
Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne- Page 2

Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne

#25Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/26/10 at 8:06pm

Thanks, Phyllis. That does sound more correct than what I put. I just remembered it as a quick back and forth from Sheila to Val, both trying to put the other down.

#26Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/26/10 at 8:33pm

Pam Klinger was Maggie in the film. She played the role on Broadway, and was an on/off Babette in Beauty and the Beast.


#27Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/26/10 at 8:35pm

I always found it funny that Terrance Mann played Larry.

And yes, Phyl got the lines right, no paraphrasing.
Updated On: 8/26/10 at 08:35 PM

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#28Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/26/10 at 8:41pm

"Thanks, Phyllis. That does sound more correct than what I put. I just remembered it as a quick back and forth from Sheila to Val, both trying to put the other down."

I've seen the show so many times, I practically memorize it. XD

Val: [To audience] You're all staring at my tits now, aren't you?

Sheila: [Under her breath] They aren't very big.

Val: I heard that you bitch. I didn't want them like yours, I wanted them in proportion.

Sheila: Well you got what you paid for.

Connie: I wouldn't mind having just one of yours.

Val: Well, go out and buy 'em!!!

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#29Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 12:36am

A Chorus Line was my second Broadway show. Pam Klinger was Maggie and Mitzi Hamilton was Val. I can't remember the rest of the cast. I wonder if my dad still has the program. I think I was seven. I'm pretty sure they destroyed the playbill from Evita where I wrote Little Phyllis Rogers as Evita!

#30Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 11:25am

The funniest review ever.. i forgot how crazy Cassie seamed
and poor Terrance Mann(very talented perfomer stuck in this)
had to take the 'grenade" for Michael over the top smoking More cigs through the movie....they should make this movie like Rocky Horror and we can all dance and sing to it

This movie is a HOOT AND A HALF. Aside from the over-emoting and hideous songs, the main thing wrong, wrong, so very wrong with this movie is that they took the musical, which is so much a product of the 70s, and placed it into the context, bad outfits, bad hair, BAAAAD synth and drum machine music, and bad dancing of the 80s, resulting in the longest Pat Benatar video ever made. If you like the pure ridiculousness of 80s music videos, this movie is like a two hour compilation of their worst moments.

The movie concerns a bunch of dancers auditioning to be bit-part nobodies in a Broadway show. Apparently the naked ambition and heartbreak just to get some ****ty chorus part was supposed to lend some pathos to the musical, but it just doesn’t come off here. Many of the songs are chopped up into little bits that robs them of whatever effect they might once have had. And then there’s the ridiculous expository conceit that the director wants the dancers to bare their souls so he can get to know who they really are before he hires them, leading to the bulk of the movie’s material. Hmmm, I didn’t know that Broadway directors had that much time to throw away, especially on players who will barely be noticed by the audience.

Then there’s the matter of Cassie. She’s a former flame of the director [Michael Douglas in his 80s “hard hitting” mode] who apparently used to be an astonishing dancer, but is now [possibly due to their torrid affair] out of work and dammit, just wants a CHANCE! Because dancing’s in her blood, see. So Cassie shows up late to the audition, Douglas tells her to get lost, tries again, Douglas tells her to get lost, comes out on stage again, Douglas tells her to get lost… this happens like fifty times, until you, the viewer, are like “GET THE F*CK OUT, CASSIE! WHAT ARE YOU, F*CKING PSYCHOTIC?!?!” Unfortunately, Cassie DOES come off as somewhat psychotic, when I think she’s supposed to appear just so dedicated to her CRAFT. She is also the one singular most annoying character in the entire picture, conveying a desperate need for attention that a) creates a very convincing character, that b) is the kind of person you want to chuck a brick at. Later she [hope I’m not spoiling anything here] DOES get to dance, and is clearly the worst dancer in the entire film, though poor Michael Douglas has to pretend to be transported by the sheer grace of her artistry.

ALL of the dancing is so gloriously over-the-top 80s in such an appealing way, with all the sharp head movements and overdramatic gestures. I never saw the original musical, but several people on IMDb say that the songs were butchered, especially the much-beloved “What I Did For Love.” The orchestrations have been “updated” into THE most hideous 80s arrangements with these nightmarish drum machine rhythms that will provide much derisive laughter. Also, a lot of the hot-button 70s issues like homosexuality or abortion or plastic surgery just don’t have any impact anymore, and I doubt they did in the 80s. I can’t even remember all the hootworthy elements of this film, there were so many.

And then the show-stopping finale, “One,” and you’re like; “THIS is the big number? THIS is what these poor people are suffering so much to get into? THIS is the climax of this movie?”


Yes! If you like bad musicals, or like to laugh at 80s music videos, this movie exists just for you.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#31Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 12:41pm

Thanks, Bryan2... for posting the review Bostalboy originally posted as a link.

