
"Spiderman" on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...- Page 2

"Spiderman" on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...

#25'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 1:18am

The only thing disgusting around here is many of the people who post here. If you guys knew this man, you would know there was nothing fake about this interview.

This group Schadenfreude is reaching despicable levels.

chernjam Profile Photo
#26'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 1:23am

hey I'm glad that he's not bitter, angry and that his prognosis is positive. Absolutely...

What's bothersome to me is that the whole thing is being painted as just a "human error" that thankfully didn't spoil such an AWESOME EXPERIENCE (Tierney talking about how he loves the stunts and is flying at 30 mph...) It almost gives the impression "you gotta see this thing (thankfully I didn't die)" I get that Tierney wouldn't want all that he's gone through to be in vain, for the show to get shut down for safety concerns before it ever opens, or that it shutters after the novelty wears off and the critics savage it (I doubt that would happen with the box office doing as well and the ammount of marketing thats been done/free press they've had... if Addams Family can still be running, so will Spiderman)

But it just seemed way too neatly packaged/orchestrated/scripted. Mendoza leaves with no statement. Everything's FINE - meanwhile 4 actors have been injured, ghouls line up to see if they can be there for # 5. I don't know, the whole thing is just really weird.

Add to the fact that WCBS does like 4 minutes on that and gives a 20 second blurb about a possible breakthrough in cancer screening. Great priorities there

#27'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 1:31am

I think the question you should be asking yourself is why is Local One getting off scott free?

#28'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 1:36am

i wasn't bothered by the interview at all. in fact, half the time the anchor was asking leading questions looking for a negative response toward the show, not glorifying it. it appeared that this really was christopher's dream come true, to be spidey. clearly the outpouring of love toward him and the show has been uplifting, and i think that's all we should continue to do for his sake.

PReeves2 Profile Photo
#29'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 1:54am

I think that was a very honest interview. he wants to simply move on and move forward. no law suits, no judgment against human error and, no fear of wanting to return doing what he loves to do in his life. After all how can it be wrong to simply forgive and forget?

brettystar Profile Photo
#30'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 2:22am

I agree that he seems overly optimistic and passionate but maybe he is still on pain killers?
Seriously though, the reporter was clearly digging and hoping to ignite some fire about him being bitter and he didn't bite so I tend to believe he genuinely wants to go back to the show. I don't believe the show could afford to pay him as much as what he may have gotten by suing them. You would think if he was angry or bitter about the experience he would be seeking compensation rather than wanting to return.

'Downtown Elaiggghhhy?'

#31'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 6:19am

I think it's a little dramatic and accusatory to assert that Tierny was "paid off". He suffered a serious injury during Spider-Man and the production was at fault. It's ethical and moral for the production to pay his medical bills, reserve a spot upon his return and offer compensation for Tierny's suffering. Why criticize the producers for doing the right thing? As for his interview while I don't know Tierny personally, I think most actors are generally supportive of their own projects. Despite negative chatter about Spider-Man, it was the third highest grossing show on Broadway last week and has consistently sold out every performance since day one.

HeyJayNYC Profile Photo
#32'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 7:19am

I agree! Why dump YOUR negativity on this. Take a page from Christopher's book. A mistake happened. It happens in EVERY show! Especially where humans are involved.
Accentuate the positive! He loves what he's doing and wants to get back to it.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#33'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 7:30am

lol everyone on here with their conspiracy theories crack me up.

Namo i love u but we get it already....you don't like Madonna

WestVillage Profile Photo
#34'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 9:00am

I thought his responses were incredibly calculated and insincere, like he had been prepped by Spidey's PR team on how to answer. "Be positive, be upbeat, make light of what happened, it will sell tickets". For such a serious accident and injuries, he came off very nonchalant and flippant about it. Glad that he's doing better, but it does appear, esp. with all the current coverage, that the producers are using this accident to their advantage, which is gross. What could have been a genuine human interest story has been turned in a publicity machine for a stinky show.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#35'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 9:03am

lol everyone on here with their conspiracy theories crack me up.

Me too songanddanceman. Chris Tierney is free to say whatever he wants about the show. It's not like he's going to go back to the role. If he did not say anything negative about it that was his choice. Chris Tierney was the one who was hurt and how he feels about it is his business. The interview was so brief anyways.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

JMPlayer6 Profile Photo
#36'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 9:08am

Y'know ... You get old enough to realize that, in life, things just happen. Not everything is a conspiracy, folks!!!

The guy seems genuinely upbeat. He is enthusiactic about the show. He wants to return to it. Is that so hard to believe? Perhaps it is not what you or I would do, but it's what he says he wants to do. I have no reason to disbelieve him. I'm sure he's being taken care of by the production and/or the union. And perhaps that is being done, in part, to avoid a lawsuit. So what. That doesn't mean it's not accepted nor appreciated. Y'know, some people just aren't the suing type. I'm not. Perhaps he will change his mind on that later on, perhaps not. We'll see.

Let's face it: The real self-serving part is from the TV station. It's all about the ratings.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#37'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 9:21am

lol everyone on here with their conspiracy theories crack me up.

Thinking that the show is doing everything it can do spin this to promote the show isn't a "conspiracy theory". It's basic PR/advertising. I'd be surprised if they weren't. I'm not commenting on Tierney's attitude, what he said, or whether or not there has been compesation. I just felt the piece as a whole was more about promoting the show. I would have liked something that was more about Chris and less about "look how awesome this show is".

And, honestly, the people who are throwing their blind support behind the show and post in every thread to attack anyone who says anything negative are just as bad.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

#38'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 9:50am

To those who are sickened, outraged, etc.

I honestly don't understand why. They were addressing safety issues raised, and they addressed them fairly and honestly.

What would have made you happy, short of "shutting down this travesty"?

#39'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 9:58am

In the long run none of this matters. The fact is, the show is terrible.

#40'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 10:16am

Ok guys ...The guy is very sincere to me and very excited to be part of something ORIGINAL to Broadway. I cant believe most people here would rather 1000 people out of work than the show actually fixing itself and succeeding...strange. We beg for original shows and then we castrate them...funny group of people
I hope this show is a smash hit and brings thousands into the theater for the 1st time and lets them see what talented actors and actresses are really about..

JRybka Profile Photo
#41'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 10:18am

I find it hysterical that poeple are so concerned about ripping apart an interview. It is like the there are some poeple on this page who are determined to tear people and shows down. So you don't like the spiderman musical. Guess WHAT? Don't see it. I really want to see it. Some of us theater lovers actually like this stuff. AND we still like Sondheim (I have tickets to Follies) or Avante Garde. Why cant we like it all (If you don't like it that is fine... but let's be constructive about it. ) It is like a bunch a bitchy queens sitting around thinking of the best zinger to type. (And I am a bitchy queen so I know all about it)

"Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around."

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#42'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 10:20am

The outrage and disgust in this thread is hilarious. Of course Tierney was compensated. That is how work-related injuries often work out, especially when it comes to high profile projects. Contracts are reviewed, worker's comp is addressed and lawsuits will be discussed until a legal agreement is reached. But "paid off" sounds so much more sinister, doesn't it? And everything about this show HAS to be considered evil because...it has gotten so much publicity! Honestly, if all this stuff happened to Bounce, none of the same people would be bitching like this.

And I love how Tierney's thoughts and motives are said to be so "obvious". With all this psychic revelation going on, you'd think we'd have more lottery winners on BWW.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

BillyButler Profile Photo
#43'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 11:55am

I know Chris personally. What you see is what you get. He's the sweetest and most generous guy you can find. Quit reading so deep into everything. Must be a real slow news month.

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#44'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 12:06pm

The viciousness here is astounding. Thanks to BillyButler for restating that Chris is/seems like a very genuine guy who is extremely brave and passionate for the show he's working on. It really disapoints me to see so many people on this board that I love rooting for a show to fail. What would you rather have? The 1,011th revival of Gypsy? This is NEW, and like anything NEW, it's a bit dangerous.

I loved the interview. The actors seemed to take it very seriously, even when George S read those ridiculously condemning tweets out loud. It was a very mature interview. Only thing I wish was different is that I am hoping for a real TV performance from them soon!

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

PalJoey Profile Photo
#45'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 12:24pm

The Nasty Negative Nellies posting here repulse me, but Christopher Tierney inspires me.

I look forward to seeing him in the show. I also think he should be awarded a special Tony.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#46'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 12:44pm

If he wanted out, he would get out. Being jobless is only a small price to pay for not being injured. The point is, he's in exceptional spirits and he clearly is proud to be a part of this production. I'm not a fan of the show at all, but if these actors are truly dedicated to doing it, who are we to begrudge them?

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#47'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 12:52pm

I'm not a fan of the show at all, but if these actors are truly dedicated to doing it, who are we to begrudge them?

I don't think the ridiculously nasty folks care enough about the cast to begrudge them anything. They are just out for Julie Taymor's blood and nothing else. It's about Taymor and the gall she has to helm a Broadway musical about a comic book super hero. There really isn't much more to it than that. Every bit of news that developed since the first announcement of the musical's conception has been chum for the sharks. As this thread readily proves, they'll make dinner out of whatever they can.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

mybigsplash Profile Photo
#48'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 1:04pm

So now we know what the deal was!!
news: Christopher Tierney buys house in Connecticut

Stephen: "Could you grab me a coffee?" Me: "Would you like that with all the colors of the wind?"

chernjam Profile Photo
#49'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 1:51pm

can people stop lumping everyone into generalities here. Geez...

-I don't hate "Spiderman" nor was I rooting against it... In fact I'm intrigued by it with U2 providing the music and Taymor directing it...

- I haven't seen it yet... and would welcome something new rather than another revival or jukebox musical. I've not sat in a Broadway theatre in at least 2 or 3 years since nothing's appealed to me that I've been interested in seeing

- And as for Tierney, like I said initially, I'm happy to see the guy is doing well and that he has a positive outlook... would that all of us could do so.

All that being said, the fact that the media hyped things up to make it out like the guy was near death a week ago and then the interview seemed to make it seem like he's had a broken leg that he'll need rehab for but is looking forward to coming back to the show soon all seems more than a bit sketchy to me.

I understand the PR/Media teams are working overtime on this ($65 million dollar production, there's a lot of people who've put a lot of money into it and aren't going to go down without a fight... and who can blame them)

But the way the initial reports made it out about how serious the whole thing was and that they had performances a day later, complete with camera crews in front of the theatre before and after every performance asking people attending "why they wanted to see it" (and highlighting those who were "Jackass" type fans wanting to see if someone got hurt)... Now this complete 180 with what seems to be placing the blame on some backstage people -- the whole thing seems a bit sick to me.
