
Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!- Page 2

Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!

#25Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 2:34am

"I see what you are saying, and maybe it is just a generational thing but I couldn't go to an event like that, even if it was a lunch, and be interviewed in a ball cap."

your not denzel washington. He has starred in how many multi million dollar films? And been nominated for how many awards? The tony luncheon people should be honored he joined THEM!

"I think just the thrill and importance of being there because I was nominated...."

your not. have you been nominated in the past?

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#26Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 2:49am

your not denzel washington. He has starred in how many multi million dollar films? And been nominated for how many awards? The tony luncheon people should be honored he joined THEM!

Money doesn't buy class.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#27Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 3:42am

Let me know when he shows up naked . . .

#28Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 5:00am

Ok I have to think those who think it doesn't matter or
it's petty or he is dressed fine are just trying to be wise guys and stir things up. There is something called professionalism. You wouldn't wear shorts to an interview, even if it was for McDonalds and you don't wear sweat pants to a TONY event even if it's only the Nomination luncheon. Everyone else, including Catherine Zeta Jones are somewhat dressed up because that's how professional people act. And for
the person who says they should feel lucky he showed up , you have to be kidding. F Denzel lol

#29Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 5:03am

And what the flying fluck is a Denzel

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#30Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 5:36am

Should be lucky for him to be there? THAT'S a bit much, yes?

Obvioiusly, dressing up is not for Denzel -- but I still don't see how it's such a big deal to so many of you. It might NOT be what you or I or ANYONE else would chose to do...but he's a big boy and makes decisions for himself, I'm sure.

He's going to get a bad rep? Really? 99% of the world will never see that photo -- or care!

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#31Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 7:43am

Whatever, as long as he keeps giving that great performance every night.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#32Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 7:46am


If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Midnight Radio
#33Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 9:19am

This is a formal event and Denzel is receiving one of the highest honors achievable in the Broadway community. This is something many people strive their entire careers to attain. By showing up looking like he really put no time or effort into dressing the least bit respectfully, he gives off the impression that he does not care and he is too important to be asked to dress like everyone else. To me it says ungrateful...

Now of course, wether he really does care or not is an entirely different debate. From what I know of him, he seems like an upstanding guy who enjoys working in the theatre (I remember him signing Playbills for the entire audience outside of Julius Caesar) However, he should be aware of how his actions and his dress are speaking of him...

Updated On: 5/7/10 at 09:19 AM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#34Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 9:21am

I can't believe this is such a big deal to some people.

madbrian Profile Photo
#35Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 9:25am

I guess that answers the musical question: Does anyone...still wear...a hat?

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

Kad Profile Photo
#36Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 10:13am

"However, he should be aware of how his actions and his dress are speaking of him..."

I don't think Denzel cares if a handful of BroadwayWorld forum posters suddenly think less of him.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

SNAFU Profile Photo
#37Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 10:24am

Midnight, it was NOT an formal event, It was a casual MEET THE PRESS get together. He was clean and dressed casually. It is all good. He looked better in a windbreaker and black cap then some did in shirts and sports jackets.

As I remember Woody Allen used to show up in baseball cap and jeans and sneakers when he accepted awards. I don't think this is anything new.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#38Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 10:44am

Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

adamgreer Profile Photo
#39Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 10:48am

Midnight, it was NOT an formal event, It was a casual MEET THE PRESS get together. He was clean and dressed casually.

Exactly. If he shows up to the Tony Awards in a warmup suit, then we can talk. But a meet the press event seems like much ado about nothing.

uncageg Profile Photo
#40Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 11:08am

Thank you orange and Midnight.

At least Patti is wearing a jacket and no ball cap. And who cares how much money he makes and how many awards he has won. As mentioned, money does not buy class. Annd trust me, if I had all of his awards and money, I would have dressed better than that. if he is trying to be "cool" by looking so laid back, it just doesn't work for me. Different strokes for different folks. That's just my opinion.

"Does anybody still wear a hat?"...love it!

Just give the world Love.

Piper3500 Profile Photo
#41Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 11:15am

right. i would say more it's a semi-formal event. Viola looked nice but had a jersey knit dress on. I am not pissed off at Denzel or anything and sure it would be nice to see him and a shirt and trousers even, but oh well. i guess for him, needing to be at his matinee call for 1:15, he wanted to be comfortable. (that is if he had that call time like some had)

and to whoever did the comparison to this and the oscars... well, yes the oscars nominee luncheon has stars clad with designer outfits, but it is also a little different. he should be lucky to be there? check back and see what he wore at the oscars luncheon. maybe it was a little dressier, but i don't think it is a respect thing. for some, stage is better and should be applauded more than screen. he obviously feels comfortable enough not to have to wear an armani suit.

"it's a dirty little war"

givesmevoice Profile Photo
#42Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 11:30am

nothing will ever top the Hello My Name is Patti shirt.

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad

#43Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 11:31am

Weird thread.

Is this the beginning the Denzel smear campaign? As if to say, "how dare this uppity super duper movie star besmirch the hallowed Great White Way with his extraordinarily casual dress sense. Who the hell does he think he is? If he was real theatre folk, he'd be in pinstripes and spats. Give the Tony to Christopher Walken goddamnit...he may have bizzare asymmetrical hair, but he wore a suit Jacket".

Seriously though, this must be a slow news day. In some real news, I read that Denzel is looking to do another play next year. So some of you lucky people may get to complain about his collection of baseball caps and windbreakers in a brand new season.

Updated On: 5/7/10 at 11:31 AM

uncageg Profile Photo
#44Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 11:33am

I think you meant big "deal". :)

Just give the world Love.

#45Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 11:35am

I edited that, and added some extra tidbits.

Piper3500 Profile Photo
#46Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 11:39am

I loved the Patti shirt too! ha ha hah

maybe Denzel is trying to make a fashion statement. people gaffaw over some who dress very wild with same flowered shirt and tie combos, really out there stuff, but some guy shows up casual and "he is disrespecful to the Tony's"

"it's a dirty little war"

SNAFU Profile Photo
#47Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 11:48am

It is not a semi formal event it is a Casual meet the press event. In the middle of the afternoon. Not a semi formal anything. Denzel was wearing a jacket, a wind breaker. Patti's "Jacket" looks more like an open shirt. Lighten up Fashion Police. Trash him if he shows up for the actual award ceremony like that!

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

The Other One
#48Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 11:56am

This is a fun thread.

I don't know Denzel, but I have read interviews with him. I think, for him, the glamor of dressing up is part of the superstar business of Hollywood that he is doing this show to get away from. He has been through all that more times than most of us could count. This experience is about playing Troy in FENCES. Period. He is committed where and when he needs to be, on stage. I'm sure he was also delighted and honored to be a Tony nominee, but dolling up for the Tony luncheon on a hot day -- really, how important is that?

I'm sure he was glad to be there. I'm sure they were glad to have him there. And I'm sure he'll dress up fine for the awards themselves, too.

He is quite good in FENCES. I hope you get to see his performance, and don't let his taste in (gasp!) baseball caps blind you to his work.

Piper3500 Profile Photo
#49Hey Denzel thanks for showing up!!!!!
Posted: 5/7/10 at 12:16pm

^ perfect post.

and i mean semi formal going by how others were dressed.

"it's a dirty little war"
