When I got on around 10:40am, still plenty of tickets regardless of dates were available (yes March-May only show one bar (out of three bars)). Even on the weekend shows, you could get some orchestra row F-L side for party of two. Last week I purchased tickets using Amex preferred seating and they were offering row C center orchestra, there's no more Amex preferred seating though. Good luck!
Any strategies on how to click through quickly? I am looking for four and they can be 2 and 2, orch side or center, or front mezz (doubting anything will be left, but I can dream).
It's been just about two hours, so maybe two more for my number?!
Interesting. I checked StubHub over the weekend and just now.
I was looking at the date of our tickets, Thurs April 13.
- Over the weekend there were about 6 pr of tickets, ranging from $1000 ea (Rear Balcony, regular $100) to a consistent $2500 per pair for the rest (mostly side orchestra, although there was one center orchestra pair - regular $200 for side orch, $500 for premium center)
RIght now....
They're all gone, including those absurdly-priced rear balcony tix. now, 2 pr for sale, premium seats $2500.
The Tuesday night before us is even crazier. I just checked the calendar. This is the week before Easter - spring break.
Hey - I guess we may give him credit for trying. Someone just posted a single in Row I for $15,000.
How does it work to get four tickets for one performance and two to another? Is that complicated? Do you put the first four in your cart and then go shopping again for the other two? Is that risky?
NYfanfromCA said: "How does it work to get four tickets for one performance and two to another? Is that complicated? Do you put the first four in your cart and then go shopping again for the other two? Is that risky? "
That's exactly what you do. Not risky unless you take too long before checking out. If you haven't registered with SHN to create an account and login, I'd do that in another browser window ASAP. I'm sure the site will be sluggish, like it was last week during the Amex presale, but the queueing software seemed to do a good job at limiting traffic to keep things working.
Just got in (and out). Saw virtually no availability for non-premium seats for the couple of dates I picked in April - but a decent premium pair popped up for my date. ($506 - vs $2500 on StubHub)
Lots still available at all prices in July. And the site seemed to be holding up under the load fine. It was a bit slow, but no errors, hangs, or need to resubmit.
I got in and I got seats--BUT, I couldn't get the seat map to show up--does it? I had to select a section and then wait for it to offer me four seats. Painful! I like seeing the whole map and choosing seats. I chose Mezz, Orch. Kept saying no seats. But plenty for Loge and Prem Orch. I felt like I was running out of time, so I choose Prem Orch and it gave me Row J so I hope it's worth the $524 x 4. I think I sat in J for If/Then. I can still buy two more, but my friends only want the lower priced seats, and those are showing up in orchestra BB,CC, X and Y.
Unless at the extreme sides, I'd go for BB and CC (but I'm usually a front of house kind of guy)
MarkBearSF said: "Unless at the extreme sides, I'd go for BB and CC (but I'm usually a front of house kind of guy)
I like Orch myself, I like to see the faces. I hope my two teenagers like Row J. I hope they will be able to see the stage well from there for the price I am paying. I can't wait for the cast to be announced.
I think BB, CC are AFTER row Z. SHN won't let you select your own "seats" like ticketmaster. Row J is an excellent place. You'll be happy (esp the price you paid!). What was your que number btw?
lite2shine said: "I think BB, CC are AFTER row Z. SHN won't let you select your own "seats" like ticketmaster. Row J is an excellent place. You'll be happy (esp the price you paid!). What was your que number btw?
I was 15,643, I think. My friend was 24,000 something and has gotten in and out already. She bought her own two in the Mezz Row K center. I was trying to get hers for her, but her number came up pretty fast so we are glad she could find her own. She is super happy!
Leading Actor Joined: 10/19/04
I was 24000 and had another place in line at 28000. Both came through. Using 2 different credit cards with 2 different billing addresses, I bought a pair of tickets for myself, and the rest for friends who were (are) still waiting in the queue.
Understudy Joined: 8/28/16
I was 62,316 at 10 a.m. PT and got through at 4:30 p.m. I was able to buy orchestra premium tickets for my colleague for the evening show on May 17. Seats are row F (122 and 124). Her number was 85,000. She's very happy. Me, I was so nervous I'd mess up the ordering process. I'm so glad it's over.
I feel silly because my math skills are horrible. Am I correct that revenue for the SF stop would be at least $40,535,200??
HAMILTON is here for 23 weeks. With 8 performances a week, that's a total of 184 shows. The Orpheum has 2203 seats. They can sell a maximum of 405,352 tickets (likely a bit less with some house, comp, and press seats given away).
If every ticket was $100 that equals $40,535,200. That can't be right, can it? And if so, as I say above, it's at least that much because it doesn't take into account the higher priced tickets.
What's the tour's nut? $40,535,200 divided by 23 weeks equals $1,762,400 in weekly revenue. This tour with it's relatively simple set and, although the cast has not been announced, likely no big-ticket stars, has to cost what per week, $700,000?
That's $1,000,000 profit per week or $23,000,000 for 23 weeks.
I love that a show about a Secretary of the Treasury has such big dollars. LOL
Terracentric said: "I was 62,316 at 10 a.m. PT and got through at 4:30 p.m. I was able to buy orchestra premium tickets for my colleague for the evening show on May 17. Seats are row F (122 and 124). Her number was 85,000. She's very happy. Me, I was so nervous I'd mess up the ordering process. I'm so glad it's over.
Congratulations on getting your tickets. The whole process is nerve-wracking! I haven't been able to focus on much all day. First, the waiting. Then, the spending. Feeling super poor right now, but I think my teens will enjoy the show!
Yup. And more.
Non-premium Orchestra, Loge and Mezz are $200. (I very roughly guess these are about 1000-1200 per performance, 8,000-9,500 per week) About 375 seats per performance (3,000/week) are premium seats sold at $500. The breakdown is rough and based upon my recollections of the pricing areas, a spreadsheet and the seating plan.
Of course there are comps and I think that there are no premium priced seats for the school performances. (IIRC - the producers are compensated by non-profits for the difference between the $10 face price and the standard price)
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/26/16
So close and yet so far.
Even as number 91,000 and change, I got onto the site, more than 8 hours later.
Nothing left but premium seats, and not many of those. (No, I'm not paying more for the tour than I did to see the original Broadway cast, and I'm not a scalper, so I passed.) I did find a pair of $197 orchestra seats on July 6, but they vanished before I completed my order.
Moving on...
Understudy Joined: 8/28/16
I'm still surprised SHNSF didn't fight for a longer sit-down run (or maybe they did but it got declined). In their time, CATS, LES MIS, and PHANTOM had very long runs here, and that was before social media and 24/7 news that is helping to keep the HAMILTON buzz alive and going strong. I haven't heard any plans for it to play San Jose or Sacramento anytime soon, and it is the kind of event that people will travel to see.
I'm certain that the rest of the country will be clamoring for some Hamilton love in the coming years - so there will be a lot of competition, and to be frank, second-tier cities like San Jose and Sacto will likely be waiting a while.
I do recall seeing plans for a second national tour to be launched out of Seattle after London, about a year from now. No doubt, SF would be in a position to bargain for a few weeks from that tour
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/27/14
Understudy Joined: 8/28/16
PatrickDC said: "II haven't heard any plans for it to play San Jose or Sacramento anytime soon, and it is the kind of event that people will travel to see. "
That'll take a while. It took, what, 3 or 4 years for Mormon to play either, since it kept returning to SF?