
Hunter Foster creates "Give the Tonys back to BROADWAY" campaign- Page 18

Hunter Foster creates "Give the Tonys back to BROADWAY" campaign

tazber Profile Photo
#425Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 1:20pm

Five positive things to change for next year's Tony awards:

1)More Hollywood stars to help attract a wider audience.

2)An opening that doesn't have to be good, but at least is not embarrassing.

3)Have Green Day play all the songs in the segments for the nominated shows.

4)Get a new set!!!

5)Quit bitching about if the pedigree of the performer and gracefully acknowledge their achievement in sustaining excellence in theater.

....but the world goes 'round

#426Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 1:24pm

I'm a little late in getting into this brouhaha, but, for the little it's worth:

1. Totally agree that it should be on PBS or one of the non-commercial networkds.
2. Historically, the networks AWAYS schedule some major sports event at the same time as the Tonys -- NOTHING is going to make a major difference in the ratings, which are ALWAYS dismal. Whoever's interested in the New York theatre is going to be watching it anyway. Frankly, this year's dismal event would discourage any non-theatergoer from even giving it a try.
3. Totally agree that it's unfair that the "lesser" awards are delegated to a small box that goes on and off so fast you hardly notice it.
4. Here's one that I'm doomed on, but: STRICTLY limit the time allowed for acceptance speeches -- do the Patti Lupone bit and hustle the windbags off the stage.
5. That lineup of producers for the Memphis win was ridiculous. ONE producer -- pick straws or whatever and let ONE individual accept the award on behalf of ALL the producers.
6. Hold the event in a BROADWAY theatre, not an oversized movie palace.


Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#427Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 1:28pm

1. Have a better season to feature on the Tonys.

2. Have a better season to feature on the Tonys.

3. Have a better season to feature on the Tonys.

4. Have a better season to feature on the Tonys.

5. Have a better season to feature on the Tonys.

Fixed! What next?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

WesternSky2 Profile Photo
#428Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 1:44pm

Mister Matt, bravo.

I've been trying to keep up with all of this for the past couple days, and the whole thing has gotten so out of hand. I honestly didn't expect it to go this far, and by the hands of people I use to admire and respect. It's impossible to pinpoint exactly what their intentions are now, as they've veered so off course of their original mission statement. Publicly bashing CZJ's win has just thrown me for a loop.

Hunter needs to take the group down before this gets even more out of control. If his intentions are, in fact, completely rooted in the awards show itself, he needed to make that more clear from the beginning, and not indulge people who are there to insult other actors. Film, tv, stage, what have you - they are all actors. They all grew up with the same goals and who has the right to say that a theater actor trained harder than a film actor? It seems that many people have the impression that every celebrity rose to celebrity status overnight. Not everyone pays the same dues.

And anyway, as far as the awards are concerned, they're only reflecting society and the entertainment industry for what it is today. The show was awful this year because they did not have an impressive season to back it up. Plain and simple. If he's concerned with the creative awards being featured in the broadcast, I would get on board. But as far as I can tell, it's the least of his concern.

uncageg Profile Photo
#429Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 2:03pm

One thing that is "bothering" me on Facebook page is the slamming of Zeta-Jones' performance. maybe it wasn't perfect but she has been ill lately. I remember back in 2004 when Tonya Pinkins had to struggle through "Lot's Wife". I don't see any difference except they are slamming Jones for her performance and mostly being a Hollywood Star. She showed up and sang. She could have pulled out. She even said she would be onstage on Tuesday. Just my random thoughts.

Just give the world Love.

julesboogie Profile Photo
#430Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 2:15pm

uncageg i think the difference is that Tonya is a brilliant singer and her voice was fatigued from doing the show.

I dont really think brilliant singer when czj comes to mind. i think more smoldering, sexy, good actress.

The two arent one the same imho.
Updated On: 6/18/10 at 02:15 PM

WesternSky2 Profile Photo
#431Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 2:20pm

I think the point uncangeg is trying to make is everyone has bad nights, gets ill, fatigued, etc. Not just Catherine Zeta-Jones. But everyone has chosen to bash her now, while other cases in the past have gone unmentioned.

uncageg Profile Photo
#432Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 2:29pm

Thank you Western, that's exactly what I meant.

And Jules, if I remember correctly her voice wasn't just fatigued, didn't she have a bit of a cold or flu? I seem to remember talk of her saying she wasn't up to doing the song on the telecast but was asked by Wolfe to please do it, so she did. It has been a while but I think that's what I read.

