Stand-by Joined: 2/17/15
For what I thought was a brilliant revival, the 2006 production of Company had an absolutely hideous logo.
Not sure neo. As many times as I have seen it I never noticed that it said "A new musical". The new one looks like airbrush or something. I am amazed that the light has been out for this long. Second time.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
re: "new musical"
I like the PHANTOM OF THE OPERA broken-glass text treatment... but the famous mask logo makes zero sense. Unless I've been mistaken all these years: does the Phantom ever wear a half-face mask that covers both eyes? How did that mask become a universally-recognized visual emblem of the show even though the phantom's one-sided face mask has become a universally-recognized costume piece?
One of the bonus features on the Phantom DVD has Hal Prince explaining that the artwork simply came before the costume design was finalized. Initially it was to be a mask like you see in the logo but Hal worried that the mask would be difficult for the actor to play behind and Maria redesigned it as a vertical half mask to be worn on the left side of the face and finally, for whatever reason, Michael Crawford requested to have the mask switched to his right side and that's the mask you see today. The logo just came first and was never changed.
Yeah, I really don't like the new Wicked design at all; at the very least, they should've just edited out that "A New Musical" bit or, preferably for me, at the most switched it to the logo that they use for the West End/German productions, which is essentially the original logo only photographed instead of drawn:
I feel like the European logo looks a lot less...I dunno, cheap compared to the two Broadway ones.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/11
I actually think that the minimalist 2-D Broadway WICKED poster is better than the "glossy" European one.
I was actually talking about the one on the 50the street side with the witches.
Mr. Nowack said: "I actually think that the minimalist 2-D Broadway WICKED poster is better than the "glossy" European one."
To each his own! I just think the European one looks a lot prettier.
Mr. Nowack said: "I actually think that the minimalist 2-D Broadway WICKED poster is better than the "glossy" European one."
AGREED, and no one else seems to understand me on this!!! I hate that they've transitioned all their marketing materials to the "glossy" one. Blech.
I don't even really like Wicked but I think that original logo is brilliant. The shaded one is just not as stylish and sharp.
I think this logo for wicked is just perfect. It's not as glossy as the European version and it's not the old version. It's I between.
Image from
call_me_jorge, is that the version currently on the playbill?
Mr. Nowack said: "call_me_jorge, is that the version currently on the playbill?"
I think so.
I hate the version of Wicked's poster where they look like real people. I much prefer the original Broadway logo.
I do generally prefer unabashedly 2D poster art over pseudo-CGI three dimensional ones.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/28/15
Personally, I think the worst logos on Broadway are Dames at Sea and The Gin Game.