Have to say I am loving this. Was so excited to know I could listen to this live. If I was in New York for a visit I would not have my computer so I even if I got in to see some live I would have to leave and then not have a computer to listen to the rest so I am happy happy happy! I did not get to see Assassins and I really wanted to. Alexander Gemignani is Paul's son and went to U of M where I saw him in some of their productions. Can't wait for the rest!
"The more I traveled the more I realized that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends." - Shirley MacLaine
Moved? After Joanna Gleason my roommate and I ran to the grocery store for some necessary suppliments as we withered in hunger refusing to leave our beds and were back in time for Anyone Can Whistle! Whaahoo!
Michael Ceveris rocks my world as well. NPH is better than Patrick Cassidy though. NPH is a total sock-rocker.
Yeah...I started the morning by eating breakfast like a normal person, but from the time I logged in here and found out about XM around 2pm I've only moved for about 2 minutes to heat some soup to eat.
And man, this song freaked me out when I saw it at Studio 54.
Updated On: 3/19/05 at 06:34 PM