing and yes, I was proud of how lovingly my people and our stories were represented but the changes to the lotto/Abuela Claudia storyline and how convoluted Hudes made Nina’s storyline really distracted from the magic that this could’ve been. The editing, including the lyrical rewrites, also felt clunky and the musical changes, especially in “Blackout”, made the songs feel incomplete. I did enjoy most of the choreography and costuming, and thought Barrera, Hawkins, and Smits were standout in their performances. Grace on the other hand left much to be desired and I wonder if the elimination of the beautiful ending harmony in “When You’re Home” was because she didn’t have the vocal ability to execute. Surprisingly, my favorite scene of the movie was “The Club” which was always my least favorite in the theatrical production— Usnavi getting TOO lit was a nice reprieve from the otherwise Disney-esque feel of the movie. 7/10 stars. Would recommend if only for la cultura and getting more Latinx stories in the mainstream.

Updated On: 6/13/21 at 12:36 PM

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#834The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 1:19pm

The edits made to “Blackout” were disjointed. “The Club” was one of my favorite numbers in the film - the choreo was fire! I especially loved the segment with Usnavi and the “ghetto flower” - so funny watching Ramos’ reactions being overwhelmed by her dancing - it had me in stitches. It was also nice seeing Seth Stewart in that number as the bartender.

JBroadway Profile Photo
#835The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 1:32pm

"Blackout" was the one number that was I thought was really screwed up from a musical standpoint. That number was so well-crafted, and the changes totally messed up the flow, and sense of building tension. 

However, it's worth noting that conflict between Usnavi and Vanessa wasn't totally added. It was definitely emphasized more when they cut the Nina/Benny stuff, but it was present in the original show. Usnavi and Vanessa can't find each other, and Usnavi says "Vanessa, I gotta go" and she's say "Usnavi, help me, you left me alone. I can't find Usnavi" etc. And then later, he tries to apologize, and she says "My phone didn't ring once all night," and she leaves. But similar to the movie, I don't recall it ever being really addressed again after that. I think we're meant to assume that, with Abuela's death, and everyone leaving, Vanessa just doesn't feel like it's the most important thing anymore. 

EDIT: Also, I can't totally remember how it worked with the re-ordering/adding of scenes, but isn't the next time they see each other during Carnaval Del Barrio? And IIRC, they don't actually speak to each other and Vanessa is unhappy. In the movie I know they added that scene where they talk outside her apartment building, but I can't remember where that scene happens, or even what they discuss in it. (Partly because I spent the whole scene trying to figure out where in Wahsington Heights she lives that she's near the 1 train when it's above ground. Dykeman? Is that still considered Washington Heights, and not Inwood? I admit I've rarely gone above 191st) 

Updated On: 6/13/21 at 01:32 PM

#836The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 1:41pm

MichelleCraig said: "Interesting article on the business that IN THE HEIGHTS did this weekend:

I'd really be interested in the HBO MAX viewership numbers.


Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#837The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 1:49pm

 "teddy1996 said: "the movie has been getting a lot of backlash. many black latinx people have spoken out on twitter against the movie for the lack of dark skinned afro latinx people in leading and supporting roles and for reducing them to be background talent. and they are absolutely right. i’m glad that they are voicing their perspective and i hope that there is a change in prominent latino media that allows for black latinx representation and imagery to be in the forefront."

The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread

#838The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 2:02pm

barcelona20 said: "I'd really be interested in the HBO MAX viewership numbers."

Same. They would have to be absolutely massive to offset the disappointing box office numbers, though.

Sutton Ross said: "[laughing-in-your-face GIF of DiCaprio from Wolf of Wall Street]"

You previously quote-replied to teddy's message with clear-cut bullying and it got deleted by the moderators. So you're trying it again, only this time with slightly more abstract bullying. I don't agree with bullying but I do respect your dedication to trying to hurt this guy's feelings for having opinions about the movie's representation.

Updated On: 6/13/21 at 02:02 PM

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#839The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 2:04pm

Anyone knows who the fine-@ss shirtless papi with the beard sitting on the couch is? He is HOT! 

Full Resolution:

The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread

Updated On: 6/13/21 at 02:04 PM

#840The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 2:10pm

CarlosAlberto said: "Antyway...anyone knows who the fine-@ss shirtless papi with the beard sitting on the couch is?He is HOT!"

FYI the image is broken for me. It might only be visible if you're logged into Dropbox, or maybe there's a "public" Dropbox permission that needs to be set on the image. You could also download it and re-upload it on Imgur to make it publicly viewable.

#841The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 2:15pm

ctorres23 said: "barcelona20 said: "I'd really be interested in the HBO MAX viewership numbers."

Same. They would have to be absolutely massive to offset the disappointing box office numbers, though.

Yeah, I'll just say that I didn't go to the theater because it was on HBO, otherwise I would have.  I know at least 5 other people who did the same.  I recognize that someone on a theater chat board though may not represent the general population.  They sure couldn't have advertised it enough, but maybe there's a chance it can pull a Greatest Showman and stay consistent over a few weeks?


CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#842The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 2:20pm

Updated On: 6/13/21 at 02:20 PM

#843The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 2:37pm

CarlosAlberto said: "Anyone knows who the fine-@ss shirtless papi with the beard sitting on the couch is?"

Pretty sure that's Chris Hernandez

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#844The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 2:51pm

ctorres23 said: "CarlosAlberto said: "Anyone knows who the fine-@ss shirtless papi with the beard sitting on the couch is?"

