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Hunter Foster creates "Give the Tonys back to BROADWAY" campaign- Page 20

Hunter Foster creates "Give the Tonys back to BROADWAY" campaign

uncageg Profile Photo
#475Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 5:31pm

Well I now have some woman arguing with me over CZJ's performance on the telecast. In my opinion, the performance was fine. She was under the weather and I realized that and took it into account. This woman is telling me that because she has a BFA and has been acting for 20 years she is more qualified to judge the performe than someone without her experience. Of couse I told her "With all due respect, I didn't think her BFA gave her any more clout than others who have been in the theatre". She informed me that all of the actors she has talked to agree with her. She said it was a rookie high school performance and wooden. Again, I agree it wasn't a great performance but am I wrong for cutting her some slack because she wasn't feeling well?

Just give the world Love.

uncageg Profile Photo
jrb_actor Profile Photo
#478Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 5:33pm

Well, I have an MFA and I don't agree. So ha!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#479Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 5:36pm

Poor CZJ. She doesn't deserve this. I wonder if her fellow cast mates know how other performers are bashing her to no end?

NeoNormal Profile Photo
#480Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 5:36pm

He's probably still writhing from that camp-tastic Shrek performance and complaining because his Tony Award wasn't bought because he was on his knees the whole Shrek show.

othell Profile Photo
#481Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 5:38pm

As an outsider, not a member of the theater world, I find the object of this movement a little disturbing. I love to tune in to these awards and see the performers from Broadway each year, being that I can not witness their performances in person. I can understand wanting to include more actual performances of the actual shows playing on Broadway-- I am all for that. However, when it comes to running down the winners who happen to hail from Hollywood, that sounds like sour grapes to me. Maybe Catherine might not have deserved the Tony as much as, say, Sherie Rene Scott- but that is the faulty premise of every award show out there, from Tonys to Oscars. When someone like Scarlett wins and says in her speech that she was touched by the warmth and welcome shown to her by the Broadway community, it should put the followers of this group to shame for failing to show this warmth. It was, after all it seems, the Hollywood "invaders" who put a lot of the profit into the Broadway cash registers this year. Without this profit it would seem that more theaters would remain closed and would knock many workers in this industry out of a living wage. There may be a few valid points in their complaints, but I am saying that this Facebook protest is not exactly the best thing for Broadway. But then again, I live in the Midwest, so what do I know.

#482Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 5:39pm

dammit... I need to get on facebook... I gave up Facebook for five weeks for a class I'm taking right now (on Substance Abuse and Addiction) and tonight is the final day of our abstinence... so at 9pm (PST) when my class gets out... I am logging onto facebook so I can see this group!

but I must say... this thread amuses me and I check it way more than I should just so I can read the comments!

uncageg Profile Photo
#483Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 5:39pm

Ok, so here was my thought while watching it. I knew she was under the weather. You could tell. I thought she tried to use it a bit to her advantage. Quite honestly, I thought it worked for the scene. I didn't even notice the had bobbing thing. That's just my opinion which we are all entitled to. This person on Facebook doesn't seem to think that way.

And the person who posted the original CZJ spelled her name wrong, which I addressed, with humor.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 6/18/10 at 05:39 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#484Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 5:56pm

I doubt the real CZJ knows or cares what some bitter actors are posting on facebook about her. All she needs to do is look up on her mantle to see her Tony next to her Oscar.

It's also interesting to note that none of the women who lost the award to her have said anything remotely negative, or implied that her award was bought. Baldwin said she was looking forward to applauding graciously for the winner, Noll said in a tweet she just wanted to have fun that night, Scott, in her own weird way expressed how much she liked CZJ, and I don't think I've heard Glover say anything, though she seems like a nice enough person.

allofmylife Profile Photo
#485Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 5:59pm

Welcome to the Eve Harrington Club.

The simple reality is this:

If EVERYONE who is part of this protest (including Hunter Foster and Chris Seiber) were to agree to work in the same show for ABSOLUTE SCALE, that wouldn't induce investors to put up one nickle;

WHEREAS if Catherine Zeta Jones, bad throat and all, croaked "Yeah, I'll do another show" the money would be rolling in.

The smaller names have been jealous of the bigger names since time began. That, too, is part of show business.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#486Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 6:18pm

2. Historically, the networks AWAYS schedule some major sports event at the same time as the Tonys

What major sports event was at the same time as the Tonys this year?

PRS- what were the suggestions you posted?

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

adamgreer Profile Photo
#487Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 6:20pm

What major sports event was at the same time as the Tonys this year?

