Anarchy in D.C.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#25Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/6/21 at 7:48pm

This is not normal

Anarchy in D.C.

CT2NYC Profile Photo
#26Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/6/21 at 7:49pm

Highland Guy said: "Twitter has blocked Trump's account (for 12 hours, I think) for "violatation of civic integrity policy"."

And, for the first time, they've deleted a few of his posts, including the recorded video from this afternoon, which Facebook and YouTube have also deleted.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#27Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/6/21 at 7:49pm

This is not normal

Anarchy in D.C.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#28Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/6/21 at 7:52pm

They would have been shot if they were POC.

Anarchy in D.C.

Phantom of London Profile Photo
Phantom of London
#29Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/6/21 at 8:33pm

Sutton Ross said: "Nothing if this was pretty, but thought it was going to turn out a lot worse than it did, I am also mindful someone died.

I don't think you are an American because I don't really think you understand what happened here today. It was horrifying and infuriating on EVERY level. This is domestic terrorism by white people who don't understand if they were people of color they would have been assassinated. This is NOT NORMAL.

There you go again Sutton, take my words and try and twist them. I understood very well and clearly what happened in Washington, however you are a complete jerk and go and jog on somewhere else.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#30Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/6/21 at 8:43pm

Yeah, said by a man who says sh*t like "People with HIV/AIDS should give blood cuz their blood is better than NO BLOOOOD!". Nah. Focus on your own country's issues and stay out of ours. Your ignorance and stupidity is embarrassing and beyond delusional. Get bent. 

Updated On: 1/6/21 at 08:43 PM

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#31Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/6/21 at 11:42pm

This should knock Gays Over Covid off the front page.

Phantom of London Profile Photo
Phantom of London
#32Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/7/21 at 9:05am

Sutton Ross said: "Yeah, said by a man who says sh*t like "People with HIV/AIDS should give blood cuz their blood is better than NO BLOOOOD!". Nah. Focus on your own country'sissues and stay out of ours. Your ignorance and stupidity is embarrassing and beyond delusional. Get bent."

It is a free board for anyone American, British and American British and you are a jerk.

#33Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/7/21 at 1:38pm

So Elaine Chao resigns, citing the events of yesterday. Of course this also conveniently excuses her from having to take part in any discussions regarding the 25th Amendment.

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#34Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/7/21 at 3:03pm

What has happened this last day is completely unacceptable and unforgivable. This will be one of the lasting legacies of 45’s presidency, and believe me, the current situation is guaranteed to get much, much worse. What we are all witnessing is the death of American democracy.

Meanwhile, all Trump does is tweet about all those rioters on his side (“We love you... go home in peace”). Only recently were his social media accounts suspended at least until the end of his term.
January 6, 2021: yet another date that will live on in infamy. I don’t see how we will possibly recover from this.

Oh look, a bibu!

#35Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/7/21 at 5:35pm

Hopefully,new leadership at the top and a newly blue Senate is a start.

#36Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/7/21 at 6:00pm

This isn't even the worst it could get. It's at the breaking point where if it does, then I'd worry about recovery. New leadership and a new senate will help, but his base has shown themselves and won't go away any time soon.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#37Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/8/21 at 7:41am

This morning on Morning Joe they said the Capitol Police office who died was beaten with a fire extinguisher.

Where are BWW's Trump supporters? Nothing to say?


Updated On: 1/8/21 at 07:41 AM

#38Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/8/21 at 10:43am

His supporters,BWW and otherwise,are as cowardly as he is. I work with one and it's not fun.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#39Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/8/21 at 12:30pm

For MONTHS they said "We are the party of law and order, we don't destroy property like them libtards!!!". I love that they've finally shut up and gone away because they have nothing left to say, their horrible actions finally caught up with their blatant lies and delusions. 

A police officer just died meaning every single person who broke into the Capitol can be charged with felony murder since the feds don't take too kindly to a cop dying due to terrorism. Following the nationwide BLM protests, iq45 signed an executive order that called for up to 10 years’ imprisonment for vandalism or destruction of  historical monuments, statues, and memorials. But because the Capitol siege seemed to be intended to interfere with Electoral College vote counting, the prison sentence could rise to 20 years. 

It is ABSOLUTELY delicious. 

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#40Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/8/21 at 12:38pm

Since these terroists were allowed to just walk out of the Capitol and go home I'm hearing it's going to take up to a year for the arrests to be made.

I hope they start with the elected State Reps who participated. They should be arrested immediately.

Kad Profile Photo
#41Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/8/21 at 12:44pm

I'm sure we'll see the usual suspects here once the Right coalesces around a narrative to calm the cognitive dissonance. Something something antifa something something mayor big bird.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#42Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/8/21 at 2:29pm

I was going to name Mr. Roxy but I think he blocked me in 2003.

Good news! West Virginia State Rep/domestic terrorist Derrick Evans has been arrested! So was the guy sitting in Peolsi's office.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#43Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/8/21 at 2:42pm

Oohh can I play YankeeFan?!?!

So guys, LOL, I think it was the liberals. Hear me out, lol, my Nazi boyz were peacefully protesting at the Capitol on Wednesday and really quickly, like no one even saw them around anywhere, a bunch of LIBERALS swept in, dressed as Trump fans, lollolol, and stormed the Capitol! Knowing OUR guyz would get the blame, it's what they wanted all along! Biden's people did it! I GOT PROOF!!! LOL!!!!!

L      O     L  

L                                      O                                    LLLLLLLLL

Updated On: 1/8/21 at 02:42 PM

#44Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/8/21 at 3:11pm

The chatter online about Sutton Ross going on for YankeeFan is positive-to-ecstatic.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 1/8/21 at 03:11 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#45Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/8/21 at 3:19pm

And Finding Namo's Roxy?


Across the board excellence. 

sabrelady Profile Photo
#46Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/8/21 at 3:26pm

What? No Golden Globe? Typical liberal lip service  for diversity but no real action.   

Contact the appropriate authorities to protest immediately and stop this travesty!


PS Sutton- Today u cast another poster's shadow.

Updated On: 1/8/21 at 03:26 PM

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#47Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/8/21 at 3:28pm

Back on topic.

After introducing additional candidates for his administration, Joe Biden answered questions from the press.  A couple of quotes:  "It's a good thing Trump is not attending the inauguration."  "Trump has exceeded my worst notions about him."

I am more optimistic than ever that our nation is in good hands and heading it the right direction with Biden, Harris and the Democrats at the helm.

And, it has just been announced that proposed Articles of Impeachment for Trump will include "Incitement of insurrection".


Non sibi sed patriae

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#48Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/8/21 at 3:29pm


Since you really disgust me I was trying to ignore you but since you called me out by name I will respond. Very simply, Trump should never have held the rally and just accepted loss, he made his case in the courts and was rejected every time. There is no excuse for violence for any reason and it is a shame people lost their life. I am done with you now

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#49Anarchy in D.C.
Posted: 1/8/21 at 3:31pm

"Oohh can I play YankeeFan?!?!"

See my reply to Finding Namo, my reply to you is the same.
