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Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)- Page 7

Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#150Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 12:19am

^ This! I got into a whole thing about that on IMDB with some twits to the point where I actually pulled up MTI's Don't-Change-Sh*t-Clause. Ha!

strummergirl Profile Photo
#151Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 12:28am

Well it wasn't like they got to perform the Sue Sylvester book of Rocky Horror. Though the idea of watching a Sue Sylvester re-hashing of the show makes me giggle.

A Director
#152Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 12:52am

Last season, Glee was fun and goofy with a story arc. This season the show limps along from show to show with no arc. It seems the musical numbers are picked first with the story second. The Rocky show made no sense with no logic. The writer(s) had no clue about the reality of doing a high school musical. Characters did things that made no sense for the characters. The producers and writers let success go to their heads. Glee has lost its way. If things don't improve, Glee won't last for long.

#153Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 1:17am

Glee has lost its way. If things don't improve, Glee won't last for long.

Except the ratings are consistently better than the first half of season 1, which is when the episodes considered "better" were being aired. As long as the ratings and the iTunes sales remain solid they'll be fine. I hardly think a willful misunderstanding of MTI's guidelines, utilized for narrative reasons and unknown to the bulk of the viewing public, is going to contribute to The Death of Glee.

The show is ridiculous, but as far as I'm concerned it's always been ridiculous. It's surely been amped up, but not in a way inconsistent with Glee's tone. Mostly because Glee doesn't have an established tone. The only thing more inconsistent than its quality is its tone. Show can't decide if it's earnest or ironic, Very Special Episode or Every Character is Despicable (and The Audience is In On It).

I was actually pleasantly surprised with the show tonight and how it made the ridiculous edits a part of the narrative instead of something unspoken.

#154Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 9:10am

I hated last night's episode, and will almost certainly never watch it again, unless the ads make it clear that Matthew Morrison's bare chest will play a prominent role.

I laughed once, when the blonde cheerleader says that she's dressing up as a peanut allergy for Halloween. I don't know who that actress is, but she's a genius. On the few times I've been able to bring myself to sit through this dreadful show, hoping against hope that I'll finally get it, she has always been the bright spot. The utter seriousness with which she delivered a line about her concern that her cat was reading her diary was far more delightful than Jane Lynch's increasingly by the numbers performance.

As for the show itself, well, it was hard for me to give a damn about the show's alleged plotline. It made no sense whatever. When Sue Sylvester's plot to expose the evils of the high school production of Rocky Horror became clear, all Mr. Shu had to do was point out to her that she herself had adapted it for the high school stage, and based on what we were shown had managed to sanitize it pretty completely, and was in fact an active participant in the entire rehearsal process, and was even in the goddamn show to boot, and her little local Emmy would go pretty well up in smoke.

But no. They had to give Sue Sylvester a little speech, and Mr. Shu had to admit that she was right, and all the money they spent on that rather expensive looking set, complete with functioning elevator, was wasted when it could have probably been spent on tickets to New York that the show was supposed to be raising money for.

Screw GLEE.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

DefyGravity4 Profile Photo
#155Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 9:49am

"Glee has lost its way. If things don't improve, Glee won't last for long." Sorry but I've got to disagree, although last night's wasn't Glees best it was still a fun episode. The series so far has been great with great episodes, like 'Duets' which had great numbers and music and 'Grilled Cheesus' which tackled a serious topic. Even last nights themed episode managed to tackle body image issues

Roscoe, if you don't like Glee so much, why are you posting on a board titled 'Official Glee Love Thread'?

#156Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 9:55am

Defy, I believe I'm free to post on any thread on this message board, am I not? And I'm far from the only person expressing critical opinions about the show. Do you ask all who complain about the show why they post on the GLEE LOVE thread?

You may have a point. Time spent on GLEE is time wasted. I'm off to go watch paint dry, a far more constructive activity than anything related to GLEE.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#157Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 10:01am

Wait, were they doing the show or just doing the songs? Shouldn't they have been reported to Samuel French and had their rights revoked as well as been made an example of on message boards for changing the script and lyrics?
Updated On: 10/27/10 at 10:01 AM

mominator Profile Photo
#158Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 10:05am

My thoughts exactly.

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." Conan O'Brien

SonofMammaMiaSam Profile Photo
#159Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 10:08am

They should be flogged. I'll take care of Matt Morrison.

#160Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 10:34am

Dibs on Mark Saling.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

MotorTink Profile Photo
#161Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 12:35pm

SOMMS my dear, I love you, but step away from the Morrison!

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

xxnewgirlxx Profile Photo
#162Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 1:08pm

Even the skeptics have to admit it was fun to see Barry Bostwick and Meatloaf.

#163Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 1:51pm

It'd have been more fun to hear Meatloaf sing "Sweet Patootie" than poor old John Stamos.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

pinkyboy Profile Photo
#164Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 2:51pm

The songs weren't that bad, but how they thought they could get away with mercededes as frankfurters a joke. But it was ok. I'm not a huge rhps fan though, if mercedes played Angel it would be a different story :/

#165Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 8:08pm

It had an edge through "Touch-a Touch-a Me" then seemed to lose the edge. It lost its conflict when RH was no longer going to be performed for the public.
Updated On: 10/29/10 at 08:08 PM

#166Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 8:13pm

Becky cracked me up with her Sue Sylvester costume and telling Mr. Schuester she'll cut him if he doesn't give her chocolate! haha

NYadgal Profile Photo
#167Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 8:28pm

I watched it again. I enjoyed it more the second time.

Good fun.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

#168Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 9:29pm

Me too...definitely the best of the three theme episodes, but since the other two were terrible, it could be faint praise.
Updated On: 10/28/10 at 09:29 PM

pushdabutton Profile Photo
#169Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/27/10 at 11:23pm

I usually love Glee but did not like the Rocky Horror episode at all.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#170Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/28/10 at 6:46am

Nuttage is my new favorite word. Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)

EVIE Profile Photo
#171Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 10/28/10 at 6:37pm

"Nuttage is my new favorite word."

Mine too!

MotorTink Profile Photo
#172Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/2/10 at 4:12pm

New episode on tonight, "Never Been Kissed"

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#173Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/2/10 at 4:24pm

It is? When I checked my DVR last night, it was saying it was a repeat. I figured because they thought the series would still be on or since it's election night.

This makes me happy now! Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

strummergirl Profile Photo
#174Official Glee Love Thread (Part 2)
Posted: 11/2/10 at 4:25pm

I am assuming the WS ending caused an earlier broadcast.