The review is spot-on delicious. I'll be sending this one out to a few people. Its a damn too perfect assessment on the film itself. Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne

And yes... that IS Nicole Fosse (Bob and Gwen's daughter) at the far right -- as Kristine Evelyn Erlich-DeLuca.
Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne

#32Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 12:52pm

Hi, folks,

It's Adrienne, who writes the Gypsy of the Month feature for BWW. Believe it or not, the Chorus Line movie did inspire a lot of current dancers on Broadway. Those who either were too young to have seen it on stage or grew up too far from NY or the tour cities. This has come up time and again in my interviews with dancers. They always laugh and half-apologize when telling me how much they loved watching the movie -- they of course have now realized it's a lousy version. But just goes to show you how that story strikes a chord for aspiring performers, even through all the bad casting/hairdos/music arrangements/etc. discussed in this thread. Logan Keslar of 'La Cage' talks about loving the Chorus Line movie in the upcoming Gypsy of the Month story, which will be out next week. Another I remember mentioning it is Michelle Aravena, who was just cast as Anita on the 'West Side Story' tour:
Michelle Aravena GOTM

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#33Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 1:34pm

Well, it seems that the very core of the story wasn't all but destroyed. The film inspired a whole new generation of dancers and that in the end is a very, very good thing.

Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne

Updated On: 8/27/10 at 01:34 PM

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#34Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 1:48pm

I WILL add that I have seen the film way too many times to clock. I also have had it on VHS, Beta, laserdisc and now have it on DVD. For everything that IS a mess about the film... it IS pretty entertaining in all its mess. I can sit thru it in one sitting without a problem.

I also would like to add that I did see the original 1975 Broadway production about 10 times when I was 10 years old. I spent the summer of 75 in NYC and thanks to my folks, was a Broadway junkie since I was 7 years old. That summer I also saw Gwen, Chita and Jerry in CHICAGO over 5 times, including Steven Spielberg's JAWS (my favorite film of all time, hence the Brody).

Though I fully grasp the essence of the stage incarnation of A CHORUS LINE and what it stands for, etc. The film still works for me on its own.

And yes... Alyson Reed's "Let Me Dance for You" is on my iPhone/iPod. Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#35Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 2:01pm

Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne

Well as long as we're playing true confessions I'll just say that I LOVE Audrey Landers in A Chorus Line: The Movie. There. I Said It. And yes I have her rendition of Dance: 10; Looks: Three on my iTouch. Updated On: 8/27/10 at 02:01 PM

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#36Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 2:10pm

I actually thought she was a good Val...even though a lot of people really hate a "sex-pot" Val. Someone told me that they read that this role was supposed to be her "step up" to a career in Country Music.

I actually thought that the movie Val, Sheila, and Diana were great on screen.

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#37Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 2:12pm

OK, as long as we're confessing things, I confess to actually liking the movie when it first came out (with the exception of Allyson Reed's hair, which I absolutely hated). It wasn't only until further examination that I realize what a hot mess the film is, especially giving, "What I Did for Love" to Cassie.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

#38Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 2:18pm

For me "What I Did for Love" would have been fine if it was merely letting Cassie take the lead on it. It was reworking it to be a song about her and Zach that was the issue.

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#39Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 2:21pm

Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne

At least Alyson Reed's hair in the "present" was better than the "flashback"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#40Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 2:23pm

BTW, did "Forbidden Broadway" ever spoof the film?

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#41Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 2:23pm

BTW, did "Forbidden Broadway" ever spoof the film?

#42Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 2:53pm

First off, let me say that I understand how difficult it was to transfer A Chorus Line to film. What works in the theater doesn't work on screen. There's that wonderful immediacy in the theater that you don't get on screen.

Even Michael Bennett had said that it would be a difficult transfer and that his vision of the piece would be very different on screen that on stage.

However, the movie is a mess. What's up with keeping Cassie out of the audition and away from the others? Looking at the history of the show, Bennett during the workshops at one point tried having Cassie come into the audition late and said that it didn't work. The movie just points out that Cassie gets special favors because she once dated Zach. The stage version makes her work just as hard as the others from the beginning. And what audition process would let Sheila sit in the green room talking with Cassie? She would have been thrown out of the audition.

As for Audrey Landers, in a movie about dancing, you never actually see her dancing. If they were going to choose a non-dancer, there were plenty of better choices. But there were also plenty of excellent choices who could dance. I don't think the casting directors were looking very hard because I think if they were they could have hired Vicki Lewis who would have been an excellent Val. I understand they decided to go sexpot with the Val character, but I think the role works better when it's a spunky girl who decided to make a few minor adjustments.

I recently watched Every Little Step, and Bob Avian makes the point that these characters are very specific in their requirements, you really can't just cast anyone. Baayork Lee also makes the point that Michael Bennett's "company" of dancers were character driven.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#43Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 2:58pm

OMG, Phyl! ACL was MY second Broadway show, too!

Pam Klinger was indeed my Maggie (she sang the SH*T out of it), Delee Lively-Mecca (Now, just Delee Lively) was my Val and Andy Grose was the Mark. And, best of all, Donna McKechnie had returned to the show as Cassie.

