Oh, and could someone tell whatsisbucket that 1985 is over and that dumped-spaghetti-bowl hair needs cutting, stat.
Piper, you put a lot of energy into hating that woman. You really do. Maybe you are jealous of her? You really do make it known in almost every thread relating to her how much you cannot stand her.
Updated On: 6/14/10 at 12:41 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/21/06
" When I saw her family there in the front i think i knew in my heart she was going to win. "
They aren't rigged. Yes, most people's families aren't in the Orchestra and certainly not the front row: she probably demanded it and got it because she is a movie star. But I don't think she was tipped off, nor did they give it to her because they were there.
Understudy Joined: 7/5/08
Most critics spoke about the calm demeanor and that Sean Hayes was a natural host and did a fine job. Sean Hayes did NOT "try too hard". Quite the contrary. He was just having alot of fun with hosting and never "tried too hard".
Go Sean!
^Brick - i know that. my heart was right though. i just had a feeling, regardless. of course they didn't give it to her because her parents were there or because her husband is a hollywood oscar winner. it isn't the oscars. i may not agree with it, but i think it was a category that may have been very close.
seriously? first of all i never said i hated her. so, tell me is not liking someone in every thread about them not the same as someone who gushes over them? lol
give me a break. at least i am clearly not alone in my feelings. i DO NOT HATE CZJ. that is a wasted emotion and I don't know the woman. I am not a fan, so sue me ffs. and typing my feelings about her silly speech or how i feel about her award wins really doesn't take that much energy.
- i did see her near some shops in Toronto when she was filming Chicago. she is gorgeous in person, and...she did say "hello" -
Team Donmar and Team Menier should coach the England football squad.
Posting as one of the first people on this site to recognise the brilliance of Red's "pretentious" dialogue I doubt srg129 "actually comprehends anything much about the show."
Pretentious writing is only considered brilliant when it is written by Sondheim or perhaps Kushner.
I'm rather bemused by the mini-tantrums regarding the length of Johnasson's speech compared to others. I noticed from the start that all the speeches in the beginning were lengthy. I told my father they were really going to be scrambling and cutting people off by the end of the broadcast if they mis-budgeted their time (which they often do). As the broadcast went on, the speeches got shorter until it turned farcical by the end. I just assumed everyone was noticing this. I couldn't figure out what was going on after the Best Musical award before Memphis reprised their song. That whole transition and ending was royally effed up. Other than the end of the broadcast, I enjoyed it. I was hoping the Fela performances would finally spark some interest in seeing the show. Instead, they cemented by complete disinterest in it altogether.
"I couldn't figure out what was going on after the Best Musical award before Memphis reprised their song. That whole transition and ending was royally effed up."
That was a 'messy moment', much like the moment where someone was yelling off camera to the dark guy (Crap, I'm totally zoning on his name!) who looked very uncomfortable after his segment.
Oh, and Paula Abdul speaking in the dark. Nice one.
I loved the bit about Spiderman. Unfortunately, most of those watching it had no idea why it was funny.
"Maybe you are jealous of her? "
how come it is when someone does not agree or say something not so nice about an actor who one is a fan of, this retort or question comes up. i love it! i read it all the time when i see people who disagree about music or stars...are you jealous? lol. no, i am just not a fan. now, Bernadette Peters, yeah I'm a little jealous of people are usually envious of people they like if you think about it.