It was really bizarre, but totally funny. I guess maybe he thought I was too young to be reading it maybe? Who knows. Once we got the really odd first few moments of recorgnizing how odd the coincidence was, he was actually really cool to talk to.
Oh, maybe it was an age thing. Good point! I think you look way older than you are though, so *shrug*
I would really love to talk to him about the play, but I would without a doubt stick my foot in my mouth. I wouldn't even know what to say about it.
Also, when I started talking to him I was SO emotional from reading, so that was a but weird. I talked to him about everything pretty much. 'Twas a good time. Also, I have other strange connections to the original production of the Normal Heart, so it was interesting to hear another prospective on it.
I went to the Rent 10 Benefit concert and I met Aiko Nakasone (and other cast members as well). I walked up to her while she was was talking to someone else, and I didn't want to interrupt, so I stood quietly behind the person she was talking to. She noticed I was there, and kept glancing at me and making apologetic gestures to me while still managing to appear interested in what the other guy was saying to her. When he was finally finished talking, she rushed over to me
Aiko: 'Thank you SO much for waiting I'm SO sorry about that thank you for being so patient' etc
Me: Are you kidding? You were in the original cast of Rent and were just part of one of the most incredible nights of my life. I should be thanking you for your amazing performance and even talking to me in the first place!
Aiko: 'Alright... if you say so...'
Not really a weird comment, but it was my first stage door experience and I didn't really know how to reply.
Todd Buonopane (u/s for Leaf Coneybear at Spelling Bee): So, where are you from?
Me: Virginia, we're spending the weekend in the city.
Todd B.: VIRGINIA!? I made a Virginia comment in the show..
Me: You did? I must have missed it, darn!
Todd: Probably, you didn't laugh.
Outside while talking to Sarah Saltzberg, it was windy and my bag flew away and we both ran out by the sidewalk to catch it. That just confirmed that Sarah is THE coolest person, ever.
And Deborah S Craig freaked out when she learned my friend Kelly's last name was Craig. She insisted they were sisters, and Kelly came over from Scotland with her family.
poetic, that's so cute.
hmmmmm, I don't have many "weird" ones but here are some gems that I remember
Rob Bartlett, "Please call me Rob, Mr. Bartlett is my father"
Mano, "You were in the front row weren't you?"
Me, "Yes I was"
Mano, "Yeah, I glared at you the whole opening number"
I brought a picture of me and Jordan Gelber from a previous visit back to Avenue Q once, and he wrote a comment on the back that at a first glance looked liked it said "Nice slut!" but actually said "Nice shot!"
However, my all-time favourite was Raul after Taboo
Raul, "Where did you get your makeup, my wife would love it"
Tom Hewitt at the stagedoor for DRS gave my friend a "whoop, whoop" w/ the accompanying raise the roof hands cuz it was her 18th birthday.
Bump. This thread was funny.
This wasn't so weird. My friend and I were at the SD for Chicago on Saturday (we were about the only ones). We had been waiting for Michelle DeJean (not knowing that she had left), when she came back with a pizza box. My friend started babbling about the show and how great it was, and I was just laughing at her. Michelle put her pizza box down, came back over to us, looked at my friend and went "I gather you saw the show today..."
Oh, haha. I thought it was some show or special outing or something. I totally did not even think of that.
And Rachel Stern's, "My mother asked me if I really wanted to leave Disney to go do a rock and roll musical and I was like, hell yeah!"