Brilliant, PRS.
That's to scale, isn't it?
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
I'm with my parents for Father's Day and they want to know why I've been laughing for the past 5 minutes. How does one begin to explain?
Phyllis, I love your new picture.
Swing Joined: 6/20/10
I was a huge Hunter Foster and Christopher Sieber fan until this.
I'm a young actor attending theatre school but I'm getting a relatively good number of Hollywood roles. Does it make me less of an actor because I'm getting moderate success at 19? Am I suppose to turn down tv roles just so if I did end up on Broadway I could get accepted into the community?
The people on the group didn't even know the productions PAY to perform on the Tonys. After I explained it to them I got friend requests from a few old guys. Weird...
Swing Joined: 4/22/06
No, you ignore them. And hold onto your integrity. Some of these people (as we have seen from their facebook posts) are just angry, bitter people. They are not about craft or process. They are involved in this business for attention and indeed, some strange kind of celebrity (amongst their 'community'.) It would seem that, for example, Jennifer Cody thinks she is some kind of 'star' worthy of the red carpet because of (I surmise) her portrayal of "Little Sally" at the Easter Bonnet and Gypsy of the Year. When she (and I don't mean to single her out, but hers was the only facebook page that - until today - had no privacy controls) doesn't get the recognition that she thinks she deserves, she lashes out at people she sees as undeserving. (Interesting that one of her fb posts dealt with CZJ behavior at the Easter Bonnet, thus, what? not making her worthy of her Tony?) And yes, it is obvious that these people think that they can control who is deemed part of the "Broadway Community", but only if you let them. Only if you buy into their crap, join their group, and confuse excellence in the theatre with their interpretation of "dues paying." I've gotta say, I thought CSZ was quite dreadful at the Tonys. But no more dreadful than tens of other people in the "Broadway Community" that I've seen perform at the Tonys. In fact, one of the best performances in recent memory at the Tonys was when Fantasia performed her song from "The Color Purple." I recall thinking that (in that particular year) she put all of the "Broadway Community" to shame.
Best. Picture. Ever.
(well, beside the Charlie Williams and Chris Rockway avatars...)
"And Catherine (who I heard smokes like chimney backstage...I have sources) is constantly out of the show, and constantly has no voice won Best Actress? Really?
1. Who cares if she smokes. It's her own business"
agree. although, i don't smoke at home and feel guilty if my little one sees me (not like as a kid when parents smoked in a car with windows up making us sick) i smoke like a fiend before a show and on breaks in rehearsals but NOT IN A DRESSING ROOM. We have to go outside. I am surprised they allow this even on Broadway. I do feel like a crim when I smoke tbh. such is the age we live in.
Lizzie. loved that blog quote. I was thinking of Jen Cody in church on Sunday actually. The sermon was about judgement, racism and the like. "we still suffer in our society from opression and racism and whether someone is black, red, yellow, green or ORANGE...." i sort of chuckled to myself, but I still don't tolerate or rate Jen Cody for that matter.
Phyl...great av! I should send you some photos so you can knock me up a great one.
This thread needs a theme song. - Patsy Gallant
"From L.A. to New York - from New York to L.A.
From New York to L.A. (5x)
I'm a star in New York, I'm a star in L.A.
In my life there's no place for the man that I love
'Cause I'm livin my life just to sing and be free.
From L.A. to New York - from New York to L.A."
I wonder when the anti-Hollywoodites will come to the realization that they are simply bigots. Today Hollywood...tomorrow the darkies!