I'll always have a soft spot for the movie, as it was my introduction to this show. And I still love a Landers sister every now and then!

#44Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 3:23pm

And to take out The Music and the Mirror to me is like the movie Annie when Annie never sang Tomorrow (substituted dumb dog) ..anyway I rewatched A chorus line and still think it is a horrible horrible movie..they all laugh at the same time in unison like robots....and Audrey, i am not judy, Landers was not as bad as remembered..I think Greg Burge looked like his teeth were gonna pop out of his head when he sang the disco song whatever the name was... Pam Klinger I liked actually
Alison Reed was more annoying than remembered her speaking voice was even annoying...she is aweful SIR RICHARD MUST HAVE SMOKED SOME GOOD DOOBIES BEFORE CASTING

#45Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 3:32pm

I haven't seen the movie since it first came out, but as I recall, Mike, who sings "I Can Do That", couldn't do much of anything dance-wise either! He goof around and swings on a rope, but no backflip, no impressive tap, nothing!

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#46Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 3:55pm

Oh come now! I thought Mike was a pretty fantastic dancer. If you need further proof, please rent Grease 2 to see his quad piourette during SCORE TONIGHT.

I hate myself so much right now.

uncageg Profile Photo
#47Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 3:55pm

I have the movie on VHS. Actually found a copy a few years ago but never popped it in. I did earlier today after reading most of this thread. I had to turn it off after about 1/2 an hour but I will return to it later. I now have to watch the whole thing. I didn't like it when I first saw it though.

Just give the world Love.

#48Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 4:15pm

This is for you kiddo

Come on everybody, gather round.
I'm gonna show you how to knock 'em down.
When I'm on the ball, I'm the number one.
And I'm gonna show you how it's done.

Let's bowl, let's bowl, let's rock-'n-roll.
Hey, come on, let's get this show on the road.
Let's bowl, let's bowl, let's rock-'n-roll.
We're sittin' on a bomb that's about to explode.

We're gonna score tonight, we're gonna score tonight.
If you're lookin' for a fight, then the time is right.
We're gonna wipe the floor with you tonight.

We're gonna score tonight, we're gonna score tonight.
We're gonna rock, we're gonna roll,
We're gonna bop, we're gonna bowl.
We're gonna score, score, score, score, score tonight!

Johnny: Screams... Hey Paulette, take a look over here,
I'm your kingpin, honey, and I'm gettin' in gear!
Paulette: Hey Johnny, Johnny, go bowl that strike,
And I just might be your baby tonight!

Let's bowl, let's bowl, let's rock-'n-roll.
Hey, come on, let's get this show on the road.
Let's bowl, let's bowl, let's rock-'n-roll.
'Cause the stakes are high, and the winner takes all!

We're gonna score tonight, we're gonna score tonight.
Don't get sore when you lose tonight,
We're gonna show you how to do it right.

We're gonna score tonight, we're gonna score tonight.
We're gonna rock, we're gonna roll,
We're gonna bop, we're gonna bowl.

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#49Audrey Landers -A Chorus LIne
Posted: 8/27/10 at 5:08pm

I've waited to respond just to see what everyone else had to say. First, let me tackle Landers. She could not dance, why cast anyone in a movie where dancing is the first requirement. Let it be known that the current B'way Val at that time(DeLee Lively) was originally considered for the movie Val, but once they picked Landers, Lively was then only offered to be her dance double. Lively, of course, turned it down.

There were numerous B'way cast members that appeared in the movie; but no original members. Vicki Frederick(Sheila, B'way - Cassie); Pam Klinger(Maggie); Gregg Burge(Richie); Justin Ross(Greg); Matt West(Bobby); Yamil Bourges(Diana, International tour '90-'96); Blane Savage(Don; various tours/regional theatres '95-'01 as Zach). Several B'way cast members also appeared as cut dancers: Scott Wise(Mike), Cheryl Clark(Cassie), Buddy Balou(Mike, Al), Timothy Scott(Mark), Melissa Randel(Judy), Scott Plank(Larry), Niki Harris(Val, Sheila), Roxanne Caballero(Diana).

The movie isn't the worst movie musical every made. There are some bright spots - Frederick, Bourges, Burge. I actually didn't mind the addition of "Surpise" and the opening, although very 80s, worked. The movie failed once Mike started swinging from ropes. Then was saw "At The Ballet" get cut down and the "blitz" removed, "Sing" got cut. Connie, Greg, Mark, Don & Judy all get their solos cut as a result of "Surprise" and only get a very short monologue making their characters almost non-existent.

Landers actually made "Dance: Ten, Looks: Three" work, but then M&TM gets replaced by "Let Me Dance for You" and completely fails to get Cassie's message across. Then we have Cassie singing "What I Did For Love" by herself. Again, failing to get the message across. I don't think it mattered in the end who Zach picked, because did you really care who he picked?? As much as I feel the movie opened the eyes of some people who may never get to see a professionally staged version, it simply did not deliver the correct message about what A Chorus Line is, and should be.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.
