
Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?- Page 2

Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#25Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/6/12 at 12:55pm

Well there's always that Charlie & The Choolate Factory musical thats coming. I think there's a role or two in there perfect for a little orange person.

wicked1492 Profile Photo
#26Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/6/12 at 1:02pm

Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
This one! It'd fit like a roomy, large glove!

"These rabid fans...possess the acting talent to portray the hooker...Linda Eder..." -The New York Times

BwayEqs Profile Photo
#27Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/6/12 at 1:05pm

Well there's always that Charlie & The Choolate Factory musical thats coming. I think there's a role or two in there perfect for a little orange person.

I think Snookie would be better in that role.

They all call me a troll. Ok, call me a troll. If I stand on my own, so be it.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#28Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/6/12 at 1:08pm

She needs more dramatic roles. She did a brilliant version of Bring Him Home for her concert tour, which was a lovely break from two hours of fun camp.

Side note: Annie Potts was in the audience and stood up to wave to everybody. I thought the people sitting around her were about to die.

dreaming Profile Photo
#29Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/6/12 at 1:10pm

bwayluvsong-The Met will be getting The Merry Widow-but Ms. Chenoweth will not be part of it. (Susan Stroman will, though.)

jv92 Profile Photo
#30Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/6/12 at 1:17pm

The perfect vehicle for her? I don't know...Retirement?

someone.else's.story2 Profile Photo
#31Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/6/12 at 1:37pm

Yeah, I am in the camp of finding her fairly "on" and disingenuous most of them time. I agree that she has a good voice and comic chops but I find her pretty lacking in acting ability. And I also hated her performance in "Promises, Promises". She seemed to be winking at the audience the entire time and instead of moving me, I found her campy as heck.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory could be good. She could play Veruka, the girl who explodes!

“I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.” ``oscar wilde``

#32Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/6/12 at 1:39pm

Dreaming, that sounds great, but I would have preferred a Broadway production with a new book, translation, and theater performers. And Cheno would have been perfect in the lead.

SingingChef Profile Photo
#33Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/6/12 at 7:06pm

Love the HELLO DOLLY idea.

E.Davis Profile Photo
#34Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/6/12 at 9:24pm

Well she is going The Goodwife this fall.

"I think lying to children is really important, it sets them off on the right track" -Sherie Rene Scott-

#35Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/7/12 at 1:49am

Clearly she needs something about a perky midget who's willing to sell out gay people in order to sell albums to Christian fundies.

#37Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/7/12 at 6:28am

"Clearly she needs something about a perky midget who's willing to sell out gay people in order to sell albums to Christian fundies."

People are still going on about that? She made a really stupid mistake, apologized, and moved on. It was a long time ago. If you read any of her interviews, it's very clear that she fully supports the gay community.

darquegk Profile Photo
#38Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/7/12 at 9:12am

Ever since then she has been extremely gracious and supportive to the LGBT community, and is one of the major celebrity Christians supporting gay rights- an important minority, as if the struggle boils down to "sexuality versus religion" instead of "prejudice versus enlightenment," it will lose.

SingingChef Profile Photo
#39Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/7/12 at 9:39am

I've always thought she'd make a really interesting WITCH in Into the Woods. Would love to see her take on a darker, dramatic role.

BroadwayBound115 Profile Photo
#40Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/7/12 at 12:11pm

I'd like to see her as Ella in Bells Are Ringing.

#41Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/7/12 at 12:49pm

this botoxed, collegan using parody of herself is not a leading lady, and I wish people would stop pushing her as such.
As for the vehicle? A 1978 Ford Pinto.

greensgreens Profile Photo
#42Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/7/12 at 4:21pm

Kristin feels like a modern-day Carol Channing for some reason - the personality shines through every character and is her "signature" - more so than her actual talents. It's not a bad thing at all. She's found her Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Wicked) and now needs to find her Hello, Dolly. Given her ability to emulate - but not mimic - Dolly's sound in her concert rendition of I Will Always Love You, I am aching for her to tackle that role. I think that is a career-defining part in which she could give us what we expect (bubbly and chipper) to not alienate her fanbase, but also show us she can handle some more serious material (although I don't know how much drama there is in Dolly's life).

#43Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/7/12 at 8:02pm

If she's willing to take a supporting role:
Sophie in Anastasia, which was originally voiced by Bernadette Peters

I think she'd be fabulous

emida Profile Photo
#44Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/7/12 at 10:51pm

I must admit that I really don't get the hate towards her on this forum. True, she wasn't very good in Promises, Promises, but I think that when she's given a good project, she's amazing. I thought she was very good in You're A Good Man Charlie Brown and she was incredible in The Apple Tree. I still don't understand how she didn't get a nomination that year.

I'd love to see her in a dramatic role. Or Hello Dolly and On The Twentieth Century are great ideas too. But please, anything but The Dolly Parton musical! For me, the problem with her is that she seems to be more of a performer than an actress. Maybe a dramatic role could change that perception.

random person 112
#45Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/7/12 at 11:01pm

greens, is trouble conceiving, a few miscarriages, deep depression, and an extremely poor background dramatic enough?

darquegk Profile Photo
#46Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/8/12 at 12:15am

I'd be curious to see her as Diana in Next to Normal. She could be terrible, or she could be a revelation. But I feel like she would do interesting things with it, if she can bring out her her inner actress instead of her inner "showman."

Wynbish Profile Photo
#47Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/8/12 at 12:17am

While it is probably beneath her, she'd be an appropriately campy Adelaide.

#48Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/8/12 at 12:50am

She broke my heart in Diary of Adam and Eve in "The Apple Tree". She can do something besides camp, believe me. I think she's fantastic. This generation's Bernadette. I actually rate her right below Audra in "the most talented people on Broadway" sweepstakes.

Though I do admit, a lot of the things she is doing on TV these days have a pink purse whiff to them..

madbrian Profile Photo
#49Perfect Vehicle for Kristin Chenoweth?
Posted: 7/8/12 at 8:37am

If a musical is ever made of The Help, she'd be ideal as Charlotte Phelan (Skeeter's mother). In the book, Charlotte is a petite woman, and Cheno would be just the right age in a couple of years.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson
