For those who would like to read, my analysis of "Work the Wound."
SPOILERS MOST PROBABLY ********************************************
"Work the Wound," in my opinion, is the best song in the Passing Strange musical repertoire. Not only because of its beautiful melody, but because of Stew's haunting lyrics, that not only are wonderful as song lyrics, but also are deep and resonant in the context the show. The song essentially details Stew's life up to this point. At this point in the show, Youth's(Stew's) mother has passed away, and Youth was in Berlin when this occurred. The song's lyrics detail his feelings on this.
The song begins..
"Every day I build a mask
Up to the task
Another song you see.
I live behind the rhyme and verse.
I lift my voice til’ I lift the curse
It’s all rehearsed you see.
This music always rescues me
There’s a melody for every malady
Prescription song, you see.
And should the mask begin to fall
My chorus comes in like a twelve-foot wall
So you can’t see me."
Youth possesses a massive loss of identity, or so he says, and therefore, as he sings, "builds a mask" to hide himself from the real world. As Stew will later tell us in "Love Like That," the real is a construct, and Youth's construct is art, specifically music. Whenever something bad happens, Youth will cover it up in music, as if everything is fine.
"And I’m blessed to entertain
The crowd laughs and swoons
It’s loud guitars and champagne.
And I sleep well past noon.
But I’ve got a lot to explain,
To myself not to you.
Like who lost track of her pain.
While working their wound."
Stew sings that he enjoys this life of music, yet, he knows that by disguising himself in song, he has become unaware of "her pain," most probably, Youth's mother.
"So I finally found a home
Between the clicks of a metronome,
And a song you see.
Then I went out on a limb.
Oh, but the tree disappeared and the sky grew dim.
Then the song changed key.
But then you told me my pain entertained.
I heard the applause, thinking God you’re a sane
But what about me?"
This verse most likely describes Youth's time in Amsterdam and Berlin. He tells us that he has found a home, but he tries to go out on a limb, aka, trying to break from the paradise of his new home. But then he moves to Berlin, where "the song changed key." Youth is told that his pain entertains, a phase that was described in the Berlin part of the show.
The lyrics cleverly reverse, changing from "blessed to entertain," to "cursed to entertain," as Youth/Stew is now cursed by the music he has disguised himself with. he then goes on to say he "just got back on my train." I believe this lyric means that even by singing a song that describes his life, it torments him.
Now that he is "back on his train, he keeps working." He's back to working the wound, and trying to cover up the pain through music.
This song is essentially "Stew's Turn." Stew's way of letting loose, revealing his true self, getting everything off his chest. A brilliant song, a brilliant musician, and a haunting tale of life and music.
Such is, "Work the Wound."
Ben- Great analyis! I love it and thanks for sharing
Updated On: 6/11/08 at 09:59 PM
Brilliant! This is why I love this LOVE Thread.
"Brilliant! This is why I love this LOVE Thread."
My sentiments exactly. Thanks for sharing... it is really great to read such a great analysis of such a beautiful song!
Great analysis indeed. That is one deep song. If PS doesn't win the TONY for best score, then we know the voting system is completely flawed, or the voters are dumb as hell. Actually, we know that already, but it will be very clear.
BenKaye, now do one for Passing Phase and Love Like That!
I'm way too tired for this but here are MY thoughts on that song:
In the original off b-way version, Stew sings 'Josephine entertained' instead of 'I entertain', which is obviously a reference to Josephine Baker, whom he also references to by name in the show and when he proclaims youth will 'dance with a skirt of bananas, dance, dance, dance!' I think it's satirizing how everyone see's 'black' performers, and how in the show for Youth, he feels that being black is what he has going for him as a performer, and that's why he is 'working the wound.' This is also his 'curse'. His wound is his burden, which is is racial identity. And the audience clearly doesn't get it, 'The crowd laughs too soon,' etc. And they also poke fun at this with the song 'The Black One' when everyone is in awe of youth. ("Only the slums of America could produce such pain!"). I find the song to be very tragic because it's about Stew/Youth's confusion over his own identity as a young black man as well as a son and a lover.
Too many African American/Harlem Renaissance Lit classes...that's how I see the song.
I have the lyrics to the off b-way version if anyone's might make you view the song a little differently.
I realize this is horribly written. At least I'm not being graded .
this is great, dude! keep it c'ming! I love this thread!
As posted in another thread, the annual NY Times poll of Tony voters is out already. (By the way, I think it is terrible that they released this before the deadline for turning in ballots.) Last year, the poll was right in every single category, so it needs to be taken seriously. This year, they predict:
Choreography - In the Heights
Score - In the Heights
Best Actor - Lin-Manuel Miranda, In the Heights
Could it really happen?
