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Wicked Tour 9/17 Night

notsovirginmary Profile Photo
#0Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 12:07am

(okay, I'm really tired.. I ran this through Word's spellcheck, I hope it caught everything.)

I've seen Wicked four times now, three of which were in NYC, and I think this is overall my favorite production/cast.

The show itself is very flawed (as I know a lot of you agree) and I think this cast was the most successful at making me forget the plot holes and script problems.

Stephanie J Block's voice is incredible, simply incredible. I was most impressed with No Good Deed, and judging by the response she got, I think most of the audience agreed with me. Her acting for the most part was excellent, although there were a few moments where I thought she was a bit too polished- she didn't have the rawness that Idina had during the emotional scenes. But I really didn't miss Idina's awkward arm movements and strange facial expressions.

Kendra Kassebaum's second act performance is the best I've ever seen. I've always come out of the show not really liking Glinda-because I never quite forgive her for telling Morrible to use Nessa. The transition from Glinda and Elphaba hating each other into For Good has never rung true to me.
But some how Kendra got me on her side, her emotions and motives were much more clear and I sympathized with her.

Her performance in the first act is a bit much, she can't seem to stand still, and her Glinda is very ADHD. But she still made me laugh, which I didn't expect to do because I've heard the jokes before. She has this sort of twisted way of delivering the lines which made them funny for completely different reasons. People have said before that her high notes are not very strong, which I agree with. But I didn't really mind, they were there, just not very powerful. Her lower range is just gorgeous; she has a really interesting quality to her voice.

-What was with her constantly flashing Elphaba? "I've got ruffles on'em!" Heh.

I enjoyed Carol Kane as Morrible, she didn't sing at all, but she was pretty spot on acting-wise. Her "..Shut up!" speech was chilling.

David Garrison was fine. The Wizard is really a pretty thankless role, but he's got a pleasant voice and he's aged very well. Wicked Tour 9/17 Night

Derrick Williams is probably the weakest cast member. His lines were rushed and hard to understand, and his voice is a little too American Idol for me. He has a nice look for Fiyaro, you can see why Glinda and Elphaba would fall for him -the two gay men I was with spent intermission discussing his ass.

Logan Lipton was an adorable Bog, appropriately pathetic.

Jenna Leigh Green's voice is lovely; she got applause in the middle of Wicked Witch Of The East. Her acting is as good as it could be with the little she has to work with.

So, like I said, overall my favorite production of the show.

Some Random Stuff:

- We saw some of the cast eating outside a restaurant before the show. I recognized Stephanie because she was still pretty green. My friends freaked out and tried to discreetly walk by at least five times to get a good look. My friends are pretty hard to miss, two guys with pink hair, and a gothic girl.

-Stephanie missed the One Short Day quick change, Kendra looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Even after Stephanie ran on they both looked like they didn't know what to do. They didn't start singing until "There are wonders.."

- My friends Stage Doored, I'm not really into getting things signed or taking pictures, but I took their pictures for them and such. There were only about five other people waiting. The whole was cast very nice and personable. My friends were really thrilled with the experience- because there wasn't a crowd the cast stuck around and talked for awhile. Stephanie asked me if the people I was with were the ones who “walked by us a bunch of times while we were eating?” I said yes, she said “That was too funny, you poor thing, you looked SO embarrassed.”

"A wonky eye, you've got my friend."

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#1re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 12:13am

That's ADORABLE about the restaurant thing.

Good to hear Stephanie's voice is in top notch shape! Cant wait to se her in Philly....

Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#2re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 12:55am

Hey, a fellow Denverite!
I'm seeing the show on Wednesday. Sounds like I should try the stage door. If there wasn't a crowd on a Saturday night, I bet there won't be anything on a weeknight.

notsovirginmary Profile Photo
#3re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 1:08am

Ack, double post.

"A wonky eye, you've got my friend."
Updated On: 9/20/05 at 01:08 AM

notsovirginmary Profile Photo
#4re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 1:10am

Yeah, I would try the Stagedoor. The only person who didn't come out was Carol Kane, but everyone who did signed and took pictures.

"A wonky eye, you've got my friend."
Updated On: 2/6/15 at 01:10 AM

Popular Profile Photo
#5re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 1:30am

Oh wow! Thanks for the revue. Cute restaurant story LOL
Updated On: 9/20/05 at 01:30 AM

emo_geek Profile Photo
#6re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 2:58am

very cute!

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

Popular Profile Photo
#7re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 4:04am

Notsovirginmary - check out your PM's when you have a chance.

LaMermFanatic Profile Photo
#8re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 11:04am

Ok, 1st time posting here, been reading you all for awhile. Here are the links for the two Denver papers for the reviews for Wicked here in Denver. I did see the show on Friday night. My review is simple and straight forward. Loved It!!!!! All I want to add is, loved Idina, then loved Shoshana, and now totally blown away by Stephanie (yes I am an Elphie-phile).,1299,DRMN_53_4093165,00.html

uncageg Profile Photo
#9re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 11:34am

LeMerm! Thanks for the phone call this morning and your review last night on the phone!!!

Just give the world Love.

Popular Profile Photo
#10re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 11:40am

LaMerm - thanks for the links and for the review (however simple and straighforward it was - ha!)

Uncageg, your turn tonight, right?

