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"Wicked" Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)- Page 7

"Wicked" Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)

#150re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:17pm

Nooo0o I totally won first.

I almost got into her limo but she was all like "I'll see you later!" so I waited outside for 2 days, she must have 4got. Lol!

notsovirginmary Profile Photo
#151re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:19pm

Okay first of all, LadyGuenevere, she borrowed my pen and told me that I had really interesting arm hair. That is is 100 words, MISSY!

Rathnait, yup. Dee and I are Arm Hair Buddies!

"A wonky eye, you've got my friend."

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#152re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:19pm

We must always remember, Millie - they're only human.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#153re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:19pm

if she does read the board, lets welcome her with open arms. in fact, if anyone is famous, let them just come out and say it.

#154re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:20pm

OMG. But wait- she signed my playbill!! She only does that for FRIENDS. I felt such a deep connection with her.

P.S. My arm hair is cooler than urs!!!!

JoizeyActor Profile Photo
#155re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:21pm

Okay. I am really Brad Pitt. Don't tell.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#156re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:21pm

I wouldn't expect them to "out" themselves. Heck, I won't even say who my friend is!! I certainly wouldn't reveal myself if I was a Broadway actor here.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#157re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:21pm

she signed 2 playbills, a poster, and 3 pamphlets of your logic, does that make us secret lovers?

notsovirginmary Profile Photo
#158re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:21pm

Deeeeeee, r u here? Come out and play with us. i played the wicked witch it second grade. we can campare notez!!

PS: My arm hair is black and curly. Like Dee's real hair. Top that, beyotch.

"A wonky eye, you've got my friend."
Updated On: 8/26/04 at 10:21 PM

#159re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:23pm

Oh man! I hope she reads this! And I hope she PM's me too! I have a few choice words for her!

And as far as her having a bad reputation, she brings that on herself for pulling crap like she pulled with me yesterday! And like someone said earlier, its pretty bad if the crew talks S**T about you to the fans......

#160re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:23pm

I agree with Rath, Idina's not going to post and say "Hey guys, if you don't stop saying this about me, I'll start biting people at the stage door!" (Well, not the real Idina anyway)

And notsovirginwhatever LOL- I sang Defying Gravity in the lunchroom and got a lot of weird looks!! LOL I'm like Elphaba since she's 'Wicked' and every1 hates her! Me and Idina- separated sisters!

notsovirginmary Profile Photo
#161re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:27pm

Ooh, I want Idina to bite me. I would have an Idina-Mark.

"A wonky eye, you've got my friend."

Delphine Profile Photo
#162re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:29pm

Weel, i want her "handprint on my heart" SO THERE11!!!!!!1 Updated On: 8/26/04 at 10:29 PM

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#163re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:29pm

ideena never bit me but once she threw sumthin at me and tole me "stop follin me around!" it was sooo kewl.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#164re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:32pm

Well, Idina said that she LOATHES me! She sang a song from the musical, that one about loathing- she like serenaded me! Ok? Huh. No one can beat that. I knew it.

notsovirginmary Profile Photo
#165re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:34pm

Delphine, maybe you could get her to touch your chest when she's got the green make-up on. It will make a hand-print, and you can have it tattooed on. I know this really great guy who will do it for cheap. He did my tattoo of Idina(my avatar) I love it. But I'm kind of worried about getting preggers, because it's on my tummy, and her face might go "blaaaaaaaaaah"

Rathnait, that is just 2 kewl 4 words. u an i must be bf4e!

"A wonky eye, you've got my friend."

#166re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:34pm

well she yelled at me for interrupting her conversation with felicia finley....beat that

#167re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:37pm

Man, it looks like I soo lost i better stop follwing her around anymore- delphine- good luck on getting her handprint!! Just say something catchy like 'touch my boob' it totally works everytime.

Delphine Profile Photo
#168re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 10:39pm

notsovirginmary, i wuld do that but i alredee have a giant tattoo of her that cuvurs my entire torso. And its compleetly green. i showd it to her once, and i think she reallly liked it. I culd tell 'cuz she just ran away REALLYQUICKLIKE. She must have run to go tell sezygorgezTaye and, like, all her friends how kule i am!!!1

i was thinkang about having open-heart surgry and then, like, getting her handprint on it in the opurrating room. Do you think it would hurt? OMGit's totally worth it. Updated On: 8/26/04 at 10:39 PM

Broadwayballerina Profile Photo
#169re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 11:36pm

"I love it. But I'm kind of worried about getting preggers, because it's on my tummy, and her face might go "blaaaaaaaaaah""

WHAT?!?! hahahaha

"I look before I leap I love margins and discipline I make lists in my sleep Baby what's my sin?"- Joanne, Rent

Millie42 Profile Photo
#170re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/26/04 at 11:46pm

" Weel, i want her "handprint on my heart" SO THERE11!!!!!!1"

Delphine... thank you.
You just made me laugh out loud at the computer screen.

"My friends have made the story of my life." -Helen Keller

Delphine Profile Photo
#171re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/27/04 at 12:04am

Always glad to help. re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th) Updated On: 8/27/04 at 12:04 AM

cutiepie0882 Profile Photo
#172re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/27/04 at 12:12am

No Offense guys but imagine it from her shoes. She may have been having a bad day and imagine how many people ask her for her autograph a day. A lot! Trust me, at the children's theatre I worked at, after every show, we had to sign autographs and it gets really boring after the first 2 minutes. Who knows what happened with Idina, she may have been dead tired and not in a good mood, I mean shows take a lot of energy, trust me (again). I've been totally tired after a 50 minute show, imagine a 2 and a half hour one with constant singing and lines. Singing can really ware your voice after a few songs and her voice has to be strong for every show or else people will get all critical on her. It's no fun to face an angry director! I know that was kinda rude but give her a break, she's human too!

Thus is how the book of man and woman shall be written endlessly crashing into each other like 2 vengeful bumper cars - I Love You You're Perfect Now Change

Delphine Profile Photo
#173re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/27/04 at 12:13am

LadyG- "Just say something catchy like 'touch my boob' it totally works everytime." I've tried that one on other people- it doesn't work as well as I might have hoped.

But really, I have to thank you for that quote. I just about died reading it! Methinks it shall have to be my new signature. Updated On: 8/27/04 at 12:13 AM

Matt_G Profile Photo
#174re: 'Wicked' Stage Door Yesterday (Aug 25th)
Posted: 8/27/04 at 12:16am

Oh my God, I feel so bad for her! She gets to live out her dream on Broadway and she has to do all the stuff that goes along with that! I'll be sure to shed an extra tear for her next week when I'm trying to decide if I'm going to pay my phone bill or buy groceries.

Give me a break. You want to be an actor, you sign autographs for fans. That's part of the job. Anyone who disagrees lives in a fantasyland with lollipops and little leprachauns dancing around on rainbow clouds of cotton candy.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."
