
Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)- Page 5

Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)

#100Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/12/10 at 9:14pm

All I can think about after watching Glee tonight is how little sympathy I have for Artie.

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#101Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/12/10 at 9:15pm

Awesome episode tonight & some GREAT locker room shots.

NYadgal Profile Photo
#102Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/12/10 at 9:16pm

Loved it.

...and have already downloaded some of the duets from iTunes.
I admit it.
I loved it.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."
Updated On: 10/12/10 at 09:16 PM

strummergirl Profile Photo
#103Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/12/10 at 9:18pm

I loved this episode. Credit to Ian Brennan for addressing previous episodes that many fans harped on and also smoothing out the hot mess aspects of the previous episodes. Really hilarious and great song choices to boot.

That said, I was shocked at Brittany.
Updated On: 10/12/10 at 09:18 PM

sabrelady Profile Photo
#104Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/12/10 at 9:23pm

The Babs thing W Lea has really jumped the shark as far as I'm, concerned. When you recreate a classic duet down to the wardrobe and little moues/twitches of Les Streisand et Garland well, it seems a little too Madame Tussauds for my tast. Liked the bit w Brittany and the meatball tho. But it
sad when that is the only funny bit.

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#105Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/12/10 at 9:36pm

I really liked tonight's episode. I think it was the best so far this season. Glad to see Quinn back in the front.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

MotorTink Profile Photo
#106Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/12/10 at 9:40pm

yes, thank you Glee for starting to find your way back! Cute episode. I miss Puck though! Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2) Hope they don't have him in juvie for too long.

The Artie thing was a bit much, but I did like the Kurt stuff.

Yay for Other Asian getting a lot of dialogue and a song tonight!

My saddest bit was that my future husband was just used to clap and exclaim "all right!" but I'll deal with it for an episode.

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures ...it rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

NYadgal Profile Photo
#107Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/12/10 at 9:43pm

I still can't get over him from the Britney episode, Tink! HOTT! Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#108Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/12/10 at 9:48pm

Sam loses the shirt in the Rocky episode. Gonna be hot.

#109Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/12/10 at 9:58pm

YAYYY for a completely plot-and-character based episode that actually felt like classic Glee again!! Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)

I did really love Grilled Cheesus in a lot of ways, but... this was Glee back to the basics, with no "special message" or tribute theme whatsoever, and it was lovely!

RACHEL, you are finally sweet and lovable again!! <3 Seriously, that was THE sweetest thing of her to reach out to Kurt like that. I love those moments where she stops being selfish and is actually one of the nicest, most perceptive characters there.

On the Kurt front:
I was REALLY nervous about how they started off the episode for him because if they were going to address the Finn crush thing again I wanted Kurt to be the one owning up to his part in it. But, you know, by the end... I got it. It does seem incredibly lonely to be in the position he's in, and I think just the fact that he finally is starting to acknowledge and deal with that loneliness instead of distracting himself by throwing himself into crushes is a good step for him. I just can't wait for him to finally meet Blaine (even if he ends up ultimately being just a friend- just someone else Kurt can at least relate to and who can relate him) and be happy! Poor boy needs some happiness in his life, stat.

Oh and also can I just say, I know Kurt had pushed it with Finn, but... that was pretty uncool of Finn to work so hard to convince Sam not to duet with Kurt. Yeah, Kurt was coming on a little strong again, but jeez, let Sam make up his own mind about it! It's one thing to talk to Kurt about it (once again it was harsh, but pretty justified), but to go out of the way to make Sam feel more uncomfortable about it when he seemed to be alright with it at first was low to me.

Other things:
Quinn and Sam... meh. I mean Dianna and Chord have chemistry, but they look. like. siblings :| Plus it's just so boring, the whole jock/cheerleader thing. Heck, I don't even necessarily care at this point if Kurt and Sam end up together in the long run (though I still think it would be really cute), but I just want Sam to be gay because it would be interesting! Besides, there needs to be more sweet, natural, every guy gay boy types portrayed in the mainstream media. Not that I have anything against Kurt types, but.. there IS a distinct lack of gay guys more like Sam in the media, and it would be very cool of Glee to go there.

Ummm what else?? Artie and Brittany was awkward.. haha. But I do have a little bit of trouble feeling that bad for Artie when it was pretty obviously he knew where Brittany was going and went along with it willingly. I mean I get that realizing she was using him would have been hurtful, but... he never HAD to agree to having sex with her.

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 10/12/10 at 09:58 PM

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#110Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/12/10 at 10:19pm

Degrassi's already doing the gay football player story line. I would hope Glee would have a little more originality and not have Sam be Kurt's boyfriend.

AbbaRabbit Profile Photo
#111Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/12/10 at 10:22pm

i was really upset by what santana said to artie. that was really mean.

Less is more
Ugly is beautiful
"My brother plays a drag queen... and I'm surprised he looks as good as he does in drag." - Adam Rapp

"thanks, abba. now i'll forever have an image of you as a tattoed hardcore straightedge grrl savaging people in the mosh pit." - papalovesmambo

"Yeah Abba. All the filthy crap you spew out there on those boards. I for one, am equally shocked. :-P" - AnnaK

#112Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/13/10 at 12:13am

Bad episode. Matt Morrison was reduced to "That was great guys" which he has said with the same inflection a hundred times before.

The only good song was Mercedes and Santana. They could have picked better music.

Why were these kids getting so excited about a free meal at The Olive Garden? In Season 1, Mercedes said her father was a dentist. I'm sure she's eaten at much better places.

Rumor has it that Puck was fired from the show. Is that true?

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.
Updated On: 10/13/10 at 12:13 AM

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#113Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/13/10 at 12:55am

No, he has time off to work on a CD.

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#114Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/13/10 at 1:52am

And Producers joke was slipped in tonight.
Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)

#115Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/13/10 at 11:21am

ok... so that was actor eric stolz who directed this episode! i didn't even know he directed... his episode just came out after the news started talking about his being replaced in Back to the Future (what with the reunion and Blu-Ray coming out soon)

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#116Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/13/10 at 1:36pm

Yeah, he also has directed a couple of episodes of Grey's Anatomy as well.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

EVIE Profile Photo
#117Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/13/10 at 6:06pm

Mercedes and Santana's duet was the highlight for me last night.

#118Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/15/10 at 12:27am

Re: pics
First a totally over-dressed Rocky, and now a female Frank. Way to miss the whole point of the musical, Glee producers.

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#119Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/15/10 at 12:32am

At least we'll see Chord in the original Rocky get up, even if it's not carried out in the actual performance.

Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
^See where those undies cut off? Nice.

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#120Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/15/10 at 1:15am

Rocky previews.


Edits in Sweet Transvestite & Touch Me. Sweet Transvestite isn't too bad (Except they changed Transsexual, Transylvania to Sensational. Why?), but Touch Me has a weird edit "I guess there's no use getting into heavy sweating." What the hell is heavy sweating?

EVIE Profile Photo
#123Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/15/10 at 12:49pm

I have to get used to Science Fiction/Double Feature cos I'm so used to hearing DRV belt it out.

pinkyboy Profile Photo
#124Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/15/10 at 2:39pm

I think most of the songs sound pretty bad tbh. And why is Mercedes playing Frank-N-Furter? That kinda wrecks the whole point of the character? Oh well... some of the clips look funny...
