Swing Joined: 5/25/13
I'll be attending the Tony Awards (not as a VIP or anything like that, just your regular ticket-holder in the third mezzanine)!
I was wondering what the dress code was because I'm afraid that it'll be really odd if I dress up to sit at the back of Radio City.
Please advice! I'm sorry for seeming so ignorant but it's my first time in the USA and I don't want to make a fool of myself by breaking protocol! :X
Thank you! :)
the dress code is black tie, even in the back. I went a few years ago and we got all dressed up! Have fun!!
Swing Joined: 5/25/13
Does the dress have to be floor-length? And must the shoes be fancy as well? (I was hoping I could pull off sneakers so I don't have to pack as much!)
I'm really excited!
Definitely no to sneakers at the Tony Awards.
Swing Joined: 5/25/13
Are we allowed to bring our purses/ clutches in there? And electronics? Or do we have to store it somewhere before the show?
Yes you can bring a purse, a few years ago there was no problem bringing in phone and such. I wouldn't worry about it. The sparkle sneaker will probably be fine, it's not like there are bouncers and a velvet rope to get in, it's more about respecting the event. The dress doesn't have to be floor length, just use your judgement about what you have that is 'black tie'
Yeah, defientely a beautiful gown. It should be floor-length.
Have fun! So lucky :)
Updated On: 5/25/13 at 10:27 PM
Dressy Tessie Tura.
Lucy is juicy
But terribly drab.
Jessie is dressy
But cold as a slab.
Lucy wants to be dressy.
Jessie wants to be juicy.
Lucy wants to be Jessie
And Jessie Lucy.
Disney - you have no idea what you are talking about.
"Dressy" is what you need to remember -- but sneakers wouldn't cut it (unless they were hidden under a floor length gown).
Thanks for posting this! I am going to the Tony's this year also and was wondering the same thing!! :) I think I am going to wear a long formal-like gown!
Stand-by Joined: 11/4/11
Over the years, I have been to the Tony's several times. I and almost everyone there dressed formal. Although there is no rigid dress code, I think you'll feel most comfortable dressing up. It's the Tony's!!!!!
And make sure you wear clean underwear.
You never know what may happen.
One could also suggest to be sure to WEAR underwear. We have seen pictures of those caught without it.
I've just finished styling people in Cannes and it's not the same thing, I know but black tie is black tie. You need either a gown or mid-length cocktail dress. You would be able to get away with a jumpsuit if it were significantly 'dressy' enough. Heels or maybe dress flats (sandals, ballet pumps)are a must though and a small evening bag with only essentials. Likelihood is there will be some sort of security check so make it easy for them. And yeah, the underwear thing.
Swing Joined: 5/25/13
Thanks so much everyone!
The community here is awesome!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/30/08
Is there a different dress code for "women"?
Bigger underwear.
Also, I like googling pics from prior years to see what the stars wore. Many ladies wore shorter dresses, so I don't think floor length is necessary. Ballet flats are pretty easy to pack (def avoid sneakers). Don't stress about it though. It's just a fun evening. The last time I was there, the lobby was so crowded, you couldn't appreciate what anyone was wearing!
"Welcome to Manderley, I'm sure you'll be very happy here." Uh...actually welcome to this board. You caught the community in a good mood. They seemed to be nice today. However, from time to time, there are a few gremlins ready to pounce at any perceived infraction. But I'm sure you know that already. Again, welcome and have fun. from RC in Austin, Texas (in NYC from June 7-10, 2013)
The dress code at the Beacon was decidedly black tie. It is a much smaller venue. At Radio City the mood is laxer, but you need at the least a very elegant cocktail dress. I think you would feel foolish in sneakers.
I attended theyear The Producers swept the awards, and while the majority of women wore gowns, there were absolutely women in cocktail dresses.
I think the dress code at the Tony's is pretty laid back actually. The Tonys however are blacktie
sorry sorry sorry I had to
It states on the ticket and all the information: BLACK TIE ONLY, PLEASE.
I.e. No sneakers Even the glittery kind. ESPECIALLY the gaudy,glittery kind.