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Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)

Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)

adamgreer Profile Photo
#0Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 1:02pm

First of all...thanks to whoever recommended the lovely Hotel Allegro. What a nice place!

While in town yesterday for the "Taste of Chicago" (which was great fun), we visited the Chicago production of Wicked last night.

Physically, the show is almost identical to the NY production. There is no giant witch hat at the beginning, the dragon doesn't move, the monkeys don't fly over the audience, and there is no stairway stage left. Those were the big differences that I remembered.

The ensemble was all right, but they never seemed as strong vocally as their NY counterparts. I noticed this during the finale, in particular, which didn't pack the punch it usually does.

What disappointed me, for the most, was this cast. Heidi Kettering was a real disappointment as Nessarose. Her "Wicked Witch of the East" was pretty bad. Telly Leung was actually very good as Boq.

Kristoffer Kussick was a fine Fiyero. He had the looks (which many of the actors that have played this role do not), and he had the acting skills necessary to make this under-written role interesting. He exuded the charisma needed to make it work, and his voice was pretty good too.

Rondi Reed was also fairly good as Morrible. I was surprised she was in the cast, as I thought Carole Shelley was playing the role in Chicago. Reed's performance is in the vein of Shelley's without being a replica.

Gene Wygandt was a terribly dull, uninteresting Wizard. I would say he was only marginally more engaging than George Hearn. I know the role is underwritten, but other actors (Ben Vereen and David Garrison) have managed to make the role interesting and enjoyable. With Wygandt, however, I couldn't wait for "Wonderful" to be over.

The big disappointment for me, however, was Kristy Cates' Elphaba. I didn't like her voice at all, which I thought was completely wrong for this show. She was straining to hit notes all night long, and it just sounded bad. I'm sure she is a fine singer, but this is not the role for her. Every other Elphaba I've seen (even those I've disliked) have had voices that were at times thrilling. Not the case with Miss Cates. I was consistently underwhelmed by her voice. Her acting was almost as bad as her vocals. She must come from the "act with your hands" school, because I wanted to stand up and tell her to put her hands down. If that wasn't bad enough, the rest of her over-acting was even worse. There was no sublety or nuance to the performance. It just didn't work.

Last night's show, without a doubt, belonged to its Glinda. However, it was not Stacy Morgan Lewis. Katie Loprest was on as Glinda, and she stole the show right away from everyone. What a wonderful performer! She's got a killer voice (she did all of those high notes!!), and excellent comedic timing. I don't know how often she gets to go on, but she looks like she's been playing the role for years. Her "Popular", which was very different from anyone else's I've seen, was excellent. She had the audience from her first moments in the bubble, and she never let go. Last night's show was all about Glinda. I hope she gets to play the role full-time somewhere at some point, because deserves it.

Overall, I'm glad I saw the Chicago production, as it was worth it, despite my dislike of some performances. The theater was packed, and the audience jumped to its feet at the end, as I'm sure they always do there. That is a GORGEOUS theater they're in.

#1re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 1:12pm

Carole Shelly was only in Chicago for a limited run, while Rondi Reed was doing another show.

I'm suprised you didn't like Kristy, I thought she was great. Although consider yourself lucky you didn't see Stacie, I'm glad to hear Kate did a great job though (I wish I could have seen her)!

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#2re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 1:21pm

I wonder why they don't have the other staircase or the witch hat. It's a sit down production, so they should have the room. I guess the set would be too cramped with the both stair cases, but the witch hat can fit.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#3re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 1:21pm

Im 99% sure that the dragon does move.

Also, youre lucky you saw Telly because today (7/2) is his last day.

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#4re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 1:24pm

WickedGeek, this production is modeled off the tour, so since the tour has neither of those things, the Chicago production doesn't either.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

gustof777 Profile Photo
#5re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 1:27pm

I am pretty sure that the dragon moved when I saw it in Chicago. Glad you liked Katie as Glinda...I really hope they let her take over when Stacie leaves.

RIP Natasha Richardson. ~You were a light on this earth ~

#6re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 1:33pm

I've only seen the show twice (once on tour, once in Chicago) and although I may not have been paying enough attention (I was also farther back when I saw the tour), I noticed it move in the tour version but not in the Chicago version. Again perhaps I wasn't really paying attention.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#7re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 1:36pm

The thing about not having the second stairway is that it makes the part where the broom "flies" a lot more interesting. On Broadway, it looks like someone is standing at the bottom of the steps shaking the broom. It's much more impressive to see it actually float like it does here.
Updated On: 7/2/06 at 01:36 PM

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#8re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 1:56pm

Thanks, somethingwicked.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

#9re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 2:04pm

WOW. I was at the show last night (won the lottery, last name called!) and I couldn't disagree more! I thought Kristy was amazing both in acting and singing and I think she brings a great deal of nuance to the character. She hit notes with ease that I've heard other Elphaba's really struggle with. I thought Kate was good as Glinda, but I think she has a way to go in her character development. I also think Heidi is the best Nessarose there is. I agree with you, Telly is wonderful. I read in another post that you don't like Kristy to begin with, so perhaps you just went into it expecting to hate her.

Candleshoe2 Profile Photo
#10re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 2:09pm

Kristy must have had an off night, because when I saw her she definatley ON! She, in my opinion, is the best Elphaba I have seen (Stephanie, Kristy, and Idina). I read another review fro mthe same night and they thought Kristy was amazing and that was their 5th time seeing her...