The NBA Finals. Which, by the way, are almost ALWAYS opposite the Tonys. It's not a conscious thing, but when you hold the Tonys the 2nd Sunday in June, you will almost always be up against the NBA Finals, unless they end in a very short series.

uncageg Profile Photo
#488Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 6:23pm

"The Eve Harrington Club"

I like that.

Just give the world Love.

#489Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 6:28pm

I think the thing that I personally find galling is wrapping up this envy and jealousy in the name of "what's good for Broadway." Like I said, it seems pretty clear that in the case of Hunter Foster and Jen Cody (based on her facebook post the day BEFORE the Tony's - thus having not seen any of this Green Day stuff, etc. - where she seems to imply that that 'mother nature' was going to smite the producers with rain for not letting her walk the red carpet) this is not about "what's good for Broadway." It's about what's good for them. Or perhaps they see themselves as what personifies "Broadway" as opposed to god forbid, a very talented actor like Denzel Washington or Scarlet Johannsen giving a great performance in a great production. Which to me, seems what Broadway is about. If one wants to act in one's own self interest, so be it. But don't imply that you're doing it for the good of the entire Broadway community. That's just ridiculous. Especially when it seems that actors shouldn't be in this business for awards or to 'walk the red carpet' in the first place, but to do good work.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#490Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 6:47pm

Ah. I completely disregard the NBA, so I didn't know. I thought he meant the World Cup and wondered who would blame Algeria vs. Slovenia re-airing on ESPN for pulling ratings from the Tonys. Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors

If you're going to blame anything, blame True Blood for premiering opposite the Tonys with their super-slashy Bill/Sam almost-kiss scene and Eric's naked ass. If anything is going to cause Tony audience viewers to pull out early, that's it, not the Lakers.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

StageManager2 Profile Photo
#491Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 6:49pm

Excuse me, skittles, Celtics won that game Sunday night.

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra
Salve, Salve Regina
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
O clemens O pia

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#492Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 7:04pm

Sarah Litzsinger posted a letter she wrote to US weekly, complaining that Paula Abdul and Kerry Washington were not "Broadway Bombshells" because they'd never been on Broadway. Kerry Washington was not only on Broadway, but on Broadway this season. She had more of a right to be at the Tonys this year than most of the actors kvetching in this group.

SM2, are the Celtics hotter than this?

Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors

My reasoning still applies. Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

adamgreer Profile Photo
#493Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 7:07pm

Sarah Litzsinger posted a letter she wrote to US weekly, complaining that Paula Abdul and Kerry Washington were not "Broadway Bombshells" because they'd never been on Broadway. Kerry Washington was not only on Broadway, but on Broadway this season. She had more of a right to be at the Tonys this year than most of the actors kvetching in this group.

Oh, goodie. Another bitter, long out of work actor complaining AND getting their facts wrong! When was the last time she was on Broadway? As the 14th replacement Belle in Beauty and the Beast???????

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#494Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 7:15pm

Othel, I thought that was a great post.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#495Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 7:19pm

Orange, I saw that too! I realized actors can be as bad at research as the rest of the general public...

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

uncageg Profile Photo
#496Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 7:20pm

orange, is that from True Blood? Season 2 or 3? I have to rent it so I am waiting to see season 2.

Ok...back on topic.

Just give the world Love.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#497Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 7:26pm

That's from the Season 3 premiere.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#498Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 7:46pm

Someone else asked where Broadway actors "like Michael Cerveris" were. Um, he was onstage at the Tonys, where were you?

I wonder how many of these people suggesting it be moved to a Broadway house realize that if that were true, the ceremony would only fit the nominees. The producers alone for the 14 nominated shows would take up the entire center orchestra these days. No parents up in the nosebleed section to give shout-outs to, no ensembles- they have to show up, perform their number, then leave to make room backstage for the next show, no fans. The Broadway legend presenters they're all requesting would have to fly solo that night, because there would be no room to accommodate guests for every person who's onstage for 30 seconds to read off a winner. I know the Tonys used to be in a Broadway theatre, but it seems odd that their suggestions to "take back" the Tonys are only going to make the ceremony more exclusive- to the very people complaining in this group as well.

uncageg, yup- season 3, episode 1.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 6/18/10 at 07:46 PM

NeoNormal Profile Photo
#499Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 7:47pm

I really smell a "Leave CZJ alone" video.

uncageg Profile Photo
#500Hunter Foster Whines with other non Hollywood actors
Posted: 6/18/10 at 7:49pm

Ugh..I have to wait! Found it online. But I see it was a dream. Love the hard water comment Bill made.

Neo...I smell one too!

Just give the world Love.
