
Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!- Page 2

Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!

#25re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 4:23pm

Ugh, please...I'm sick of the exploitation of girl action. I'm an extremely open-minded female, and I can tell you I would have much rather seen Justin and Eminem start making out. If we have to see some "trendy" girl action, then bring on the boy love, damnit! I think that's way hotter anyway, but then again I've never been very traditional. If we have to exploit, then at least keep everybody happy.

On a Broadway note, it annoys the hell out of me when everybody laughs or yells Gross right when Bobby kisses Cliff in Cabaret. Open your minds already people...

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#26re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 5:30pm

Thank you, Al & CabHead! *** wink ***

If Madonna REALLY wanted to "push buttons" she'd slip some tongue to Lea DeLaria.

But it would be a step down for Lea.

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#27re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 8:29pm

I think the opposite

DavidMegg Profile Photo
#28re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 8:49pm

MasterLcZ: Being gay myself, I agree with your comment on the faggots pandering to male insecurities... or pandering to anything for that matter.
But I don't consider these guys faggots because essentially, they're getting paid to play these "parts" and while I don't think they're necessarily acting, I think they're funny and it's a TV show. No big deal.
And I didn't mean to start on QE for the SG; just wanted to comment.

#29re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 9:24pm

Who cares? Really. This is pure nonsense thread and I'm adding my opinion to give you a dose of reality!


#30re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 9:40pm

Bulldog, than DO NOT CLICK ON IT! If you are reading this post right now then you obviously are iterested in this thread. And the reason I posted it was to talk about the whole concept, not how gross it is to kiss the same sex.

CCM '10!

luluhed Profile Photo
#31re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 9:52pm

Of course the kiss was just another stunt of Madonna's to get attention, push the limits, whatever, and it worked. This isn't the only place the kiss is being discussed, believe me!

Good for Madonna, she still rules. And I'm going to come out and use the hackneyed word "amazing" for her. What this woman has accomplished in her lifetime is amazing. Like her or not, you can't dismiss her impact on our society.

#32re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 9:53pm

It was not only for Madonna, but to keep Britney in the spotlight, as mentioned in an earlier post.

CCM '10!

luluhed Profile Photo
#33re: re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 9:59pm

Britney and Christina were background for Madonna.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#34re: re: re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 10:25pm

If you're gonna say that it was to keep Britney in the spotlight, the same was for Madonna. But honestly I think Britney had no need to do anything to keep in the spotlight, she has been, even though she hasn't released an album in over 2 years. The girl is always a topic of gossip and the press follows her every move. It wasn't to stay in the spotlight, she's been there for the past 5 years ever since she came out. The whole idea that they kissed was purely just to push the envelope. Britney wants people to either love her or hate her. She was trying to make all the young girls that used to be fans of her uncomfortable, probably because she wanted to get rid of them. She wants to appeal to the group that Christina Aguilera is appealing to right now. And that's what the point of the kiss was. It was to shift her fan base to a different type.

#35re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 10:28pm

You are saying it like you talked to her and she said this.

CCM '10!

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#36re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 10:32pm

No, I've just read/seen SO many interviews with her. She even came out and said "I want people to either love me or hate me." She never directly came out and said she wanted to shift her fanbase, but it's just so obvious from what she says. Updated On: 8/29/03 at 10:32 PM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#37re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 3:37am

You must be a blast to hang out with at parties. Are you one of those old guys from the muppets? They were two of my favorite characters. BWtheater11..love your pic...I'm a little bitter I didn't get to upload it first. Updated On: 8/30/03 at 03:37 AM

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#38re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 4:05pm

I hate to bump this to the top again, but I couldn't resist pasting this review from the MTV awards in the Washington Post today:

"The first musical number epitomized the kind of commercialized outrageousness that MTV has perfected in recent years. It featured Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, decked out in white wedding dresses in a homage to Madonna, who famously wore a white wedding dress on MTV's first Video Music Awards broadcast in 1984, when she performed "Like A Virgin". Madonna appeared dressed as a groom, and the number, which also briefly featured Missy Elliot, provided the evening's first gyrating rumps, as well as a truly yechy moment: The sight of oversexed old Madonna tongue-kissing oversexed young Spears. It didn't seem outrageous or sultry; it smacked of desperation."

