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Was JLY on for the weekend shows?

Was JLY on for the weekend shows?

#0Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 6:14pm

My sisters were at the show on Friday night and less than ten minutes in, the show was stopped, an announcement was made that he couldn't continue and his u/s came on. I'm wondering if he returned for the other weekend shows? They loved Dominic but were disappointed not to have seen John do the entire show.

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#1re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 6:18pm

Not sure about Saturday, but he was not on yesterday.

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#2re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 8:25pm

John was out all weekend. Dominic went on for John on Saturday for at least one performance if not both, and Michael Longoria went on for John yesterday.

mrs felciano
#3re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 9:19pm

Isn't this the second time this has happened? I mean..thats HOW many shows he's missed?

Maybe it's just me.. but I think it's time they cut him permanantly. I don't think there's anything spectacular about him, or his performance. Updated On: 8/28/06 at 09:19 PM

#4re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 10:13pm

He's been battling a sickness for a month or more lately and that is why he hasn't been in the show. He isn't the first performer this has happened too and there is no reason to permanently cut him and think he'll never get better. It's sad he didn't make it through the show but he knows how disappointed people are when he is out of the show and that is why he keeps trying to come back before completely healthy and unfortunately cannot make it through the show. Not to mention he has a contract that is not up until October.... SO mrs felciano, maybe you should not be so quick to jump to conclusions or maybe understand the guy is SICK and trying to get back as soon as possible. Must be you're never been trying to fight off a cold for a while and he has to do that and try to sing 27 sings and many of them are in his falsetto...

#5re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 10:32pm


Plus, his part is extremely hard, vocally, and I think that we should be applauding him for the amount of performances he has been able to do, and do exceedingly well!

"Don't thank your parents, if you were raised in a nurturing environment you wouldnt be in show business"--Conan O'Brien at the 2006 Emmy Awards

#6re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 10:36pm

Thank you Wicked_Mimi for taking the words right out of my mouth. JLY is surely not missing performances on purpose. Sickness really stinks and I hope he feels better as soon as possible.

#7re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 10:40pm

I think mrs felciano is one of those Sweeney fans who's still mad that Christian won over Mano and JLY won over Michael. :P

Sorry to make assumptions so quickly, but I'm just teasing.

What the puck?!
Updated On: 8/28/06 at 10:40 PM

mrs felciano
#8re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 10:40pm

Actually for your information.. I do know what it is like to be in a show with an illness..and mine was much more severe than a cold..and yes it is difficult and I'm sorry for him in that respect.

I'm not trying to start a battle here. I'm just stating my opinion. John could have a perfect attendance record and I still would think he's overrated.

#9re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 10:42pm

Have you seen him perform? I saw both Jersey Boys and Sweeney Todd and I must say, IMO, the Tonys went to who deserved them. I think Michael Cerveris and Manoel's performances are amazing, but they were not the show stealers that Christian and John's are.

And John doesn't have just a cold, he has had infections and just been battling some pretty nasty stuff. Cold was just easier to say at the time. Plus, the part of Frankie Valli isn't exactly the type of part you want to be feeling the slightest bit under the weather to perform since it requires singing in a falsetto and being on stage for almost the entire show.

Updated On: 8/28/06 at 10:42 PM

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#10re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 10:45pm

What I don't get is it took him ten minutes into the show to realize he was ill. Hmmm odd. But I love his performance on the cd and think it's very professional of him to step down when he needs to.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

Chanticleer148 Profile Photo
#11re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 10:46pm

I see that the melodrama continues relative to JLY.

Obviously, there are serious problems. When I tried to say this is mid-July, I was viciously attacked.

No audience member should plan to see JLY in this show. Thank goodness Longoria is so wonderful!

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
#12re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 10:48pm

John is fighting something called "candida"... heard it's pretty nasty and a pain to get rid of, and when I spoke with him at stagedoor a couple of weeks ago, he said even then it wasn't 100% gone but that he's trying. :) He knows he's disappointing people and he hates it, I'm sure, but he's really trying to protect his vocal chords from getting anymore damaged than they are - and as someone who has to sing a score like that 7 or 8 times a week (or sing anything in the future!)? Protecting your voice is a main priority over who sees you in the show.

What I don't get is it took him ten minutes into the show to realize he was ill.

At least he's trying - cut him some slack. It's specifically his falcetto he's having problems with.
Updated On: 8/28/06 at 10:48 PM

#13re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 10:50pm

I just hope John feels much better soon.

The towel waving reminded me of a Per?nist rally. I kept chanting "Evita!" whenever they'd pan to the crowds. - SM2

#14re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 10:50pm

I think that if he just took around 2 weeks off and completely recovered he could be almost the way he was before the Tonys. Tony season and then him getting a pretty nasty sinus infection just really has taken a lot out of him and rather than just flat out get better and then come back, he is trying to get back as soon as possible so as not to disappoint those who want to see him. I think it is great he wants to get back so soon but, as a fan of his, I'd rather see someone who is healthy and can perform top notch, than someone who is under the weather.

Chanticleer148 Profile Photo
#15re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 10:54pm

Post a notice for the audience: Don't expect to see JLY! Go to see Longoria-he's great!

It's too bad, but at least it is truthful to the audience.

#16re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 10:56pm

He'll be back eventually. John has said there is no permanent damage. Plus, Dominic and Michael rotate the part quite a bit. Not to mention Matt Scott can start filling in the role too...

Chanticleer148 Profile Photo
#17re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 10:58pm

Maybe The Post, The Daily News, and The Sun will get the news out.

#18re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 11:01pm

I don't think you should be so quick to rule John out... it isn't like the guy is dying. Once he gets rid of all this stuff he will probably be able to do 7 or 8 shows like he did for 7 months

mrs felciano
#19re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 11:03pm

My best friend went this weekend and was dissapointed he was out and was talking to an old lady at the stagedoor and she said she was so sad he was out because she was his grandmother! Apparently A lot of his aunts, uncles, and cousins were there to see him too! That must have been such a bummer. It'll be awhile before they're all able to get tickets again. A few people overheard and I guess asked his granny for autographs. I thought that was cute.

#20re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 11:05pm

Yea... his family is really proud of him and if he missed the show when they were there you can only imagine how he must be feeling. Tell anyone who ever wants an autograph from him to mail what they want signed or request a photo or playbill and John will sign it and get it back to them. He is AMAZING about dealing with his fan mail. It isn't the same as getting it in person but it's fun to get mail from a Tony winner too!

mrs felciano
#21re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 11:07pm

I have a question about John. I know he went to school in Providence RI.. but did he grow up around there too? It's about 40 minutes from me.. and I was just wondering.

#22re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 11:08pm

He attended Brown but for the most part grew up in upstate NY. The town is small and called Plattsburgh. It is really close to Canada and Vermont.

#23re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 11:11pm

My best friend went this weekend and was dissapointed he was out and was talking to an old lady at the stagedoor and she said she was so sad he was out because she was his grandmother! Apparently A lot of his aunts, uncles, and cousins were there to see him too!

Well, that would explain why he was so determined to go on despite feeling under the weather.

Poor lamb.
Updated On: 8/28/06 at 11:11 PM

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
#24re: Was JLY on for the weekend shows?
Posted: 8/28/06 at 11:19pm

Actually, John lived in a handful of places growing up. Mainly upstate New York, but he has lived elsewhere. I only know this because he lived here in Omaha for about 5 years during his "Tom Sawyer years" (as he called them).
