I'll still miss the act one finale but I'm glad the iTunes version will have some of the omitted songs. I'm really excited to download it. Hopefully it will be up early tomorrow night.
Updated On: 12/13/14 at 04:59 PM
Swing Joined: 10/1/14
Where did you see this cd on itunes? Was it Itunes USA because I cannot find it. Today a european Itunes (sorry did not recognize the language) showed the song listings and yes there was a bonus track of Mrs. Dees rants but I cannot find anything on itunes here. Can someone help? I really want this song.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/26/08
I know nothing about the show, but am intrigued enough to blind buy the cast recording. How is the music?
It is not a happy go lucky show. It is about a small shipbuilding town where they are building one last ship before it closes and takes the town with it. Many ballads & laments. It is a good score but different from many of the crowd pleasing shows currently on the boards.
It is worth the minimal cost at Amazon. They grossly overcharge at the theater. There is a concept album he did earlier which has about 10 songs from the show and about 10 others written in the same vein that apparently were once part of the project but are not now. The concept album has Sting sitting on a step. The cast album has what looks like a huge "O" on it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/20/08
The clips sound great.
I saw the show this afternoon and actually really liked it a lot. I've had some of the songs in my head ever since and was on the fence about buying the album, but after listening to a couple of the clips I decided to buy it.
Updated On: 12/15/14 at 01:53 AM
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/last-ship-original-broadway/id948631275?uo=4
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
Just bought my copy! Can't wait to give it a listen on the train this AM.
Ordered my cd from Target last week. It should be here soon.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
Both Sail Away and Miss Dee's Rant are on the iTunes version, and in show order not as bonuses.
This is a stunner. I love this show so very much. Hoping Sting can give it the boost it needs to run a little while longer.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
I bought a hard copy at the theater over the weekend and Mrs. Dees' Rant is not on it, like I said before.
Well, CDs have a maximum running time. iTunes doesn't. It probably explains why Mrs. Dees' Rant is the highest rated track on iTunes, all the CD people are buying it.
I'm bummed that they didn't record the short opening music played in the show just prior to the first song and I'm still disappointed that they didn't record the act one finale but that's really all I can find to complain about. The rest of it is fabulous and I was pleasently surprised by the amount of dialogue that was included. I sort of thought this would be one of those cast albums that just recorded the songs and left out any and all dialogue but that's not what they did. I don't think this cast album will convert anyone but if you liked the show and score this is a nice souvenir and whatever the fate of the show I'm glad we got a cast album even if it's not exactly what I wanted.
CATSNY: I was bummed about the overture music too, but it's actually the first 30 seconds or so of "Underground River"! So, it's still there, just obviously not cut and placed.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
CATS, I agree about the dialogue! Such a pleasant surprise that really adds to the recording. It almost makes up for the omission of the reprises (the Islands of Souls & August Winds reprises in the second act are some of my favs in the show).
The reprises I can forgive because a lot of cast albums leave out short reprises to save money and space on disc but I really would have liked to have the act one finale. I know it's a reprise of a song represented 3 times on the album already but it would have preserved a bit more of the structure of the show. I'm going to stop bitching about it though because the rest of the album is great and I hope people buy it. It's not a perfect show and it's not a perfect album but I enjoy it and I hope others do too.
When the smoke clears, the song "Hymn" appears to be missing from all formats.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
"Hymn" isn't even a full song in the show. They sing it for a minute between the funeral and the pub scene, maybe.