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West Side Story revival?- Page 11

West Side Story revival?

LuPita2 Profile Photo
#250West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 2:46pm

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, of course. And we can not buy ticket, sure! But it’s strange to speak about it like this is established fact or union rules or law. It’s none of those things. He was disciplined by his job and now has a new one. 

As other posters pointed out, when the lawsuit is resolved and he's issued an apology, perhaps. The director cast him because he's controversial, but the thing about this new West Side Story, is that it is trying to appeal to younger people. Well, young people have shown up to this thread and given their honest opinions, and most are very negative. Younger people don't tolerate things like slut, victim, body shaming for our own lives, nor do we ever accept the type of behavior that those three men engaged in regarding women at the NYCB.

Updated On: 7/11/19 at 02:46 PM

#251West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 2:48pm

Hear, hear!    (in response to JSquared2: "Oh would you give it a rest already, dear.  You've said the exact same thing in dozens of posts.  Your outrage is duly noted.  Guess we won't be seeing you at Opening Night!"West Side Story revival?

I cannot wait to see this. Sounds very -  let's say - eclectic. Not familiar with the choreographer.

Can anyone shed any light on this: I thought I had heard a long time ago that Jerome Robbins's will /trust what have you had prevented anyone from fiddling with the choreography to WSS...which is why it had been a very long time since it was touched. Anyone know anything about that or am I recalling something that wasn't true

Updated On: 7/11/19 at 02:48 PM

#252West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 2:49pm

Unfortunately this stuff has all come about with the 'dating app' culture that is sweeping the world atm. The whole thing is vile and I can't believe people gay or straight have so willingly fell into it because 'everyone else is doing it'. Some of the stuff I have witnessed as a gay male shocks me and the stuff my younger straight female relatives tell me that goes on is just despicable. It is a breeding ground for these types of predators to thrive and I don't know how we have become so easily manipulated into all of this being ok on any level. How far we have fallen.

I don't know what this guy has done beyond share a pic, but the other guy sounds like the main instigator, a real piece of work and someone fully capable of manipulating and dragging others, including his poor girlfriend, into his web. This sounds more like someone hanging out with the wrong crowd than him being the main contributor...guilt by association if you like. Yes what he did was wrong, but it is very easy to get caught up in something like this very quickly in the moment before realising you've made a mistake. Associating with a predator doesn't make you a predator and predators usually seek out good people to entice into their vile web as it makes them look better when they're finally caught out.

How do we know he hasn't apologised to said parties already? How do we know he hasn't already shown remorse? It is possible that this has already occurred and those who hired him have witnessed it. He is a young guy who made a very stupid mistake, but frankly also a very common mistake that I imagine a lot of young men make these days when trying to impress others and fit in.

The whole cultural wave that exists around this stuff is despicable and people on all sides of it have to start making the right choices when faced with a question they are asked probably every day.

Complete Stranger : 'do you have any nudes'

Prey : 'NO!'

Updated On: 7/11/19 at 02:49 PM

#253West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 2:50pm

LuPita2 said: "Everyone is entitled to their opinion, of course. And we can not buy ticket, sure! But it’s strange to speak about it like this is established fact orunion rules or law. It’s none of those things. He was disciplined by his job and now has a new one.

As other posters pointed out, when the lawsuit is resolved and he's issued an apology, perhaps. The director cast him because he's controversial, but the thing about this new West Side Story, is that it is trying to appeal to younger people.Well, young people have shown up to this thread and given their honest opinions, and most are very negative. Younger people don't tolerate things like slut, victim, body shaming, nor do we ever accept the type of behavior that those three men engaged in.


You know what else "young people" don't do?  Buy full-priced tickets!!

Fetus Profile Photo
#254West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 3:14pm

Impossible2 said: "Unfortunately this stuff has all come about with the 'dating app' culture that is sweeping the world atm. The whole thing is vile and I can't believe people gay or straight have so willingly fell into it because 'everyone else is doing it'. Some of the stuff I have witnessed as agay male shocks me and the stuff my younger straight femalerelatives tellme that goes on is just despicable. It is a breeding ground for these types of predators to thrive andI don't know how we have become so easily manipulated into all of this beingok on any level. How far we have fallen.

The whole cultural wave that exists around this stuff is despicable and people on all sides of it have to start making the right choices when faced with a question they are asked probably every day.

Complete Stranger : 'do you have any nudes'

Prey :'NO!'

I guess I can't link the "old man yells at cloud" image to respond to this post but I love the attitude that the 'dating app culture' is some horrible thing when previous generations of gay men had cruising in public parks.

#255West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 3:18pm

Impossible2 said: "

How do we know he hasn't apologised to said parties already? How do we know he hasn't already shown remorse?It is possible that this has already occurred and those who hired him have witnessed it. He is a young guy who made a very stupid mistake, but frankly also a very common mistake that I imagine a lot of young men make these days when trying to impress othersand fit in.

The whole cultural wave that exists around this stuff is despicable and people on all sides of it have to start making the right choices when faced with a question they are asked probably every day.

Complete Stranger : 'do you have any nudes'

Prey :'NO!'

He's 37, and was likely 35 or 36 when this was going down. That's not that young. It's certainly old enough to know that sharing nude photographs of your co-workers with other co-workers is, at the very least, inappropriate. "Not sharing nude pics of your co-workers with your and their co-workers" should be the bare minimum of workplace behavior.

And there's no indication these were randos who sent pics to a stranger. Even he claimed they were women he had consensual relationships with. Perhaps it was foolish for those women to share nude pics with a man they were in a relationship with. That doesn't in any way excuse him sharing them with his and their co-workers. Just because someone is foolish enough to leave their keys in the ignition doesn't mean the person who steals the car hasn't committed a crime.

Updated On: 7/11/19 at 03:18 PM

LuPita2 Profile Photo
#256West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 3:19pm

The men in this thread attempting to silence the females is very telling, and I'm so happy they continue to do it, exposing themselves. Once again, victim, slut, body, women shaming are not allowed. Not here, not in the real world. Not ever. 

“So inspiring how a 37-year-old man suspended from a minor supporting role in a show over sexual misconduct involving a woman over a decade his junior can bravely persevere and be rewarded with a major supporting role in a show alongside many women over a decade his junior. Sexual harassment is despicable regardless of age, of course, but Ramasar and his cohorts in their exchanges specifically fetishized and degraded 19/20-year-old women — so now when I see that over 20 of the West Side cast members are making their Broadway debuts, it concerns me. When you cast someone with a history of sexual misconduct in a principal role with a cast of unknowns, you are sending a message. I worry about the power dynamic of an environment that makes clear from day one how much the gatekeepers love making sure predators have a spare key.” 

#257West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 3:27pm

Fetus said: "Impossible2 said: "Unfortunately this stuff has all come about with the 'dating app' culture that is sweeping the world atm. The whole thing is vile and I can't believe people gay or straight have so willingly fell into it because 'everyone else is doing it'. Some of the stuff I have witnessed as agay male shocks me and the stuff my younger straight femalerelatives tellme that goes on is just despicable. It is a breeding ground for these types of predators to thrive andI don't know how we have become so easily manipulated into all of this beingok on any level. How far we have fallen.

The whole cultural wave that exists around this stuff is despicable and people on all sides of it have to start making the right choices when faced with a question they are asked probably every day.

Complete Stranger : 'do you have any nudes'

Prey :'NO!'

I guess I can't link the "old man yells at cloud" image to respond to this post but I love the attitude that the 'dating app culture' is some horrible thing when previous generations of gay men had cruisingin public parks.

Yup and I found that as equally disgusting and didn't partake, no doubt you would've x

#258West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 3:29pm

LuPita2 said: "The men in this thread attempting to silence the females is very telling, and I'm so happy they continue to do it, exposing themselves...."



 I am a female, not a man.

Fetus Profile Photo
#259West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 3:38pm

Impossible2 said: "
Yup and I found that as equally disgusting and didn't partake, no doubt you would've x"

You're making some bold accusations that aren't true, but my point was that every generation has objectively  desperate, and sometimes gross, sexual behaviors and the 'dating app culture' you're so disgusted with is only a product of the generations before it. Passing judgement on people for what they choose to do consensually (speaking in generalities, obviously not in regards to the Amar case) only makes you look ignorant and out of touch, but this is completely irrelevant to this thread.

#260West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 3:48pm

MemorableUserName said: "Impossible2 said: "

How do we know he hasn't apologised to said parties already? How do we know he hasn't already shown remorse?It is possible that this has already occurred and those who hired him have witnessed it. He is a young guy who made a very stupid mistake, but frankly also a very common mistake that I imagine a lot of young men make these days when trying to impress othersand fit in.

The whole cultural wave that exists around this stuff is despicable and people on all sides of it have to start making the right choices when faced with a question they are asked probably every day.

Complete Stranger : 'do you have any nudes'

Prey :'NO!'

He's 37, and was likely 35 or 36 when this was going down. That's not that young. It's certainly old enough to know that sharing nude photographs of your co-workers with other co-workers is, at the very least, inappropriate. "Not sharing nude pics of your co-workers with your and their co-workers" should be the bare minimum of workplace behavior.

And there's no indication these were randos who sent pics to a stranger. Even he claimed they were women he had consensual relationships with. Perhaps it was foolish for those women to share nude pics with a man they were in a relationship with. That doesn't in any way excuse him sharing them with his and their co-workers. Just because someone is foolish enough to leave their keys in the ignition doesn't mean the person who steals the car hasn't committed a crime.

I was talking more about how the culture has introduced a whole new layer to this sort of activity and somewhat normalised it in ways that it shouldn't be normalised. Some people read this stuff and are shocked by it, when in reality it goes on everywhere every day. 

I was in a bar a few weeks ago with a group of people who I usually hang out with when I go out, but I wouldn't call any of them 'friends' by any stretch of the imagination. One of them pulled out his phone and was showing people videos of him having sex with someone and I was truly mortified that this seemed completely normal to these people. From the flash I saw before I walked away, identities were not revealed, but the fact they were filming such things and viewing them with people in a public place shocked me quite a bit. 

It is the first time I have ever experienced such a thing and I do look at this person in a somewhat different light now, but has he committed a crime by showing people this and who knows if the person who was filmed knew if it was being filmed or not. It just seemed odd to me that it seemed to be acceptable to do it and no one else even flinched.


LuPita2 Profile Photo
#261West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 4:02pm

"He is a young guy who made a very stupid mistake"

Ah yes, those young guys nearing 40. Yes, I'm sure taking a photo, cropping it so only the woman's vagina is seen and sending it to several of his co workers was ....... a mistake. 

Clearly, he did not MEAN to press send!

#262West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 4:03pm

Fetus said: "Impossible2 said: "
Yup and I found that as equally disgusting and didn't partake, no doubt you would've x"

You're making some bold accusations that aren't true, but my point was that every generation has objectively desperate, and sometimes gross,sexual behaviors and the 'dating appculture' you're so disgusted with is only a product of the generations before it. Passing judgement on people for what they choose to do consensually (speaking in generalities, obviously not in regards to the Amar case)only makes you look ignorant and out of touch, but this is completely irrelevant to this thread.

It's not ignorant or out of touch at all, unless morality and self respect is ignorant and out of touch and you have admitted yourself that if the person on the other end of the phone shares them, that you are also partly to blame.

If the only way you can get someone to have any interest in you is by sending nude pictures or videos of yourself before you've even met them, it tells me that you are dealing with someone who isn't worth knowing.

You have NO idea who is on the other end of the phone, nor do you know if you are even talking to the person in the picture. As we've seen in this case, you can't even trust such material to people that you DO know.

It used to be that if someone is asking you for this stuff it'd tell you from the start there is something not right with them. But the fact that we have now normalised the behaviour, it makes the bad guys/girls harder to spot because now everyone just hands them right over.

Sorry but it scares me...if that make me a judgemental prude well so be it x

#263West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 4:07pm

LuPita2 said: ""He is a young guy who made a very stupid mistake"

Ah yes, those young guys nearing 40. Yes, I'm sure taking a photo, cropping it so only the woman's vagina is seenand sending it to several of his co workerswas ....... a mistake.

Clearly, he did not MEAN to press send!

I didn't know his age, I just assumed as he is in WSS he was younger x

#264West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 4:49pm

It has been interesting reading the options of folks who are super concerned about women being disrespected, but who also paid to see a show that excuses the abuse of women.

#265West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 4:55pm

I can see absolutely no reason to bend over backwards and defend the behavior that Amar participated in. To take nude photographs of someone without their knowledge or consent, to share them without that person’s knowledge or consent, and to participate in a demeaning conversation about wanting to “violate” these women and their friends...this is textbook toxic male behavior, and if you don’t think it’s a part of rape culture, chances are you don’t know what rape culture means. There is no reason to defend these men, and even less of a reason to cast one of them in a broadway show. I wouldn’t go see a show with Amar in it any more than I’d see a movie that Bryan Singer directed.

#266West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 5:06pm

anewroomfortworoom said: "I wouldn’t go see a show with Amar in it any more than I’d see a movie that Bryan Singer directed."

Ramasar is accused of privately sending nude photos of a colleague to Chase Finlay.

Bryan Singer has been accused of sexually assaulting, and in some cases raping, multiple underage boys over the last 20 years.

I sincerely hope you can look at those two things and acknowledge the vast difference in severity between the accusations.

#267West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 5:09pm

ctorres23 said: "anewroomfortworoom said: "I wouldn’t go see a show with Amar in it any more than I’d see a movie that Bryan Singer directed."

Ramasar is accused of privately sending nude photos of a colleague to Chase Finlay.

Bryan Singer has been accused of sexually assaulting, and in some cases raping, multiple underage boys over the last 20 years.

I sincerely hope you can look at those two things and acknowledge the vast difference in severity between the accusations.

Of course not, they'd have to climb down from the top of the hysteria ladder to see some rhyme or reason and we all know that ain't gonna happen x

#268West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 5:10pm

ctorres23 said: "I sincerely hope you can look at those two things and acknowledge the vast difference in severity between the accusations."

What I can do is choose not to support art that employs people who have committed abhorrent behavior and who have not taken the slightest shred of a step towards apology, ownership of their wrongs, and sincere rehabilitation. 

Updated On: 7/11/19 at 05:10 PM

#269West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 5:11pm

ctorres23 said: "I sincerely hope you can look at those two things and acknowledge the vast difference in severity between the accusations."

Not to speak for the other poster, but I am shocked at how people in this thread continue to try excuse Amar's actions. The false equivalencies are truly stunning. 

Of course those two situations are different. But, it seems pretty logical that if someone is offended by both, that they would avoid both a $15-$20 movie and a $100-$200 musical. 

#270West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 5:14pm

anewroomfortworoom said: "ctorres23 said: "I sincerely hope you can look at those two things and acknowledge the vast difference in severity between the accusations."

who have not taken the slightest shred of a step towards apology, ownership of their wrongs, and sincere rehabilitation.

How do YOU know he has not done this?

#271West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 5:22pm

Impossible2 said: "How do YOU know he has not done this?"

I’m not seeing any sort of public apology on his part. Nor any statement that suggested ownership of his actions. Nor any proof of, or plans for, rehabilitation. 

#272West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 5:34pm

anewroomfortworoom said: "Impossible2 said: "How do YOU know he has not done this?"

I’m not seeing any sort of public apology on his part. Nor any statement that suggested ownership of his actions. Norany proof of,or plans for,rehabilitation.

It's none of the publics business.

The only person he has to apologise to is the person who he did this horrible thing to and possibly his employer who he brought into disrepute.

Why would he need to go into rehab for sending a cropped photo to someone?

What kind of rehab is there for such a thing?

LuPita2 Profile Photo
#273West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 5:39pm

Why would he need to go into rehab for sending a cropped photo to someone?

Read the legal complaint or stop talking about this. There were exchanges back and forth for months of MANY DIFFERENT WOMEN within the Company. You don't even know his age because you cannot bother reading an article, complaint, or any information about him. Just stop with your ignorance. 

#274West Side Story revival?
Posted: 7/11/19 at 5:42pm

Impossible2 said: “Why would he need to go into rehab for sending a cropped photo to someone?

What kind of rehab is there for such a thing?

Rehabilitation — whether literally rehab or another avenue — implies to me the desire to change one’s behavior and to do the necessary work. Without a public statement saying as much, I feel no desire to support a show that casts him. 

Updated On: 7/11/19 at 05:42 PM