Pretty sure that's Chris Hernandez

And so it is! NICE! Thank you so much! smiley

#845The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 3:11pm

The Hollywood Reporter says: ''Per normal practice, HBO Max isn't releasing viewership numbers for 'In the Heights.' ''

#846The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 4:16pm

As someone who loved the movie and stage version, I am very disappointed to see how awful the box office numbers were.


Here were the changes that should have been made:

- Lin should have played Usnavi. Yes, he's old but so were the people from RENT. The difference is that Lin is the only bankable Latino name out there, MADE the show and I guarantee would have brought in more people. Anthony Ramos was fantastic and charismatic, but no one went out to see him. No one. Hell, even Daveed Diggs would have brought more people in as a "name" (I understand he's not Latino but just as an example)..

- Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez and/or Jennifer Lopez needed to be in this. Jennifer could have played Daniela easily. Again, Daphne was great but that's probably the easiest part to cast with a name. I thought Vanessa was very just ok, and didn't Hudgens play her already in the show WITH Ramos at KC? Neither of the Nina/Vanessa actors made a big enough impact as a Ramos or Hawkins to warrant not casting a name at all. 

- Run time was way too long. I'd say 90% of the scenes just did flat out not work. The music numbest were spectacular and the star of the show, but the screenplay was VERY weak. There's at least 20 minutes that should have been cut to get this under 2 hours. I'm taking out Alabanza, Piragua (IF Lin is now playing Usnavi), and I hate to say it but even No Me Diga IF JLo isn't cast in this. 

- Home All Summer was awful. If you're going to make a new song, make it a HUGE Big finale dancing number that can go right after "Finale". 

- Get rid of the entire Dreamers/immigration plot. Was totally unnecessary, not even expanded on correctly and felt like they were just trying to score some political points. 



- Put up most if not ALL of the music numbers on YouTube. Only way to generate more hype for the movie AND 96,000 is not even that great a pop song. Put up ALL the pop song numbers - especially the female ballads. (Breathe, It Won't be Long Now, When You're Home) 

- I understand w covid not ideal, but try to have them do live songs of the show to promote it. 


The main issue boils down to them not getting more names. And the HBO Max streaming availability. Too bad, guess people who were telling Lin for years they needed a name to make the show work were 100% right. 


DRSisLove Profile Photo
#847The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 4:45pm

I do not know a single person who went to see it in theaters. Every one watched it from the comfort of their homes in groups. In fact, I was supposed to see it with a friend in theaters, but then a few others wanted to come and once we got to like 8, it was just easier to stream.

#848The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 4:50pm

- Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez and/or Jennifer Lopez needed to be in this. Jennifer could have played Daniela easily. Again, Daphne was great but that's probably the easiest part to cast with a name. I thought Vanessa was very just ok, and didn't Hudgens play her already in the show WITH Ramos at KC? Neither of the Nina/Vanessa actors made a big enough impact as a Ramos or Hawkins to warrant not casting a name at all. 

I agree that casting Hudgens as Vanessa and/or JLo as Daniela might have worked just as well, but please no to LMM playing Usnavi. 

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

ggersten Profile Photo
#849The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread
Posted: 6/13/21 at 5:06pm

kidbroadway2 said: "As someone who loved the movie and stage version, I am very disappointed to see how awful the box office numbers were.

Here were the changes that should have been made:

- Lin should have played Usnavi. Yes, he's old but so were the people from RENT. The difference is that Lin is the only bankable Latino name out there, MADE the show and I guarantee would have brought in more people. Anthony Ramos was fantastic and charismatic, but no one went out to see him. No one. Hell, even Daveed Diggs would have brought more people in as a "name" (I understand he's not Latino but just as an example)..

- Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomezand/or Jennifer Lopez needed to be in this. Jennifer could have played Daniela easily. Again, Daphne was great but that's probably the easiest part to cast with a name. I thought Vanessa was very just ok, and didn't Hudgens play her already in the show WITH Ramos at KC? Neither of the Nina/Vanessa actors made a big enough impact as a Ramos or Hawkins to warrant not casting a name at all.

- Run time was way too long. I'd say 90% of the scenes just did flat out not work. The music numbest were spectacular and the star of the show, but the screenplay was VERY weak. There's at least 20 minutes that should have been cut to get this under 2 hours. I'm taking out Alabanza, Piragua (IF Lin is now playing Usnavi), and I hate to say it but even No Me Diga IF JLo isn't cast in this.

- Home All Summer was awful. If you're going to make a new song, make it a HUGE Big finale dancing number that can go right after "Finale".

- Get rid of the entire Dreamers/immigration plot. Was totally unnecessary, not even expanded on correctly and felt like they were just trying to score some political points.

- Put up most if not ALL of the music numbers on YouTube. Only way to generate more hype for the movie AND 96,000 is not even that great a pop song. Put up ALL the pop song numbers - especially the female ballads. (Breathe, It Won't be Long Now, When You're Home)

- I understand w covid not ideal, but try to have them do live songs of the show to promote it.

The main issue boils down to them not getting more names. And the HBO Max streaming availability. Too bad, guess people who were telling Lin for years they needed a name to make the show work were 100% right.


I feel that your criticisms of the script have nothing to do with the box office. I think people are enjoying the film as it is. I'm guessing this will spread to good word of mouth. Casting is what it is - but I believe I read some discussion revolved around Crazy Rich Asians not having any "US" names with Chu saying his cast was filled with "stars" just not people yet known to be stars. I think this carried over to ITH casting. 

We talked about going to the theatre to see it in IMAX this weekend - but even though vaccinated, we still are tentative about going out to the movie theatre. So, we may venture out this week/next weekend.  We watched the earlier on-line preview.
