That's great, StateOfJade, thanks for posting that.
I'm planning on rushing both Sat and Sun, and hoping for the best.
Stand-by Joined: 5/8/08
So we've got two clips posted on youtube from the Joe's Pub performance. Anyone else find/have any others? I'd really love to see the country Berlin and lounge Identity again.
I wanna see De'adre screaming 'Work the Wound' hahaha
I'll be rushing sunday. i am so desperate. sunday was the only day I could possibly see the show... and it just so happened that now it's closing on sunday! ah!
home sweet home…
its a perfect circle: the same small stage that Heidi and I called home before PS
ends up being the same small stage that the entire cast/band of PS feels equally at home:
joe papp’s pub.
even the name makes sense: it’s a theater guy’s rock club.
this never occurred to me until now
but of course PS would get its start at a theater guy’s club.
where else?
and while the stage never felt smaller with 80 of us up there last sunday
it made perfect sense:
the spirit of this play comes from the intimate club experience.
the broadway stage is more BIG ROCK SHOW because its
more people and louder
but the old thrust theaters back at berk rep and the public
were actually more club-like in their intimacy.
That said,
Everybody said the show would “lose something”
when it transferred to the proscenium.
But i think it actually gained something.
It wasn’t wrong, just different.
Big Rock is fun too.
But nothing beats the club.
If only because you never have to remind people
That we’re all in this room together.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 15th, 2008 at 3:47 AM and filed under 2.0.
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Broadway Legend Joined: 7/23/06
I got rush tickets for the Matinee 2day I'm so excited. The lady said they had no rush for the evening since it was sold out but the guy at the B.O said they had regular $111 tickets still for sale. So I wonder why they aren't doing rush? I'm really happy I got tickets. My Friend and I are in Row A seat 109-110. Are they good seats?
Also Tiny will u be there at the Mat 2day?
That's center orchestra. Those are great seats.
Hey, Scaryos. See you tonight at the annointed place!
Heidi Rodewald is ****ing awesome
Hey, I don't think she has a boyfriend right now? LOL!
She's so genuine....I think she can't believe fans are THAT interested in her. The Bway thing seems to sweetly overwhelm her.
Like you said: ****ing awesome!
The rock goddess good girl version of my idol, Grace Slick.
Fun time tonight. It was great seeing everyone. I only got home just now and I doubt I'm going to work tomorrow!
OK, Fill me in with details guys. What did I miss last evening at PS. joe
Saw the show for the second time last night- one of the greatest performances I have ever seen. It was far and away much better than the first time I saw it- and what energy. I had forgotten just how good the book was- not only funny but intellectually challenging and extremely clever.
It really made me sad (and a bit angry) that such a wonderful show is closing.
But how dead was the audience during Keys? It was ridiculous. The orchestra, at least, wasn't reacting to anything until the song was over.
You must have not seen the 3 (seperate) people who stood up during the song and were throwing their fists in the air lol
I did not see those people. I was house right standing room for the first act and tiny and I couldn't see anyone reacting to the song.
I was house left SRO. I saw lots of people going nuts.
My side of the house was lame, despite or maybe because of Tyra Banks!
If anyone is interested I uploaded pics:
Some of them didn't come out so hot, but you get the general idea.
Thanks Frog, I guess that Heidi gave the tour? And where there many Scaryo's there guys.
Updated On: 7/17/08 at 11:18 AM
There were six of us. Heidi and Cynthia, the stage manager, showed us around.
I appreciated that Cynthia gave a detailed tour..took us downstairs and everything.
I wish we got to take more pictures.
verynycurious or mikem could one of you send me a copy of one of the group photos?
could you guys send me the group pic as well :)