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in the heights book errors- Page 3

in the heights book errors

#50re: in the heights book errors
Posted: 12/17/08 at 7:59pm

Since he sold it though, maybe she can apply for financial aid now? Or is that not how it works?

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

pushdabutton Profile Photo
#51re: in the heights book errors
Posted: 12/17/08 at 8:05pm

Again, what is the name of the book and who is the author? I have been looking to order it and can't find it.

Thanks in advance for your help!

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#52re: in the heights book errors
Posted: 12/17/08 at 8:11pm

I don't think it's been published yet but it's "In the Heights" and it was written by Quiara Alegria Hudes.

If that was a joke I'm going to feel stupid... (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

jordangirl Profile Photo
#53re: in the heights book errors
Posted: 12/17/08 at 8:19pm

sporkgoddess ~ I think the purpose of selling it was to use that money to pay for the school and stuff. It actually might screw her worse the next year. Her better option, scarily, would be to declare herself emancipated. That way none of her parents' assets would count against her for aid. But I'm not sure of all the intricacies.

pushdabutton ~ I may be wrong, but I thought it was a completely oiginal work by Lin-Manuel. Not an adaptation. (I could be VERY wrong about that.) By "book" people are referring to the story part of the musical ~ as opposed to the musical part of the musical.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis
Updated On: 12/17/08 at 08:19 PM

#54re: in the heights book errors
Posted: 12/17/08 at 8:24pm

The sale of the business would probably decrease her financial aid for a year because it would appear as income. The scholarship she lost was merit-based, though.

Some other things about the book:
1) If Nina's parents are using all the money from the sale of the business to fund Nina's education, how are they going to survive? Do they have savings? They aren't college educated, so where will they get decent paying jobs?
2) Will Usnavi use the money to rebuild the bodega?
3) Why is Usnavi so happy to stay in the neighborhood when everything is changing? Rosario's and the salon have closed. Rent is pushing out neighbors and friends. His staying just seems bittersweet.

4) Forgot to add this one: The bodega grate was broken and wouldn't come down on the night of July 3. But by the next morning it is magically fixed and (SPOILER?) has the mural on it. Did Graffiti Pete fix it?! Updated On: 12/17/08 at 08:24 PM

#55re: in the heights book errors
Posted: 12/17/08 at 8:24pm

Yeah, I think it will screw her worse later on. I don't know what they're going to do about tuition in the upcoming semesters when her parents essentially lost their one source of income.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

jordangirl Profile Photo
#56re: in the heights book errors
Posted: 12/17/08 at 8:29pm

theminutepast ~ Regarding 1, Kevin says that he will go back to work as a mechanic. Ostensibly Mom (sorry...blanking on her name now) will do some kind of work as well.

Regarding 2, I'm not sure that's what's important to worry about. LOL. Then again, while I may play "I wonder what happened after..." it's more for fun. I don't mind if things aren't tied up in a nice neat bow.

Regarding 3, pretty much the same thing. Maybe in some way he's thinking that staying there and working on things might make people more willing to try and stay? I don't know.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#57re: in the heights book errors
Posted: 12/17/08 at 8:33pm

I remember Kevin saying that. I saw it two weeks ago, so some things aren't as fresh in my mind.

itwontbelongnowx Profile Photo
#58re: in the heights book errors
Posted: 12/17/08 at 9:09pm

"3) Why is Usnavi so happy to stay in the neighborhood when everything is changing? Rosario's and the salon have closed. Rent is pushing out neighbors and friends. His staying just seems bittersweet. "

Usnavi is happy because he was leaving to get away from the barrio. He wanted to go where he thought was best, which was Playa Rincon, so he can make new stories of his own. But when he saw the mural of Abuela, he new that he had to share Abuelas stories because they meant so much to him. Abuela has raised him since he was younger, so he looks up to her and wants to share her stories of "home". Also, he can take another date with Vanessa, he can take care of Sonny, run the grocery store, etc. The Rosarios and the salon workers aren't moving themselves, just their business has changed. Carla and Daniela may not see Usnavi as much as they did due to commute, but they live in the neighborhood.

