Joined: 12/31/69
I'm lucky, I'm a Drama Major at NYU so my passion is/will be my job! :)
Job...currently proffreading/editing...but i worked in entertainment public relations for years, mentoring young women, as in continue in studying--theatre/acting, singing...sometimes writing...I LOVE MUSICAL THEATRE!! :)
Job: I am the assistant to a Director at a very large insurance company here in Denver, CO.
Passion: Theatre and Music. I will also put the following under Passion as it is not my day job.....I am also Co-Chair of the African American Task Force at the, Tony winning(!), Denver Center of Performing Arts/ Denver Center Theatre Company and I am also on the Chairman's Counsil at the Center. I also am part of a program there where I give tours of the theatres (the DCTC has 4 theatres. The entire Center has 8 stages) The organization I Co-Chair is 25 years old and our mission is to get people of color into the theatre. We also have a project, that I love, that focuses on school kids. We get sponsors to pay for the kids to see plays at the DCTC. I love it because it is wonderful to see the excitement in these kids after seeing a show and hearing them discussing what they have just seen. I have been a Chair for this organization for 6 years. And I love it!
Job: trying to get through my sophmore year at high school without going insane. Plus I get paid to do paintings and other art pieces every now and then.
Passion: The arts. (music, theatre, fine art, dance, singing etc.) I know that I want to do something musical theatre related in my future so right now I'm just working on setting the bases, so to speak.
Childrens Author, Fantasy fiction stories. Im so inspired by Actors always loved the performing arts and theater is a main passion for me. I appreciate all performers and their hard work and dedication in what they do.
Wow I'm kinda suprised at how young a lot of the people on this board are but anyway...
JOB: I work in the billing and collections dept. at Comcast cable "Do you want to make a payment on that today?!" I graduated last year from high school and I'm saving EVERY penny so I can go to college this fall and major in Musical Theater!
PASSION: Anything realted to theater! I WILL be a performer and I don't care who, what, where, when, why, or how much I do or don't get paid. It's in my blood to do perform!
PASSION: Ninth grade who wants nothing more than to be on Broadway when I grow up. (I know, corny...but true) I want to be in musical Theater, I've been studying music and taking voice lessons since I was six. I want to go to NYU!!!!!!!!
JOB: Help my mom out after play rehearsal at her store. Also hold benefits in boston with my singing instructor. (If that counts as a job)
JOB: I manage a Theatre Restaurant (aka dinner theatre) here in Melbourne.
PASSION/S: Theatre, Law, Cooking.
Job: Being a good husband (hopefully succeeding)- Insurance Underwriter in NYC
Passion: Art, Sports, Collecting anything Bob Marley related
Job: Speech-Language Pathologist
Passion: Visiting NYC monthly to see shows!
I updated my original post because I remembered another question I wanted to ask.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
My job is an optometrist (eye doctor).
My passion is producing musical theatre.
How I'm going to make that leap...I have no clue! LOL! :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
Job: unfortunately, a student unable at the moment to pursure her passions which are:
Passions: Musical Theatre!!!! (is anyone suprised?) I will work in the theatre. I will perform, direct, work lights, costumes, usher, concessions, or work in the women's rest rooms to be in the theatre
shameless- I will be attending college to get a BA in theatre. I than want to get my Masters in Politics and get a teaching certification that would allow me to teach Performing Arts and Government (as two different classes). Teaching would be the job that would give me money until I land it wherever I end up landing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Well, I'm sortta in the performing arts right now. My professional name is "Spartacus" AND I perform nightly at Runway 69--near JFK Airport. passions? Juicy Fruit Gum and black jellybeans.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
dollypop- you make me laugh
Job: College Freshman
Passion: Travel, Politics.
Job: Tour Consultant
Passions: Well, those are endless.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
Job: Ph.D. Candidate in engineering and college professor
Passions: helping others understand science, medicine and engineering (weird passion, I know), performing (although it is something I don't have time to do right now), theater (any kind), and animals
My job: Kindergarten teacher
My passions: travel, food, the arts, and finding a guy to fall in love with.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/14/05
Job: lawyer, father and lousy husband
Passion: musical theatre and singing and the Cubs
Updated On: 3/25/05 at 10:26 AM
Featured Actor Joined: 2/14/05
I feel old reading this thread but I'm a surgical instrument tech.
My main passions are Baseball and Football.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/25/04
JOB: law student (and working for a political foundation)
PASSION: anything concerning theatre, especially musical theatre. Anthing written by Coleman, Kander/Ebb, Herman, Sondheim and Strouse...
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/21/04
Currently: Project Manager
Was: Actor and personal assistant
Passion: My family, friends, theater and film scores
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Job: Cosmetic Company owner
Passion: Theatre, travel, art, great food!
Updated On: 3/25/05 at 11:19 AM