WOW, all these Denver posters sudenly popping up. Love it :)

uncageg Profile Photo
#11re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 11:43am

Amazing that John Moore gave it a decent review. In an e-mail he and I shred, he said he did not like the show when he saw it in New York. Seems "For Good" got to him this time around!

Yes Popular...I see it this evening!

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 9/20/05 at 11:43 AM

uncageg Profile Photo
#12re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 11:45am

Notsovirginmary - were they eating at Rock Bottom on the mall? Most performers that come in town eat there a lot.

Just give the world Love.

#13re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 11:50am

Those were great reveiws from Denver. I was kinda surprised one critic hailed Kendra over Stephanie... When I saw Kendra she was fantastic, but not better than Jennifer Laura Thompson to me. With all the hype Steph is given, I thought she'd be the one stealing the show.

#14re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 12:02pm

Thanks for the review I really enjoyed it, I can't wait till it comes to Florida! You said that Stephanie missed the quick change into One Short Day, Did she look weird during Defying Gravity not being in the black dress?

notsovirginmary Profile Photo
#15re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 3:52pm

uncageg- I can't for the life of me remember the name of the restaurant they were eating at, but I've eaten there before. It's next to Barnes and Noble.. Is that Rock Bottom?

theleadingplyr- Sorry, my funky wording. She didn't miss the costume change itself, just the entrance. So she had the black dress on.

"A wonky eye, you've got my friend."

#16re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 3:55pm

I remember when I saw the show in NY the last time Jen totally missed her quick change for one short day too! It's such a fast change I have a feeling it happens a lot!

I love the restaurant story:p

And I agree! Stephanie's voice is just incredible! I don't even have the words to tell you how much I love that woman!

What is your dream role?
My dream role would be to be myself. To be performing at the Hollywood Bowl and to have an audience there just to see me, as Stephanie. They are there because they like what I do as a singer, an artist and a person (the last being the most important). I enjoy escaping and portraying other characters, but to be accepted and wanted as yourself... that's amazing! --Stephanie J. Block Just one of the many reasons I admire and respect Stephanie!!

uncageg Profile Photo
#17re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 4:24pm

That would be either be the Corner Bakery or Maggiano's Italian Rest.

Just give the world Love.

notsovirginmary Profile Photo
#18re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 4:48pm

*click* Maggiano's re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night

"A wonky eye, you've got my friend."

erikrokks Profile Photo
#19re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 5:11pm

Hey Uncageg-
Looks like our favorite Denver critic, John Moore, has done it again...He really has a bad habit of hating a show and putting it down in every way...well at least until he sees that the show he panned is actually doing really well. Then he seems to change his tune. Hmmm...BKLYN anyone???

"You act like you're cleaner than the Board of Heath, but you're just a fame ho just like me. You know it...and you LOVE it!" -Paradice to Brooklyn

uncageg Profile Photo
#20re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 5:39pm

erik...thanks so much for the pm. My co-worker is going to keep trying the lottery. Based on the e-mail I got from Mr. Moore, I thought he would pan it even more. Heading home to get ready for cocktails before the show!

Just give the world Love.

Popular Profile Photo
#21re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 5:44pm

Have a good time!!

John Murdock Profile Photo
John Murdock
#22re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/20/05 at 5:52pm

that sounds so great i cant wait to see her in a month in Dallas

Upcoming Shows: Gypsy, Dead Mans Cell Phone, Xanadu, Sunday in the Park with George

Popular Profile Photo
#23re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/21/05 at 2:32am

...making mental note of who to nominate as our Dallas connection to the show. Hmmm, :) J/K

uncageg Profile Photo
#24re: Wicked Tour 9/17 Night
Posted: 9/21/05 at 3:45am

Defying Gravity is AWSOME visually. The rest.....rushed. It was all too rushed.

Saw it tonight without Carole Cane. Her understudy was AWESOME! Also saw the Boc understudy....VERY GOOD. I saw the original cast. Ms. Block walked through the part tonight. BIG TIME. I fealt NOTHING for Elphaba. Kendra was WICKED good in the 1st act. So....Defying Gravity.....was excellent. I do not remember the front of her dress being ripped away in New York. It looked as if she was "Defying Gravity" and just suspended in air. AWESOME! AWESOME! Beat the NYC version. Hands down. was rushed. Some notes were not held. (ok...a Lot of notes weren't held) Even the lesser notes were not held. BUT they have their stamp on the characters. Technicaly it was on point. But performance wise, it left a bit to be desired. Let's talk about the supporting cast....couldn't understand them. BAD SOUND. And I was in row J. They hit the proper notes....but it was just good. That's my take. I cried when Christen and Idina sang "For Good" in New York. Staged differently, I did not even feel a thing in this production!

It was beautiful to look at....but honestly....they know what show they are in.....and they walked through it because they knew what show they were in. Kristin...Idina....Thank GOD I saw you. you define this show!

Yes "WICKED" is worth the price of admission, the actors need to know what show they are in......and enjoy it! Because after tonight....I really questioned how devoted some actors are. They are in a smash Hit. Steph and Kendra...don't take it for granted. Work for it! Don't let the production, itself, look better than you. And it did tonight.

I apoligize for any repeats in my review of the show...but it's late!

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 9/21/05 at 03:45 AM