It's implied that Grafitti Pete fixed it grate.
Updated On: 12/17/08 at 09:09 PM

#59re: in the heights book errors
Posted: 12/17/08 at 9:30pm

Then why didn't Graffiti Pete fix the grate before the store was torn apart? And how did he do such an amazing work in a blackout? I guess the street lamp is pretty powerful.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#60re: in the heights book errors
Posted: 12/17/08 at 9:49pm

As far as fixing the grate, it was Sonny who offered him the money to do it. Usnavi's relationship with him was extremely antagonistic. Sonny didn't know about the money until AFTER the first night of the blackout.

As far as the work... The streetlight would have been out as well, so that can be problematic. Of course with the lights out, the moon would be brighter. And I would assume that since he usually worked at night (I assume that's most likely as there's less chance of being caught at night) he had some kind or alternative light source.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#61re: in the heights book errors
Posted: 12/17/08 at 10:17pm

I love this thread.

Except...I haven't read the book (where do you even find it...?) and I haven't yet seen the'm useless here.

But it's still answering/discussing a lot of things I've been wondering about so that's great. =]

Personally I can understand how Nina may have miscalculated the college lifestyle and finance, smart as she is. I also like the idea that the Rosario's owned the building as well, so that selling the business can actually cover her for a while.

Vanessa working at a young age does not at all bother me, and I wouldn't even be surprised if she did drop out at her last year of highschool. Not saying that Vanessa isn't smart or couldn't finish school- it's just that she probably HAD to work to support herself and her [drunk] mother. I've always wanted to know more about of my favourite characters with the least bit of information. :/

I also assume Sonny is close to Abuela because he spends EVERY summer at NY, or maybe even has been there for a while (would fit with the "send him to DR for the summer" comment...otherwise, wouldn't Abuela have just said "send him home"?)...something like that.

I'm not nearly as nitpicky as others I think because I find some questions here really not something to worry about, but I still enjoy the details. =)

dshnookie Profile Photo
#62re: in the heights book errors
Posted: 12/18/08 at 12:41am

perhaps all of these questions aren't answered because they aren't that important..just a thought.

#63re: in the heights book errors
Posted: 12/18/08 at 1:24am

Of course they're not important. It's just fun to discuss things like this... at least, I find it fun, and it seems that a few others here do too.

Also, it's just how my mind works. I notice things that many people wouldn't even bother to think about. re: in the heights book errors

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#64re: in the heights book errors
Posted: 12/18/08 at 7:35am

jordangirl, you can't become emancipated after eighteen - the point of emancipation is for people to be in charge of themselves legally, which occurs after eighteen anyway. Also, she has no basis for emancipation.

They probably had torches in a blackout.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#65re: in the heights book errors
Posted: 12/18/08 at 8:04am

Well, there is a term for college students who are NOT supported by parents any longer ~ maybe emancipated isn't the right word. But there is a term for the situation where you are responsible for all your bills/insurance/etc. and your parents do not claim you as a dependent. That's what I was talking about. Because without that, if you are attending college, under...I think it's 23 or 24, and still on your parents' insurance, etc. they can claim you as a dependent and therefore their income, etc. must be listed on your financial aid forms. but if you do whatever it is where you're off all of their insurance, etc.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

Anakela Profile Photo
#66re: in the heights book errors
Posted: 12/18/08 at 9:59am

Well, there is a term for college students who are NOT supported by parents any longer ~ maybe emancipated isn't the right word.

It was called being an "independent status" at my school, no clue if that's a national term or anything though. But yes the rub is that your parents have to not claim you as a dependent in order for you to be independent status for financial aid, which completely sucks when you get caught in the trap of having parentals that contribute nothing, yet they still claim you on their taxes...
