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bare The Complete Studio Recording- Page 17

bare The Complete Studio Recording

DrTheatre Profile Photo
#400re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 1:18pm

this is just so sad...

"In the U.S.A. You can have your say, You can set you goals And seize the day, You've been given the freedom To work your way To the head of the line- To the head of the line!" ---Stephen Sondheim
Updated On: 11/10/07 at 01:18 PM

#401re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 1:39pm

My friend who saw Spring Awakening the past week said she mentioned something to Matt Doyle at the stagedoor. I guess he said he hadn't really heard anything about any issues with shipping and that was the end of that conversation.

DrTheatre Profile Photo
#403re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 2:07pm

I find it hard to believe that Matt said that they take our money. I find what mattfan says is not true.

I will laugh if we get a confirmation e-mail saying that your item has shipped and should be there in 2 weeks. LOL!

Thanks to the person who deleted Mattfan comment!

"In the U.S.A. You can have your say, You can set you goals And seize the day, You've been given the freedom To work your way To the head of the line- To the head of the line!" ---Stephen Sondheim
Updated On: 11/9/07 at 02:07 PM

#403re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 2:19pm

I'm not sure i would laugh at that. But I'm pretty sure at this point they are seriously running out of time. They need to get their butts in gear.

#406re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 2:29pm

Listen mattfan, you are wrong and obviously have some sort of vendetta. Get over it. Has this been handled in a less than professional way, yes. Are people frustrated, yes. But Damon always made it clear that it was a "mom and pop" operation and has apologized. They sold out of the first pressing and have another 10,000 copies on the way. Do you have any idea how many copies that is for a theatrical recording. I do and it's a lot! Calm down, those that want the CD will get it and you mattfan, need to comment on what you know and stay out of what you don't

#407re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 2:33pm

... and to learn to type at least a semi-coherant post.

brainlessorwise Profile Photo
#408re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 3:55pm

I received two messages from this Mattfan saying bare is stealing...ask them to take Matt Doyle off the recording...blah. I blocked them but I surrender. I'm either going to get this CD or not. Broadway is going on strike. This day is a disaster.

#409re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 3:58pm's quite obvious to see that mattfan is the person who has been harassing all the spring awakening cast members. Anyone else think so? He has a huge grudge against Doyle, has sent him very threating messages, and has branched out to other cast members. Matt barely even stagedoors anymore because of the harassment.

brainlessorwise Profile Photo
#410re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 4:11pm

I think you might be right. I remember reading an announcement about that now. Wow, he's just a kid. Just, wow.

#411re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 4:15pm

I just got the MattFan message as well...weird!

#412re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 4:16pm

I just got this message from mattfan. I have now blocked him but I think everyones thoughts are correct.

"Matt is my hobby
he is cruel and mean 2 me
and he shouldn't be a part of bare
as long as he is
i hate them"

I'm not connected to Spring Awakening but I think all signs point to this guy being trouble.

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#413re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 4:20pm

I love the conclusions some of you have stumbled upon (in terms of why you haven't received your items); half of them are worthy of laughing out loud. A lof of the reasoning has turned into personal attacks towards the company and actors. Don't bother contacting the actors, they have nothing to do with the shipping!! A certain someone shouldn't critique others business titles and grammar, when they certainly don't possess the proper technique themselves.

#414re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 4:24pm

Just got this from "mattfan" or whoever....

"tell them they should get matt doyle out of the recording or u want ur money back"

Horrid english, but I digress. Take Matt out of the recording? Does he have ANY idea how ludicrous this sounds? Its not like a show you can just replace an actor with. That said, Matt's great on the album.

This mattfan wreaks of an immature child.

#415re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 4:37pm

There is a never ending supply of drama on this thread!! LOVE IT!

#416re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 5:15pm

Yeah, no kidding. Hell, if I never did get the CD, I've gotten my $29 worth of entertainment just reading all these messages...

#417re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 5:19pm

Haha, Scott, maybe not quite $29 worth yet, but at the rate they're going, I'm sure we've got some time!

#418re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 5:33pm

Oh god somebody please find that poor child a good therapist. I feel so bad for actors who get creepy (see: crazy) stalkers and who are really helpless to do anything. It ruins the fun of stagedooring for the rest of us.

DrTheatre Profile Photo
#419re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 5:36pm

I am so over this! Thanks guys for your comments and information. I will simply wait for the CD when it arrives.


"In the U.S.A. You can have your say, You can set you goals And seize the day, You've been given the freedom To work your way To the head of the line- To the head of the line!" ---Stephen Sondheim
Updated On: 11/9/07 at 05:36 PM

#420re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/9/07 at 6:39pm

This guy is more than a poor child. Police are involved in the situation.

#421re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/10/07 at 12:20am

I just find it interesting that not everyone has received the email from Damon regarding the delay nor has the website posted the letter. You'd think they would at least try to smooth things over with their paying customers. I had sent two inquiry emails regarding my email and you'd think at least one of them would have been answered.

#422re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/10/07 at 1:03am

I think we all agree this situation is rediculous and there is obviously nothing that can be done. If I haven't recieved my email by Monday (day 10) I will be calling my credit card company and asking for the charge to be invalidated and for them to investigate. I suggest anyone else who is concerned with being ripped off do the same.

BillFinn Profile Photo
#423re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/10/07 at 1:16am

The day that BARE came out, I bought the CD and entered the wrong address. I immediately emailed "Mr. Bare Album" and he promptly responded and said he'd check into it. Later that day, he emailed me again and said he changed it to the corrected address.

That being said, he could have been uncooperative and refused to change the address and considering he just received over 1,000 orders, going out of his way to change 1 address...

All I'm saying is, I don't think this is a scam and that they ARE trying in some capacity. Take what you will from my small positive experience with this? If it were a scam, he wouldn't have gone out of his way to help me out on that very hectic and infamous day of October 30th.

Bill Finn rocks. Woot.
Updated On: 11/10/07 at 01:16 AM

brainlessorwise Profile Photo
#424re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/10/07 at 6:26am

I had the same experience. I noticed paypal had my old address when I received the payment confirmation. I emailed bare and they advised them of the address change. I did not received a response from them though.

#425re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/10/07 at 9:57am

I think you'd want to go to PayPal and file a claim there too. I'm not sure if you're credit card company would do it.

Good luck!

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#426re: Bare: The Complete Studio Recording
Posted: 11/10/07 at 10:28am

I had the same thing happen. When I ordered it from Paypal, it came up as my old address so I had to e-mail them and I got a response back within 20 minutes saying that it was changed.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2
