
TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015- Page 2

TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#25TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/1/15 at 3:54pm

To Audra

I feel Brantley is elitist and I have no use for him or poor Green who felt overworked in April. Boo Hoo. Most critics have a bit of elitism in them and some much more than others.

Would like Rotten or The Visit to win but it will probably be AAIP or Fun. I will not throw a hissy fit as I am not that into shows

The Tonys are a new show to watch and generally entertaining. I do not get overly crazy over Broadway. We see shows to pass the time. The genuine love we used to have is gone.

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 6/1/15 at 03:54 PM

jv92 Profile Photo
#26TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/1/15 at 4:58pm

I think Jesse Green was KIDDING about feeling overworked. Hence, the limo joke. Even if he wasn't, I also think Jesse Green is the most informed, fairest, and most articulate critic writing for a major publication these days. I don't always agree with Brantley, and sometimes find his prose self-indulgent, but there's no denying that he comes across as pleasant in interviews and on TV panels. I think Roxy dislikes these publications and its journalists for the same reason Michael Riedel picks on Oskar Eustis. 

I don't know why Riedel picks on Patrick Pacheco so much. It's been like that for years, so I'm not saying I'm surprised. Maybe he's jealous that Pacheco has had a long career and has the respect of people in the industry-- something Riedel doesn't have. Oh, and he also knows what he's talking about. (Does Riedel?) I think Pacheco or Green would make a far better co-host on the program, I agree. They'd bring knowledge, discernment and respect to a seat that currently lacks it totally. 

And why should Vincentelli feel elite? She writes for the NEW YORK F*CKING POST! 

Updated On: 6/1/15 at 04:58 PM

#27TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/1/15 at 5:06pm

Even though I'm a huge fan of Fun Home, I don't know if Vincentelli was as bad as many posters are making her out to be. She had positive things about other shows as well, and I'm glad I at least got some insight from an actual Tony voter whose decisions will have some impact on who wins the Tony award. 

I did agree with her on Chenoweth, though. When I saw OTTC, I also felt like I was privileged to see a first-rate star performing her A game. I too thought that maybe this is what people felt like when they saw Merman (any other legendary diva) at her prime live.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#28TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/1/15 at 5:08pm


I hate to burst your bubble but I do not read Greens publication. He is one of those who seems to get great pleasure putting the knife in & twisting it. For good measure, he hits the corpse with a sledgehammer & kicks it a few times. This is from his criticisms on Theater Talk. This, to me , is not criticism. I do not care for Brantley who reminds me of the Joker in Batman . As far as your Post comment, it appears you look down on any publication that does not meet your standards. So be it. I know the Times is the be all & end all and can do no wrong.

I have respect for Pacheco. He is fair without resorting to nastiness. Agree with him most of the time.

Poster Emeritus

Jeffrey Karasarides Profile Photo
Jeffrey Karasarides
#29TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/1/15 at 5:09pm

Michael Riedel used to make fun of Patrick Pacheco for always getting his predictions spectacularly wrong.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#30TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/1/15 at 5:12pm

His predictions may be wrong but it is his review of a show I like.

Poster Emeritus

jv92 Profile Photo
#31TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/1/15 at 5:13pm

"Michael Riedel used to make fun of Patrick Pacheco for always getting his predictions spectacularly wrong."

But he got LaChanze and PAJAMA GAME right in 2006! (Which was shocking!) And sometimes his predictions are fairly apt. He has a good sense of the industry and of the whole "Tonys thing."

Roxy, the Times isn't the end all and be all, and it certainly isn't for me. I'm sorry Ben didn't like THE VISIT. I loved it. But I don't look down at it. 

#32TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/1/15 at 5:34pm

Everytime I hear or read anything from Riedel, I like him less. Is it possible he is AfterEight? Some striking similarities there. (as in, the way he exclaims what is going to win instead of saying what he predicts)

macnyc Profile Photo
#33TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/1/15 at 5:47pm

I think John Simon is After Eight. And I won't be watching the Theater Talk show with him on it as a guest.

#34TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/1/15 at 6:02pm

I thought After Eight was Rex Reed.

#35TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/1/15 at 7:56pm

From her looks, the Post critic can be a replacement in Fun Home.  These predictions are as obnoxious as political pundits who think that they know everything- but they really know nothing.

vfd88 Profile Photo
#36TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/1/15 at 8:12pm

Elisabeth seems to be very passionate about her opinions, whether positive or negative. I wholeheartedly disagree with her assessment of Fun Home (and her criticism of Bill Nighy in Skylight bordered on sophomoric), but her praise for Chenoweth was certainly pleasant to hear.

