All caps because I want to get my message across:
Let me hear ya sing
Na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na
Well that f**kin' sucks! And they wonder why no one watches...horrible show!
I *DID* love the banter between Nathan and Bebe!
The one legit winner tonight is SEAN HAYES! THANK YOU for being such a talented, funny, and entertaining host! We'd LOVE to have you again next year!
Nathan Lane might have been the best thing about the show tonight.
Stand-by Joined: 2/18/08
Very happy that Memphis won, I actually liked the show very much, but I have to say this season was REALLY boring.
Not like there were many suprises tonight....this is the way most of us thought it would go. (Not how we WANTED it to go, mind you.) A lackluster season, a lackluster awards show.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/12/03
the worng feated actor in a muiscal won
Agree that Sean Hayes is the gem tonight. If it was not him, I think I would just check the result after the ceremony.
This is the first time I can recall the speeches being more entertaining than the musical numbers.
I never had any doubt that Sean would be a perfect host whether the season was less than stellar or not. He is a great talent.
I dunno, I think the real star of the show tonight was Cate Blanchett's sparkly pantsuit.
I know I'm being ridiculous, but I'm actually a little disgusted that Memphis won. I know it was a terrible season. And Memphis was better than, say, Million Dollar Quartet. But I honestly think that of the 100+ musicals I've seen on Broadway, it is possible the most mediocre. Not the worst, mind you. But the least original, most lifeless, blandest, and most cliched. What a waste.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/21/06
"So they had the casts of all the nominated musicals waiting in the wings to go on, depending on who won?" a reality tv show.
I am still a little shocked about the results from Best Featured Actor in a Musical...
Well...if you're going to steal, steal from the best.
Lane's joke about calling this years Tonys, passover, was stolen directly from Bob Hope when he hosted one of the Oscars.
Well Memphis has to be one of the weakest best musical winners ever, bland score and book.
Loved Bebe and Nathan, so funny
It was a british night thanks to Red and La Cage and a Zeta Jones etc
Memphis song is so cheesey i felt like i should shower afterwards
Sean did a great job as host, very funny
Peoples reactions on here to AI performance with the headaches, the lights been to much etc makes people on here sound like 70 year old women, im thrlled they won for Lighting and Set as both are awesome.
The Ragtime performance was lovely
Fela left me cold im afraid
The opening was bland (Green day and Sean were good)
Come Fly Away should have got choreography, thats twice he has won for choreography for shows i think is undeserving (the other of course Spring Awakening)
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/24/09
I think I'm most upset at Best Book going to Memphis. Although most of these awards were not deserved (just bc of the weakness of the season), Everyday Rapture really did deserve this one.
I feel VERY mislead from this morning's rehearsal blog. The closing number, what was shown of it at least SUCKED.
Highlight of the evening was Nathan Lane and his flask.
Raquel Welch should take over for Hodge when he leaves La Cage.
I have to admit, the show started off pretty poorly performance wise. But, it picked up a little bit, with some clunkers in there. I am a tad bit disappointed it did seem that Hollywood actors trumped those who do theater on a regular basis. Don't they normally bring back at least the musical actors from the year before to present to the new one, or did I just make that up? At least that's a pattern I noticed in the past few years with the featured actress in a musical.
They are clever that they have Green Day for the opening! Thank god! If not, it would be like that year with Harry Connick Jr. singing There's No Business Like Show Business.
And yes, E. Rapture should win book! CZJ got over Sherie, fine, but Memphis for book? Hmm...
"I dunno, I think the real star of the show tonight was Cate Blanchett's sparkly pantsuit."
I think Sean Hayes' penis upstaged that during the Spiderman bit.
Memphis is not a bad show at all. It's very enjoyable, and plus the other options weren't great at all. Memphis deserved it. The season wasn't strong, but this musical really was a great show. I don't know why so many of you don't like it, but we all have our opinions.
Everyday Rapture should have won for "Best Book".
Swing Joined: 6/13/10
memphis is a bunch of bonjovi reject songs recycled with broadway singers...
american idiot has great songs...for those who hate rock, check out the day has won the grammy for song of the year...good songs like boulevard of broken dreams and wake me up when september ends and 21 guns, that you can actually remember...fine songwriting even within a rock format - can't wait to see it
catherine zeta jones makes me puke...her performance is so over the top, over pronounced...oh wait this is broadway!!!