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Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.

Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.

Weez Profile Photo
#1Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/3/08 at 2:10pm

Confession time: I only just realised John Cullum was in 'Urinetown'. I feel like a bad bad musical theatre fan. XP In my defence, I bought 'Urinetown' many moons ago, but it's pretty poor, as defences go.

Anyone else want to own up to anything?

Cordelia Fitzgerald Profile Photo
Cordelia Fitzgerald
#2re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/3/08 at 6:11pm

Well it doesn't really pertain to Broadway, But I always thought that Katharine Hepburn was Audrey Hepburn's mother....Now I feel really stupid about that...

Comedy is much more difficult than tragedy-and a much better training, I think. It's much easier to make people cry than to make them laugh.

TheatreFreak05 Profile Photo
#2re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/3/08 at 6:16pm

Haha mine is REALLY dumb!

I have owned the OBCR of Hairspray for many years now, but i just recently realized that Kerry Butler played Penny!!!

I was listening to a clip from Xanadu and I was like, "I have heard that voice before!" Yeah.. I am really dumb like that :)

thelastmidnight Profile Photo
#3re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/3/08 at 10:33pm

For the longest time, I thought Sondheim wrote Wicked.

Yes, I really did. I have a good excuse for it, though. Back then, I knew little about musical theatre, so it was easy for me to confuse people by their names. Of course, I know better now - considering how Sondheim and Schwartz have completely different styles, it's impossible to not tell them apart.

A Fleur De Toi Profile Photo
A Fleur De Toi
#4re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 1:55am

kerry butler was in hairspray obc!!!!!!! well i didnt know that.

ok NOW i feel dumb re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.

"Sondheim wrote Wicked." - Heehee. Can those two words even be used in a sentence together ? :) :)

In Soviet Russia, Wicked hates you too!

#5re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 2:01am

sodnheim writeing wicked wow.

Ella_17 Profile Photo
#6re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 2:46am

That Patti LuPone was in Candide. I saw Candide having no idea who Patti LuPone was, and then I saw Gypsy and I first noticed her. Then I saw a youtube video of a scene from Candide and I realized it. Also when me and my sis were discussing Gypsy, Sofie brought to my attention that it was written by Sondheim. After having my sister be in it in a local community theater production and seeing it on Broadway you think I would have figured it out. But no. What would I do without her.

#7re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 6:15am

...that the Phantom was written for a tenor! =I
I never gave that much thought...thought a baritone would be fine as well.

canmark Profile Photo
#8re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 6:42am

I once thought that "Let Me Entertain You" came from Gilligan's Island (it was sung by Ginger) and not Gypsy.

Coach Bob knew it all along: you've got to get obsessed and stay obsessed. You have to keep passing the open windows. (John Irving, The Hotel New Hampshire)

#9re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 7:58am

Not Broadway, but the other day I was watching Friends and was like "Oh, I always knew it was a play on Central Park, but I just now got that perk relates to coffee!" - most underrated performers on broadway

#10re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 8:06am

oh my god i never picked up on the Central Perk thing!!

Eastwickian Profile Photo
#11re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 8:41am

Somehow in all the hullaballo, loud singing and emotion, the first time I saw Les Mis I completely missed the fact that Eponine is the the Thénardier's daughter. My confusion on my second viewing at having missed something quite that blatant was immense...

Until the age of about 16, I thought that Into the Woods was childrens musical - I had been taken to see it when I was little and couldn't remember anything except that it had a witch in it. It wasn't until I got the CD that the penny dropped...

#12re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 10:10am

There's an episode of Friends were Phoebe does the same thing!

"As we all should probably have learned by now, to be a Stephen Sondheim fan is to have one's heart broken at regular intervals" - Frank Rich

Dearest, how can this be so? You were dead, you know. - Candide

Oh my god, this show has everything! Half naked guys and girl on girl action! - [title of show]

(My avatar? Why, yes! That is Laura Benanti making out with a chick!)

zepka102 Profile Photo
#13re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 10:39am

Eastwickian, when I first saw Into the Woods, it was on a field trip. I was in 6th grade and still wasn't into Broadway. I thought it was a great ending with the witch becoming beautiful, the Baker's wife being pregnant... I found out late in high school I had only seen Act One! I was mad!

::bust a move::

jordangirl Profile Photo
#14re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 10:55am

Wait. An entire class left a show at intermission???

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

zepka102 Profile Photo
#15re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 11:18am

No, they only showed us Act One... and I don't remember any announcements that we were seeing ONLY half of it.

::bust a move::

#16re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 11:26am

there is alot of people that think when a song froma is on a T.V show or movie and then they finaly see the musical and think they the director had stolen the song from that T.V show or Movie I hate it when people think that.

#17re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 11:44am

I had no idea during Sunday in the Park With George, that the reason Dot has trouble fitting into things, is because she's pregnant.

#18re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 11:51am

When I took my Grandma to Into the Woods she was ready to leave after act 1 because she thought it was over and I told her it was only Intermission and she said whats supposed to happen next and then when my friend saw it he stood up and gave a standing ovation after act 1 because he thought the show was over. Act 1 of Into the woods could basicly be counted as a full length Musical i'm sure
some theatre have got away with it.

Updated On: 7/4/08 at 11:51 AM

#19re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 11:54am

There is a liscenced version called Into the Woods, Jr. That is ONLY Act 1. It's trimmed a bit for some things, but is otherwise the full thing.

vfd88 Profile Photo
#20re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 12:24pm

husk - I never realized that about Dot either. Now I feel stupid.

#21re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 12:31pm

Don't worry, I didn't pick up on it until someone said it to me as well.

NYC_or_Bust Profile Photo
#22re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 1:38pm

I could never hear what Miss Dorothy was saying during "How The Other Half Lives". I always thought she said "I'll turn my dial to radiant vile"

This puzzled me for months about that lyric, until one day a very dear friend who loved the musical as well, was singing it in the car with me, and when it got to that part I sang "to radiant vile" and she looked at me and just started laughing her ass off. After she explained, I lost it too so we had to pull the car over.

I adore the black band holding on the Phantom's mask. ~ Jenna2

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#23re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 1:56pm

I just found out that Sondheim is a homosexual.

#24re: Things you never realised and now feel dumb about.
Posted: 7/4/08 at 1:58pm

I know that there is a Jr. version but they even cut down act 1.