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#11re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 2:21pm

Thank you for the review re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1) Love to hear and read about Elphie, Glinda & Co... Good or bad re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)


adamgreer Profile Photo
#12re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 2:37pm

Kristy Cates is far from the best Elphaba, in my opinion. She doesn't even hold a candle to any of the ladies who've played Broadway (and I don't even like Shoshana Bean).

Wicked_chitown, I didn't think she hit any of her notes with ease. That sound was not pleasant, at least not singing this score. She may have a lovely voice, but it's not meant for this show, or this score.

Did you see Michelle Federer or Jenna Leigh Green as Nessa? I can't imagine you'd call Heidi the best Nessa if you had.

I have never seen Stacie, so I've no idea how Katie compares, but Katie is a fine actress, and she definitely made her character "develop" during the show.

#13re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 2:42pm

I might as well jump in and join the fun. I saw the matinee yesterday with both leads performed by understudy; Kate Loprest as Glinda and Dee Roscioli as Elphaba. Overall, the show was exactly what it should be, "fun". Judging by the audience reaction during and after, that's what it's all about really, the performance was grand. Solid performances all around, especially the two understudies, who delivered the sublte parts of the roles as well as stepped up when the roles demanded substance, great singing and 'chemistry'. Think about how rare it is to see a Broadway show, when both leads are out. Kate and Dee performed well and and it looked to me like they actually like eachother. They smiled genuine smiles and the final numbers were performed with great, natural, genuine emotion. I don't think we, in the audience, could have asked for more. Kate Loprest has been Glinda on and off for several months now, for various reasons, and gets better and better. Aside from her lovely voice, she's charming, funny when necessary but also always under control, which is the key to playing Glinda correctly. Also, a word about Kristy Cates. I've seen the Chicago show 5 times now and Kristy, for my money, couldn't perform to a higher standard. Perhaps the reason she called off for the matinee and returned for the evening performance was related to some type of illness,which could only explain an 'off' performance. Her vocals, when I've seen her, are powerful, she acts wonderfully and I can't imagine seeing anyone do it better than Kristy.. The rest of the cast is solid with nice, properly nuanced performances by the supporting cast: Fiyero, The Wizard, Boq, Nessa and company. Overall, the show is solid, appears to be running like a well-oiled machine and I suspect has the legs to run into 2007.

#14re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 3:45pm

When I saw it in Chicago the dragon moved, maybe it wasn't working properly for you. I am glad the ditched the giant witch hat, it seemed kinda silly to me. I'm sorry you didn't like Kristy, I have been curious to see her, Anna was still doing the show when I saw it, and she rocked.

#15re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 3:55pm

Updated On: 7/2/06 at 03:55 PM

#16re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 3:55pm

Kristy def had an off night then... because she is amazing... she has been really sick the past week and a half... so thats why... cause i saw it last sat night and she was out that past thursday, fri and sat mat.... she was only in sat night b/c a bunch of people were there to see her,,(including me) and for being sick SHE WAS UNBELIEVABLE... so she prob hasnt fully recovered yet,,, thats why the day b4 you saw it she was out... so she was prob my opinion kristy is the best elphaba

adamgreer Profile Photo
#17re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 5:45pm

I wish I had seen Roscioli.

Cates was not having too much of an off night, because she sounded very similar to the way she always does. What really turned me off was her horrible acting.

As I said, last night's show was all about Katie Loprest.
Updated On: 7/2/06 at 05:45 PM

#18re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 5:45pm

Wondering if you made it back to the stage door last night after the show?

adamgreer Profile Photo
#19re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 5:52pm

Nope...we went straight back to the hotel, since we had to leave early the next morning.

#20re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 7:20pm

Well let us rememeber that this is a chat board full of people's opinions (and while I don't agree, I respect your opinion). Simply because you did not like her voice for this role, doesn't mean that it's not right for Elphaba. I, for one, think that it fits her voice wonderfully (as do many people). I loved Ana as Elphaba, but I prefer Kristy. Many people on this board feel that Eden "screams" her songs and you love her. From where I sat, in the front row, Kristy was giving a beautifully acted, true, heartfelt performance. I thought Kate was great, but unfortunately I felt like SHE was the one overacting. Difference of opinion makes life interesting, but just because you SAY it with such certainty, doesn't make it the truth for everyone.

jpbran Profile Photo
#21re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 7:32pm

Not sure if anyone's mentioned this, but wasn't the huge hat ditched very early on? Either at the beginning of the NYC run or at the tail end of the SF tryout? I saw it in its third week in NY and don't remember the hat, but did see pix of it...

And the dragon DOES move in Chicago, just as NYC...

adamgreer Profile Photo
#22re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 7:34pm


The hat is still very much in the NY production. It was scrapped for the tour.
Updated On: 7/2/06 at 07:34 PM

kristycates#1fan Profile Photo
#23re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 7:36pm

I know everyone's entitled to their own opinions here but I just wanted to say that the best actress and I hope she gets to originate a role on broadway someday...she is a good friend and a VERY nice person...she does not have to be like that...also she had a case of tonsilitous...(sp)...but if you didnt like her...that's fine...and people have been saying the dragon doesn't work..dont usually does. Kristy is the best and funniest Elphaba I've ever seen. Thanks...

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#24re: Wicked in Chicago last night (7/1)
Posted: 7/2/06 at 7:49pm

So where does the broom fly out of? And where does the cast come out of if the hat isn't there? I didn't know these were scrapped from the tour!

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008
