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"Wicked" Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)- Page 6

"Wicked" Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)

#125re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 8:51pm

Im not justifying Idina at all, but I think she is uncomfortable with fans. She not that outgoing or whatever and doesnt know how to react, which comes off as rude wether it is or not.

When I went to Wicked in april we waited and by the time she came out only me and my two friends were there and she came out and we asked for pictures and she took one with me then one with my two friends. Then she started to get into her limo with Taye (who didnt stop) and i was like "you are such an inspiration..."blah blah and she just got into the limo without saying anything.

But the first time I went to Wicked in Jan, there were like 10 people there and Kristin came out and talked to each one of us for a few minutes like we were best friends, then she left, and Idina came out with Taye (it was after his last performance) and they both looked at us and waved and smiled then I finally was like "can i get a quick picture" and Taye was like "Oh man! Im so sorry we are already running really late for a party! I am so sorry!" then Idina actually looked geniounly sorry they didnt stop and was like "Bye guys! Im so sorry!"

So maybe shes hit or miss

#126re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 8:57pm

How is slamming a door on a 10 year old girl Idina being 'uncomfortable'?

gustof777 Profile Photo
#127re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 9:05pm

"ok while I really don't even want to comment on this again b/c it is so ridiculous I do have one thing left that is really irritating me. Just in case all you theatre goers are confused buying a ticket to a show does not give you the right to an autograph. It only guarentees admission! The stage door bit is a courtesy that the actors provide to be nice - not because they have to. I mean last time you went to the movies were the actors there waiting afterards to sign your ticket stub? How about sitting at home watching TV? I don't know about you but somehow Jennifer Aniston must have lost her invite to my Friends season finale party. Those actors get paid a h*ll of a lot more than Broadway actors and they never provide these services. So next time you go to a broadway show don't flatter yourself into thinking that you deserve to meet the entire cast. If you get to great - if not - well perhaps try getting a life!" While i agree that it is stupid to think that simply getting a ticket garuntees you an autograph there is also a feel that theater is a very personal experience and that you can go backstage and at least try. But this is not about having the right to an autograph!! this is about common courtesy simply saying "Sorry Sweetie, i'm really busy. Thank you for comming though" would have done fine. The girl would have been sad but it sure as heck seems a lot better than SLAMMING A DOOR IN A TEN YEAR OLDS FACE!!! think about it!!! really think how you would feel in that situation

RIP Natasha Richardson. ~You were a light on this earth ~

ljay889 Profile Photo
#128re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 9:06pm

Personally, I don't know if I really believe this story 100%.

But if it did happen. Idina just should've said Hello. and if she wanted a picture Idina should've just said "Sorry, no pictures". It really wasn't needed to slam a door at her.

#129re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 9:07pm

That's what I am saying. She doesn't need an autograph, but I think that the door slamming itself was unacceptable.

How about "Later, sweetie" and run into the dressing room? Well, that's better than SLAM!

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#130re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 9:21pm

Maybe the 10 year old's the one who tried to give her herpes before.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

NightLaughs Profile Photo
#131re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 9:53pm


You know what, I bet you are right.

It's times like these I wonder if the actors, in this case Idina, ever reads threads like this. Damaging and yet hillarious. Keeps me entertained for hours!

If you limit your choices to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise."- Robert Fritz

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#132re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 9:57pm

Well, my friend the musical star often emails me at 2a.m. because her adrenaline is so high after a show that she's up and wired for hours after. So I bet Idina IS on these boards, probably by about midnight every night...give her a shout out!!

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

Delphine Profile Photo
#133re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 9:58pm

OMFGi LUV YOU INDINA !!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Updated On: 8/26/04 at 09:58 PM

#134re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 9:58pm

You show off!

(Actually, I also once got an e-mail at 1 AM. I'd totally be sleeping afterwards, not up e-mailing everyone.)

HI Idina! Green is definitely your color!

You take yoga AND wear green! We are practically soul- mates. I'd give you my phone number here but that's TOTALLY dangerous to do. So, if you guess, it, call me! re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th) Updated On: 8/26/04 at 09:58 PM

#135re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:06pm

dont you think shed have something better to do than post here under an assumed name? if she does, the least she can do is use her own name, like marc shaiman.

#136re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:07pm

You don't have to have a member name to read.

P.S. Xx luv and kisses Idina! Updated On: 8/26/04 at 10:07 PM

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#137re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:07pm

And what would make her that much "better" than all of us, Yankee?

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#138re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:11pm

What if I said that *I* was Idina? Huh?

#139re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:11pm

i never said that. despite how high an adrenaline rush she may have, y would she read something like this, where there are people who may criticize her performance? now, ive never seen her in anything, so i cant make a judgement, but others can. there are the people who like her and those who dont. why would she want to see it?

notsovirginmary Profile Photo
#140re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:12pm

duh rathnait!!!!!!!! shez INDINA MEZEEEL!!!!! lyke she wood look at a massge bord or somethin. shez 2 busy bein green and wonderful and screwin her totaly gorgeoz hubbbie. he's hot and and black.


"A wonky eye, you've got my friend."

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#141re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:12pm

Some people (and I'm not saying that she is, but for argument's sake) are quite narcissistic and would really get off on reading all about themselves, good or bad. Imagine what an ego boost it would be to see all these posts about YOU!!

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#142re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:14pm

ya do have a point there, but idina doesnt strike me that way.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#143re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:14pm

Perhaps not Idina, but others...

And thanks notsovirgin for more laughter!

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

notsovirginmary Profile Photo
#144re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:15pm

Yeah, in all of the deep convos that I've had with the Deester, she really doesn't seem like the sort to go online or anything.

"A wonky eye, you've got my friend."

#145re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:15pm

how many deeep convos have u had?

#146re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:16pm

HEy, notsovirginmary, I bet that I had more convos that you had!

When she signed my playbill, she said "Here you go!" Take that!

notsovirginmary Profile Photo
#147re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:17pm

...How do I even respond to that?

Edited to add that that was to yankee.

"A wonky eye, you've got my friend."
Updated On: 8/26/04 at 10:17 PM

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#148re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:17pm

OMG yuve had deep convose with her???? omg!!!!!! youre so lucky!!!! you met her at the staje dore and now yure best frends????? thats my dreem.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

Millie42 Profile Photo
#149re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:17pm

You know Rath, I hadnt exactly thought of that... but I wonder how many DO read these. Its true that they are usually up till 3 or so.
That could explain why she can be so rude at times.... she sees people trashing her attitude! re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th) I know I would be hesistant to be as friendly if people were ALWAYS talking about me or in my face.

"My friends have made the story of my life." -Helen Keller