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

#39re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 4:10pm

I KNOW FAB 5...Jai Rodriguiez...RENT! :) yay! that was just sick tho! WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT?!besides for publicity....i mean at the Tony's it just looked normal cuz its broadway guys? but the britney/madonna/christina kiss awkward?

the world is good you said, enjoy its highs you said, the summer flies you said, so make a parade of every moment, now throw away your hate and focus on whats great instead, im dying so theres no time for debate you said *Christian Borle-Elegies*

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#40re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 4:46pm

Sounds like the reviewer had read OUR reviews, Master! :)

rlbgbc Profile Photo
#41re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 4:49pm

If indeed Britney was trying to appeal to Christina's fans, there's one thing that is sorely lacking: the ability to sing.

#42re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 4:52pm

Everyone is so hung up on sex in this country...In Europe, they laugh at Americans, who make sex a big deal....Madonna was trying to make a point....the kiss was sweet, who cares...go to church and pray for Madonna, she's is a sinner...I think Britney is darling......All three women are "show business"...in order to keep their careers fresh, they must do things like kissing each other.......For my taste, I would of love to seen two straight men kiss...that would of being something in this country....but that will never happen....Like in the musical "Chicago".......that's SHOW BIZ....

AReinkingfan Profile Photo
#43re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 7:23pm

I am still so amazed (sorry FindingNamo - Ha,ha), that people are still so wrapped up in this subject.

I am an openly gay, feminine lesbian. I don't know how "trendy" it may have become to be a "lipstick lesbian" these days, and I guess I should be flattered that some females want to be what I was born as, but if there are so many females truly acting as such, then WHY ARE GAYS STILL GETTING SO MUCH CRAP AND INEQUALITY??? If we are so "IT" and "THE THING TO BE", why the Hell aren't we being treated as equals??

Homosexuality seems to be okay to some only when it serves some purpose for people other than gays, themselves! Why is that?

As far as the now infamous kiss goes...SO WHAT? You all gave these ladies exactly what they were aiming for - lots of attention. Quite frankly, my partner and I laughed it up a bit. You see...only a few years ago, you wouldn't even have SEEN that kind of display on television. They made such a stink about Ellen D. coming out and displaying an openly gay character because, God forbid - no one could relate. PLEASE! Once businesses and whoever else realized that we are also a hard working group of citizens who have money to spend...now everyone's getting "gay friendly" - tv shows, etc. Hmm...trust me - everyone's out for a buck. Britney and Christina won't get my money simply because they "braved" a smooch with Madonna. Madonna on the other hand gets my support. She is a very smart business woman, and love her or hate her, she has lasted 20 years in this cut throat business and can still pull it off. Not to mention that she has ALWAYS been diverse with her sexuality and ALWAYS been supportive of our community, so she still gets my vote.

I guess the older I get, the less I get wrapped up in the silliness of things like MTV Award shows and the like. I realize there are a lot of younger people on this Board and this is a big part of your generation ("this" being VMA, Real World, reality shows, blah, blah, blah). That's fine. But please know, that a REAL kiss between two women who genuinely love each other (like my partner of almost nine years and I), or two loving men, or a man and a woman, is a beautiful thing. What you saw on tv was merely showmanship, folks, and that's what entertainers do. They perform. Outrageous sex sells.

Bottom line...Who really cares? Did your lives go on the next day? Did you lose sleep? Not I.

Just please, let us not forget what real love is, and was is exploitational.

Best wishes to all.

"Life without music equals death."

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#44re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 7:33pm

To Ann Reinking Fan

Very good post - You hit the nail on the head & get a gold star

Poster Emeritus

#45re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 7:40pm

I agree with you as well, AReinkingfan. It was clearly done for shock value only unlike the "Tony" kiss that was an expression of love.


AReinkingfan Profile Photo
#46re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 7:43pm

Thanks to you both! I'm glad some people truly understand.

"Life without music equals death."

#47re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 7:47pm

amen Areinkingfan!

I only watched the thing when it was replayed cause I wanted to see what teh big deal was. frankly, MTV annoys me.

#48re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 7:47pm

You are too fabulous A Reinkingfan...Beautifully said...I am a fan of yours.........

AReinkingfan Profile Photo
#49re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/30/03 at 7:59pm

Thanks to both of you! ( :

Broadwayguy... tell me why there is a video music award show on MTV when the network shows almost nothing but shows?? If you like those shows, fine. I understand that it is still entertainment, but now to catch music videos, you have to check out VH1! Then again, you DO have the multitude of MTV spinoff channels. OY! Videos are just lacking in my humble opinion. I can think of a ton of stories that the videos could portray, but once again, sex sells, and I guess shaking your bubble rump as fast as humanly possible is the in thing now. And for just about every video I catch!

Ha! I sound so old! OH GOD! I AM MY PARENTS!!

I'm scared.

Hold me.

"Life without music equals death."
