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The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon

The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon

Rage and Love Profile Photo
Rage and Love
#1The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/8/11 at 10:54pm

So I went on telecharge and it told me tckets are completely sold out until January 2012 and rear mez until October 2012. All this hype is crazy and I hope that if I ever do get to see it, it's worth all the hype.

"And that was that or so it seemed. Is this the end or the beginning? All I know is, she was right. I am an idiot. It’s even on my birth certificate in so many words. This is my rage. This is my love. This is my town. This is my city. This is my life."
Updated On: 8/10/11 at 10:54 PM

ChenoKahn Profile Photo
#2The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/8/11 at 11:06pm

Why did you start a thread about this?

littlegreen2 Profile Photo
#2The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/8/11 at 11:07pm

It really does blow my mind... I haven't seen it, and clearly I won't be seeing it anytime soon. It's funny and all, but all of the music is just copying other contemporary musicals, which is apparently intentional but I think it's stupid.

"I will not cease from mental fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand: Till we have built Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land."

Dave13 Profile Photo
#3The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/8/11 at 11:08pm

I wonder how many tickets are being sold to scalpers as opposed to real customers.

Not to be confused with Dave19.

Rage and Love Profile Photo
Rage and Love
#4The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/8/11 at 11:17pm

@ Dave13. The numbers must be phenomenal.

"And that was that or so it seemed. Is this the end or the beginning? All I know is, she was right. I am an idiot. It’s even on my birth certificate in so many words. This is my rage. This is my love. This is my town. This is my city. This is my life."

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#5The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/8/11 at 11:19pm

I'm not following. It's ridiculous that something is a huge success?

btw it's a good and fun show, but I would advise not expecting it to be the best thing you will ever experience in your life. If you agree with my modest praise, you will have managed your expectations. If you find my praise to modest, your expectations will be surpassed. It's a win win situation.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#6The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/8/11 at 11:20pm

you could try the lottery and/or standing room.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Rage and Love Profile Photo
Rage and Love
#7The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/8/11 at 11:23pm

henrikegerman, not that it's a success as I really want to see it and my ever so "anti Broadway" boyfriend had a revelation and decided to take me to see it. I'm really disappointed that I won't be seeing it anytime in the near future. I just can't comprehend that you have to almost crawl over people just to get a ticket.

"And that was that or so it seemed. Is this the end or the beginning? All I know is, she was right. I am an idiot. It’s even on my birth certificate in so many words. This is my rage. This is my love. This is my town. This is my city. This is my life."
Updated On: 8/8/11 at 11:23 PM

jdrye222 Profile Photo
#8The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/8/11 at 11:24pm

I'd say wait until it is half price in 2 years.

It is not a must-see, in my opinion... It is entertaining and fun, but hardly the greatest thing ever. And, I also feel that none of the performances are irreplaceable so you will be fine with seeing a replacement in a couple years.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#9The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/8/11 at 11:25pm

I guess Auntie Broadway should have had her revelation sooner?

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#10The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/8/11 at 11:27pm

Yes the prices are high. It is the hottest ticket on Broadway so they are going to be expensive. I splurged and bought a premium seat because it was all that was available, and I really wanted to see the show. I thought it was worth every penny. If you don't want to pay that much, there are other options (SRO and lottery). It's not like paying a fortune is the only way to see the show. It may take more work and waiting than one would like, but they are making the show accessible to people who cannot pay an arm and a leg. As every other show on Broadway, their goal is to make money. If they can get away with high prices, they will have high prices.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#11The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/8/11 at 11:35pm

I've seen it twice -- once at regular prices (before the increase, but not with the early discount) and once at standing room. Both times, totally worth the price and the wait.

A delightful, fun and energetic evening. Is it the best thing ever? No. Is it the best thing RIGHT NOW? Yup.

Will I see it again? Maybe in a year or two...or if someone else is buying!

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

AvenueQResident Profile Photo
#12The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/9/11 at 7:28am

I never thought queuing all day for SRO would be worth it.

This show proved me wrong.

Everything in only for now.