I too am surprised that so many of them are predicting Ruthie Ann Miles. In terms of likelihood of winning, I'd place her in third behind Lucas and Kuhn. I really don't buy into this "splitting the vote" narrative that so many people are predicting for that category.  I believe the last musical with three nominations in one acting category was The Producers for featured actor, which obviously worked out in their favor.  I predict a similar outcome this year in featured actress.

#37TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/1/15 at 8:27pm

Just watched the video...quite enjoyable actually.  And I was in agreement with much of what they said.  Finally a group who thinks OTTC (which I have seen 3x!!!) can win the Best Musical Revival category!!! A lot of people on this board may disagree and the critics may be wrong but it was good to hear the reasons why OTTC can win. And I love their prediction for Ruthie Ann Miles!

#38TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/1/15 at 9:28pm

The moment I read that Vincentelli was going to be on the prediction show I actually said aloud "oh dear god..."

She always leaves me so cold in a way different than Michael Riedel, whereas with him it is almost like watching a hilarious egotistical train wreck whereas Vincentelli is just seems to always be the same and always like she never wants to be around.

This particular episode was really bizarre in that respect because in many ways I felt like she was a huge focus whereas Michael Musto didn't seem to be featured as much as normal. 

I love Jesse Green and while he does have his moments of vindictive knife twisting, I do find him to be a wonderful critic and probably my favorite out there.

Patrick Pacheco has had some strange predictions but as was pointed out, he saw LaChanze and Pajama Game coming a mile away and he often seems like he would be the warmest of the panel and he doesn't seem to be too harsh on anything. 

As for their predictions, I agree that it seems strange most of them went for Ruthie Ann Miles...I think she has a very good chance but I would think Kuhn or Lucas would win before.

They didn't even do Any of the other featured categories which I hate how those get the shaft.

Not a single word for ON THE TOWN. One key thing is that it did get that surprise directing nomination. I still think this one could go in any direction but I'm sticking with The King and I.


mc1227 Profile Photo
#39TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/1/15 at 10:31pm

Riedel is a pompous twerp.  Vincentelli should seek a different kind of work since she obviously dislikes most theater.

That being said, I think most of the predictions will be accurate.  One point I took from this is that I have a better understanding that personal tastes aside, voters seem to be conscious about other factors besides the actual performance, i.e. Hosting duties, previous nominations, fellow cast mates nominated, etc.  For them to even bring that up, it tells me that they may be right about Cheno winning over Kelli.  Obviously Kristin is wonderful in the role, but so was Kelli.  I believe that if Ruthie Ann Miles ends up winning for supporting actress, you will see Cheno win for best actress.  If anyone but Miles wins, then it will go to Kelli.

The only review of a show that matters is your own.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#40TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/1/15 at 10:50pm

I strongly disagree with Vincentelli re: Fun Home, but lord some of you need to relax. She can have her opinion and that doesn't require you to denigrate her or her work. And personally, I found no problem with her presence on the episode- I wish it had just been the critics and not featured Susan or Riedel, who somehow manages to be slimy and ignorant at the same time. 

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#41TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/1/15 at 11:17pm

Vincentelli? Well, that seals the deal, I ain't watchin'. She is the human embodiment of misery.....well, her and Charles Isherwood.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

jv92 Profile Photo
#42TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/2/15 at 12:17am

The thing is, I think Isherwood LIKES the theater. He might be a tad dour and I might not always agree with him, but I have on various productions-- especially the Steppenwolf ...VIRGINIA WOOLF. Vincentelli on the other hand... 

I don't think Jesse's vindictive. I think he knows better. Even if he did write that piece on Arthur Laurents, he ONLY REPORTED, and to quote K&E... HE (Arthur) HAD IT COMIN'! 



Sally Durant Plummer Profile Photo
Sally Durant Plummer
#43TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/2/15 at 2:26am

I don't care WHO After Eight is, as long as he STAYS AWAY.

"Sticks and stones, sister. Here, have a Valium." - Patti LuPone, a Memoir
Updated On: 6/2/15 at 02:26 AM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#44TheaterTalk Tony Predictions Episode 2015
Posted: 6/2/15 at 6:27am

"I strongly disagree with Vincentelli re: Fun Home, but lord some of you need to relax. She can have her opinion and that doesn't require you to denigrate her or her work. And personally, I found no problem with her presence on the episode- I wish it had just been the critics and not featured Susan or Riedel, who somehow manages to be slimy and ignorant at the same time. "

 I don't care  if she loves or hates Fun Home, the problem is she speaks in broad, sweeping statements (like "the score is grey") but then offers any specifics. At least when it came to Bill Nighy she articulated specifically what she didn't like about his performance. 
