
Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl

Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl

Popular Profile Photo
#1Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 3:22am

I was hoping someone would've started a thread already cause I'm too tired to go into detail.

Let me just say that I was VERY impressed! Those going Sat and Sun are in for a treat :)

dotmarie Profile Photo
#2re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 3:30am

I went to the rehearsal this afternoon (got burnt to a crisp! but it was worth it..) and am going to the show tomorrow night. so excited =) glad to hear opening night went well!

#2re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 3:35am

Fabulous. Will share thoughts later. But FABULOUS.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#3re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 4:27am

Do I get to meet ANY of you?!

I met one guy tonight, and a friend I haven't seen in a long time. It was great!

Tell me if you are coming! I would love to put a face to some names.

I'm dressing Jean Valjean.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

mint0621 Profile Photo
#4re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 10:42am

JLY was fantastic as Marius, bringing a new perspective to a role that others have done well before him. He was more quietly introspective, instead of the super excited, wears-his-heart-on-his-sleeve Marius I've seen before. His "empty chairs" brought tears to my eyes, and it was great to see him in a role so different than as Frankie Valli.

Valjean was also the best I've seen for that part, "Bring Him Home" being very solid. Brian Stokes Mitchell, of course, always always impresses & stands out in whatever cast he's in...my friend said, "Javert really stands out from the rest of the cast". Melora Hardin was actually not that bad! Surprised to see Jan from the Office pull out some singing talent, although a bit pitchy at times. Lea rocked her solos as Eponine.

The only thing I didn't like was how they cut so much of the production...there were lots of "summary" slides to explain the action that they cut on stage, some friends of mine have never seen "Les Mis", and had no idea what was going onstage since the plot was moving so fast. But most of the audience, I'm sure, have seen Les Mis before.

For those who are watching Les Mis this weekend at the Hollywood Bowl, enjoy this fantastic cast!

#5re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 11:35am

Saw the show last night. It was fan-freaking-tastic. To everyone who's going this weekend, you're going to LOVE it.

#6re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 12:16pm

The show was fantastic. Theatrediva, why would we want to me you? Are you in the show? No, you're a dresser. What are we supposed to say to you, "Gee the way you put his coat on was so moving." Get real...

It's always about you, isn't it??

DAME Profile Photo
#7re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 12:24pm

Diva is a very nice guy. Always taken us backstage and introduced us to cast and crew. People love working with him. Shame you have such a bad attitude about it. Your loss.


#8re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 12:37pm

Can I ask how Cosette was? I'm curious.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#9re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 12:53pm

Dame, I'm glad you had a good time at the bowl. But, seriously....it's always about him...very selfcentered, which stems from massive insecurities. He says he's a theatrediva, but he's not a performer. Stage Door Johnnie at best he is.

Lavieboheme3090 Profile Photo
#10re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 12:59pm

"Are you in the show? No, you're a dresser."

Wow, I hope that you aren't involved in performing, because I can't imagine how much fun people have working with you.

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
nealb1 Profile Photo
#12re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 1:06pm

I'm seeing the show on Sunday night. Yes, I've been to a few dress rehearsals throughout the years and you can get burned to a crisp sitting out there in the blazing sun. Always bring a blanket or an umbrella.

DAME Profile Photo
#13re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 1:33pm

Will be going tonight. And if I can I will call Diva. I hate bothering him because he is busy and when I do visit him backstage he always gives a tour, introduces me to people and makes it about me. STOP THE HATING.

Updated On: 8/9/08 at 01:33 PM

aliciag Profile Photo
#14re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 1:55pm

It's so good to hear that it went well. I am really excited to see it tomorrow night!!!

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#15re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 2:20pm


I consider some people on this board really nice and would like to meet them in person, is that an ego thing?


We don't have West Coast BBWorld picnics, so we don't get the opportunities to meet like they do in NY.

Gosh. You sound really pissy about something. Get over yourself.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

TheatreFreak05 Profile Photo
#16re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 2:30pm

So I am guessing that this sort of thing doesn't have a student rush/discount?

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#17re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 3:03pm

You'll have to contact the Bowl. I have no idea what tickets are going for.


"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

bluesoprano Profile Photo
#18re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 3:08pm

Oooo, I am so excited to see this show on sunday. Thanks for the great reviews.

If anyone minds, how were the ladies playing Fantine and Cosette?

#19re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 5:33pm

saw it last night. it was AMAZING. Lea Michelle blew me away. i had no idea she had the range in her!

some other highlights: i thought "bring him home" was absolutely beautiful. "A heart full of love" was also stunning, especially when Eponine came in. "One day more" sent chills up my spine, as usual.

for all the people asking, Cosette (sorry can't remeber her real name) was fair in my opinion. her vocals weren't my favorite of all the Cosette's i've heard. she sounded sort of pop-ish at some points, but maybe that was just me.

Fantine's acting was great, but her singing was only fair. she was definitely pitchy in "i dreamed a dream".

i'm not the best critic, but i hope i answered some of your questions!

Amalia Balash Profile Photo
Amalia Balash
#20re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/9/08 at 6:05pm

I am so jealous of everyone who's getting to see this. I watched the sneak peak on BWW TV and it brought back such memories of seeing the show in London and NYC. I'd love to hear as many details of the show and backstage as anyone wants to share.

#21re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/10/08 at 12:07am

Thanks for the reviews. J. Mark McVey's 'Bring Him Home" is always a show stopper. I've heard him do it in concert many times. He's one nice man, too.

#22re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/10/08 at 12:37am

Thanks, Jess. I got that impression about Cosette from the video, that her vocals weren't that amazing.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

dotmarie Profile Photo
#23re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/10/08 at 5:48am

I saw the show tonight, and I must say that i adored it. But first I have to ask-- did anyone else find the plot synopsis printed in the program to be at all inaccurate/ misleading? maybe i'm just ignorant?

Despite the many cuts in the score, I thought overall they made some smart decisions about what to take out and what to leave in. Sure, I wish they had been able to include all of "A Little Fall of Rain" and "Do You Hear the People Sing" etc etc... but I understand the need for time restraint. They managed to stage it well without the turntable and a huge barricade.. it was interesting and actually kind of resfreshing to see it staged differently. And I was quite impressed by the amount of props they chose to use.

The cast was overall, VERY strong. J Mark McVey was indeed incredible, especially during "Bring Him Home," oh my. And i'm probably biased because I love him in everything, but I thought BSM was perfect as Javert. His suicide, while corny in the daylight of the dress rehearsal (I think I actually laughed aloud :p) looked kinda cool in the dark with lighting. "Stars" was neat because he was actually singing while looking up at the real stars--they're not always easy to see in Hollywood but I spotted a few :)

I really enjoyed Melora Hardin! I was pleasantly surprised by her vocals-- I thought she was pretty spot on tonight. And if her singing ever lacked, she made up for it with her acting. "Come to Me" was particularly heartwrenching. Her Fantine was simply delusional at this point.. it helped that I was sitting directly in front of a screen and could see her facial expressions very clearly. You could just see that she honestly believed she saw her Cosette there, and 'where all the children play'.. so sad.

Maybe it was just me but John Lloyd Young seemed kind of.. detached tonight. He sounded marvelous but emotionally, he was just not there. Not during "A Little Fall of Rain", not even during "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables." I didnt dislike him at all, just hoping to see more of an emtional outpouring during those songs, i suppose.

Lea Michele was fantastic and a powerhouse during "On My Own", no surprise there..

Gavroche's death.. =( heartbreaking!

Just for the record, I didnt think Michele Maika (Cosette) was all that bad. I didnt really like her voice at the beginning of In My Life (which i believe is the clip used in the video?) but I thought she just got better from that point. She hit some solid high notes. Also they cut quite a lot of Cosette's material, which was too bad.

Great night, great show. I would see it again if i could, in the very last row in the very last seat!

DAME Profile Photo
#24re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
Posted: 8/10/08 at 12:44pm

Well.. I saw this last night.. and while I was not as bored as I thought I was going to be..I found the whole thing second string. Almost like the bus and truck company was in town but left their turn table behind. J Mark McVey was very good. Not the best I have seen.. but very good. There was something magical about hearing Bring Him Home at the Bowl. Brian Stokes was ok. He sings beautifully. But his acting is so stiff. The girl who played Fantine was terrible. She just could not sing it. She sucked. John Lloyd Young seemed bored tonight. Nice voice. He came off a little bit like he was Fonzie doing the part. And I didn't realize he is so short. And the Thernadiers were both AWFUL. They just did not register at all. It was definitely a nice night out.. But those who did not get to see it.. you didn't miss a thing. My guess is this version and all its cuts will pop up in dinner theaters across america.