AvenueQResident Profile Photo
#13The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/9/11 at 7:28am

*double post

Everything in only for now.
Updated On: 8/9/11 at 07:28 AM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#14The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/9/11 at 8:24am

SRO for the matinee was worth it -- can't say I'd ever do it for an evening show, however.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

walkedthroughmany Profile Photo
#15The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/9/11 at 8:28am

"It's funny and all, but all of the music is just copying other contemporary musicals, which is apparently intentional but I think it's stupid."

Mormon nods to its predecessors but never copies them. It doesn't rely on blatant spoofs like many of its contemporaries.

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#16The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/9/11 at 8:40am

Gotcha, Rage and Love, sorry it's such a challenge.

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#17The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/9/11 at 9:03am

>> Is it the best thing ever? No. Is it the best thing RIGHT NOW? Yup.

And that right there is the saddest thing I've read on here in weeks.

C'mon, people. It's cute, but it's certainly not worth all this hoopla. I know I'm going in the minority on this, but I find it amazing that people would spend upwards of 2-300 dollars per ticket to see something this... mindless. I'm not saying that everything on Broadway should be a work of art or an unhinged masterpiece, but this one just seems to be the next step in "style over substance" that's been permeating B'way for many years now. It's two hours of fart jokes. What's next: HANGOVER THE MUSICAL?

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#18The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/9/11 at 10:13am

I'm thrilled.

Imagine - a hit musical that:
Isn't based on a movie where the audience goes in singing the PLOT.
Doesn't have huge sets or major special effects.
That has an original score (non jukebox)

Its an original musical with a hummable score. May broadway get many more shows like this one ... please.

AC126748 Profile Photo
#19The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/9/11 at 10:19am

^ I couldn't agree more.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

#20The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/9/11 at 10:38am

So then what is the best musical on Broadway right now? I mean, everyone seems to love to attack "The Book of Mormon", but no one then makes an argument for any other musical being better. I personally thought the show was brilliant--not the best musical of all time by any means or anything like that, but certainly better than the rest of the crap that's on right now.

And maybe I'm forgetting something, but I actually don't remember a single fart joke in "The Book of Mormon" and certainly not two hours of them. Just for the record.

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#21The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/9/11 at 10:56am

Whatever, guys. I was in the minority back when I said SPRING AWAKENING was pretty bad, and I acknowledge that I'm gonna be with this one as well.

But it's still a pretty sad statement when *this* is the best thing running.

Carry on.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#22The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/9/11 at 10:58am

To be fair, not everyone is attacking the show. Are there people that don't love or even like it? Sure, and they are entitled to their opinion.

Obviously, MOST folks fall in the "like it" to "love it" range.

I actually DON'T think it's mindless. I actually find there are things to think about within the(often silly) story. Blind faith, sprirituality vs. religion, acceptance, finding yourself, questioning beliefs, to name a few.

I loved the show...I wouldn't say it was one of my top ten favorites of all time, but it was a blast. I saw the show twice and paid a total of 150 bucks.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#23The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/9/11 at 11:12am

I think it's a very intelligent show. If you look past the surface, the show debates some hefty themes while holding up a mirror to American culture. I wasn't sure how they would be able to transfer their successful formula for South Park, but they did it in a way that was both familiar and fresh without compromising their style. This show was quite a big risk, but it paid off and I really admire that. I'd rather see Mormon ten more times than have to sit through The Producers again.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

hyperbole_and_a_half Profile Photo
#24The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
Posted: 8/9/11 at 11:34am

No, not everyone has to like the show, but if you call the show a two-hour fart joke when there's not a single fart joke to be found, it does cheapen your opinion. Is the humor puerile? Only if you think swearing is puerile (that might be a generational thing). When's the last time a Broadway musical comedy had us thinking about the African AIDS epidemic, blood-thirsty warlords, or female mutilation, or the American hubris that thinks we could make all of that disappear if only we found the right magic wand to wave? I preferred Scottsboro Boys last season, but that dealt with events of the past; Book of Mormon deals with injustices and attitudes being perpetrated as we speak. Is there a more socially-responsible, relevant musical on Broadway right now?