Link to the poll
Hey Mike! That would REALLY be a cool upset, especially for we Scaryotypes! Would be nice, if it I think so? Not really, although I do think PS will win either 1 or 2. Break a leg, PS!
Updated On: 6/12/08 at 10:39 PM
As much as I want PS to win Best Musical, I would much prefer if it won Best Score.
Yeah, I'm kind of with you BenKaye on PS getting best score. I loved In the Heights' score too but I think it also deserves orchestrations. Then again I would also love Lin to take one home, but best score would get one in for Stew and Heidi which would be amazing.
Basically I'm really conflicted and am so glad I'm not the one who has to make these decisions. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens Sunday night...and I'm sorry if none of that rambling made sense.
Lin could take home Best Actor, although the competition is stiff as hell. I saw everyone but Tom Wopat (who I hear nothing but good things about), and everyone was fantastic, including The Man of course. Stew's nomination was well deserved, and I think it's pretty absurd that people say it wasn't. What the hell do they think he does on stage 8 times a week? He has so much command and stage presence.
I've been listening to cast recording of ITH. I saw the show back in February. It's a great show. Very enjoyable. Conventional, in terms of musical theatre format. Then I listen to the cast recording of PS, and I love it more and more every time I listen to it. I still get chills at the end of Keys, and I've listened to Keys probably like 80 times.
PS deserves best score, best orchestrations, and best musical. If I was a voter, I would vote in those categories without any hesitation.'Brien/video/index.shtml#mea=119138
I would LOVE to see TRIUMPH and STEW! Enjoy!!
I agree with you Very, I have my fingers and toes crossed for this Sunday. I just don't won't to get caught up in the hype. For months I've had to listen to the bitter theatre queens, tear this show apart and throw it under the bus. So I'm hoping they will all jump from the balcony. And throw out those TV sets that evening. Cause I have never seen so much hatred in my life. May the drama gods answer our prayers. And no matter what happens. I will always be a proud SCARYOTYPE. So wishing the best for you guys. GO PASSING STRANGE AND BOSTON CELTICS, this could be a grand night for me. NBA champonship and Tony Awards. joe
Updated On: 6/13/08 at 08:16 AM
That Triumph video was great, sorry I missed it last year, By the way the Tony secuity should have let Tessio in.
Best of luck to all nominated in Passing Strange.
You like SPORTS, joe5??? (only kidding). Oh yeah, I forgot--Boston!!??
Hail, oh mighty Leader and Founder of The Offical Passing Strange Love Thread: JOE 5
Just remember that the best musical of the season rarely wins the award. I think the rave reviews are the best recognition - there's no politics involved or agenda behind them.
The best musical I've seen in a long time. Whatever happens Sunday, it's an experience I'll never forget.
Yeah, me, too, BLAXX...I don't get caught up in this ...No reason's for FUN!! Shows come and go...they have been saying Bway's dead for about 100 years now!
The great thing about PS lately, BLAXX, is that there's a lot of really great improvising in all their performances, especially Stew's and Daniel's! The groove is on big time, and it sounds better than ever. Not the same show from 3 months ago, for sure! Hope you get to see it again.
Oh, I'm already planning a visit - MUST see PS again! It's so inspirational. I'm excited about Sunday not for the awards, but to see them perform!
blaxx- PS will rock the TONYS! I am sure people will see what NEEDED to be SEEN!
I am soo excited!
Cross your fingers, we might win!
btw- I was told by my two friends who are TONY voters, that they VOTED for Passing Strange...Guess why? (modesty aside.. ahem! ) they READ my PS remix report!
Updated On: 6/13/08 at 02:51 PM
Hey Jaystarr, NOW I'm beginning to think this thread is more than just a thread ---perhaps! Anyway, you have done wonders in promoting our little show. Win or lose, we love our show because it has enlightened our lives with it's thoughts, inspirations, peotry and music!
Absolutely, Jay. Thanks so much, you have made all Scaryotypes proud!
Just a little bump of PS love!!!
Whatever happens Sunday I'm excited to see them perform as always (I'm home so I can see them rock out on my dad's big screen)!
And sorry Joe, but I'll be cheering in opposition to you come Sunday... that is I'm hoping for a win for the Lakers!
You didn't know zat 80 percent of ze farming in Africa is done by vomen?
Swing Joined: 10/19/07
i dont understand why stew got an acting nomination?
hes not acting. thats him.
and for that fact, why did lin get one? hes not acting either, thats him!
cheyenne was robbbbed.