Just give the world Love.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#433Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 2:31pm

Her performance on the Tonys was nothing like what I witnessed a few months ago. It was clear that she was struggling with her breath, Tony and nearly everything else. Luckily, I did see NIGHT MUSIC and found her to be extremely persuasive. She sang it well and she acted the hell out of it. People may disagree with her interpretation. That's all well and good. But the night I sat in the audience (just like the night I sat in the audience of GYPSY with Bernadette Peters) I was transfixed by a marvelous performance.

And I'm really perplexed by the Johanson (sp??) reaction. Wasn't she pretty much adored in the show?

TooInquisitive Profile Photo
#434Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 2:39pm

If Catherine Zeta Jones wins another Oscar(or Tony), which one of these theatre actors is going to pull a Kanye?

PalJoey Profile Photo
#435Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 2:41pm

The group is up to about 5,000 members and still growing rapidly.

Despite the creepy rantings on the Wall, it seems to be the cause du jour for everybody who's anybody in the NY theater world on Facebook.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#436Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 2:43pm

I imagine a great number of those people simply clicked "join" without having read any of the nonsense. I've had several people tell me they have left the group upon realizing how nasty it is.

julesboogie Profile Photo
#437Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 3:09pm

Did a quick search and cant find anything concrete/from a credible source on the subject since it was so long ago.

Inconclusive at best. But i guess i better understand what you were getting at. Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#438Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 3:14pm

Also, as we've seen on this board (and Facebook), a lot of these people aren't that bright.

Calvin Profile Photo
#439Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 3:21pm

Jerby, you're probably right. I get messages all the time asking me to join groups like "I bet I can get 1 million people who think Delaware Punch is the bees knees," and half the time I'll just click join so they'll leave me alone and never look at it again. For all I know, the group "Which is smarter, Michelle Bachmann or a turnip," which I joined last week, might just be a big old turnip-bashing cover! Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors

uncageg Profile Photo
#440Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 3:23pm

jules, it was talked about here but glad you understand what I meant.

I think all of the people posting over on Facebook have totally gotten off track, even with Hunter explaining what he meant. it has also been in the back of my head as to whether this may snowball and get to the film community on the West Coast. Will these stars feel unwelcomed because of this? Just thoughts.

I also think that these Hollywood stars want to do Broadway. I have heard a lot of them say that it is a challenge and much different than doing film. And lets face it, Zeta-Jones, Washington and Roberts aren't in it for the money. And it is not like they are "looking" for work. Part of me can see the argument about them taking roles away from Broadway/theatre actors but these stars are performing every role in a show. I assume these shows do employ Broadway actors. Or most do. Just my random thoughts.

Just give the world Love.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#441Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 3:29pm

Some of the shows would never have been produced without a box office name. That's a fact.

I do hope Hunter's intentions with the group are genuine and have nothing to do with the comments on Sieber's wall. But it would seem one birthed the other.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#442Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 3:31pm

'I also think that these Hollywood stars want to do Broadway.'

And, one would think, these Broadway stars might want to do Hollywood...be it TV or film. Why would you put your name to something like this? It may not be a career killer...but a hindrance, sure.

It's beyond puzzling!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#443Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 3:33pm

Sieber's comment is still making me sick. I really hope he realizes he has lost some fans over that. That comment reeks of bitterness, especially as he wasn't ultimately cast in Night Music!

Marquise Profile Photo
#444Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 3:44pm

I think it's laughable (and hypocritical) that Hunter Foster sent out that mass e-mail with these so-called guidelines on posting to his pathetic, bitter facebook group. He *now* asks people not to bash other performers/performances after he so blatantly ripped CZJ 's performance on the internet for everyone to see. Yeah, right.
Updated On: 6/18/10 at 03:44 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#445Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 3:46pm

Exactly, SonofRobbieJ. Hasn't half of Broadway been on "Law & Order"? Maybe not as long running characters but they went to TV for work.

Just give the world Love.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#446Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 3:50pm

I joined the Group so I could taunt the people, but the gazillion messages I'm getting about posting my Tony suggestions are very obnoxious.

Also, most of the suggestions people are making are ridiculous.

strummergirl Profile Photo
#447Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 3:51pm

Not Chris Sieber. He goes out of his way to tell you so in his playbill bio.

tazber Profile Photo
#448Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 3:55pm

I just don't get what Hunter hopes to accomplish.
I mean does he really think that either the TONY telecast producers or CBS cares what these actors think?

What is his goal, I guess is what I'm asking.

....but the world goes 'round

#449Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 4:02pm


I can't say that i completely agree with HF, and I certainly think his tactic was all wrong but how can we ever expect change (about anything) unless someone makes their voice heard.

I obviously don't know what he thinks but i do know that if you dont take a chance on something you believe in you could miss out on being the change.
