
Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!

Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!

#0Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/28/03 at 8:07pm

Just on the VMA's, Britney and Madonna kissed and than Christina and Madonna kissed! That will be the latest gay in the media after the Tony's kiss!

CCM '10!

Albin Profile Photo
#1re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/28/03 at 8:21pm

It made the Tony kiss look tame!
And I loved seeing the Fab 5 in the front row!!!

Albin Profile Photo
#2re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/28/03 at 8:37pm

OH MY GAWD...look at Beyonce's dress

That thud you just heard was the viewing public's mouth dropping open...or maybe it was Roxy Rothefel turning over in his grave at the sight of what is going on in his beloved Radio City...

Phantess Profile Photo
#3re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/28/03 at 8:39pm

Chris Rock's opening jokes are too funny.

That kiss definately made my jaw drop. I don't see why they zoomed in on Justin though, waste of camera time.

And I love Beyonce I'm so glad she won.

#4re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/28/03 at 8:55pm

Did you just hear "the voice of her generation?" (snicker)

Well, I can see what all the fuss is about. (snicker)

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

ChristineDaae Profile Photo
#5re: re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/28/03 at 11:29pm

That kiss was gross, I think I almost barfed! lol

Go Good Charlotte!!!!

"Life will be frozen peaches and cream. Baby, dream Your Dream" ~ SC

Thetruth Profile Photo
#6re: re: re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/28/03 at 11:46pm

That was the best performance I've seen in a while. Simply because of all the star power involved. Christina and Britney were Madonna's lil herim. Great!

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#7re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 12:48am

Updated On: 12/27/05 at 12:48 AM

#8re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 1:14am

Meh. I didn't think it was hot. You can barely see Britbot slip Madonna the tongue unless you look at the pix. Another PR stunt of Spears to stay in the spotlight...what if she lit one of her cigs afterwards? Ooh, how naughty! [/sarcasm]

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#9re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 9:05am

"the kiss totally grossed me out" Oh PUHLEEZE! Get over it. We should be living in a time where no one bats an eye at a girl-girl kiss...or boy-boy kiss for that matter.
I was happy to see Madonna up to her old tricks...for me that was the only part of the show worth watching...well I liked Coldplay and Mary J. too. But otherwise thought the show was kinda lacking.

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#10re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 9:41am

"lacking" is being very kind. I want to say this to Voiceanth because RobD put a lock on the thread I originally posted this thought on and therefore cancelled my post, so here goes again.

OF COURSE Britney and Xtina are who Madonna would pass the torch on to. They wouldn't EXIST if Madonna was never famous. She invented style over substance and made it ok,even acceptable, to have not one sliver of singing talent and yet become a world famous "singer".

And yes, yes, I know you're going to say that Xtina can sing. To that I'll say this, she sounded TRAGICALLY bad last night and moreover, the fact that she can sing should NOT come as such a surprise, it should NOT be an exception , it should be the RULE! Everyone earning millions of dollars, selling millions of Cd's to the masses should, at the VERY least, be able to sing as competently, if not BETTER that Xtina. It's not too much to ask, or expect. How sad that anyone would consider her "the greatest voice of her generation". Have the "pickin's" really become that slim?

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#11re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 9:44am

The thing that bugs me the most about Ms. Aguilera at the moment is she seems unaware that the correct abbreviation of her name would be Xina, no T.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#12re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 9:47am

Well, she doesn't exactly strike me as a rocket scientist.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#13re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 9:54am

Maybe she thought Xina was too close to Xena.

The funny thing is....I thought Madonna looked and sounded better then Britney (which isn't much of a surprise) and Christina. Updated On: 8/29/03 at 09:54 AM

rlbgbc Profile Photo
#14re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 10:04am

What's really pathetic to me is that Spears felt the need to do that. Her days as a teen pop girl singer are on the wane, so now we're going for the shock value to get people talking about her again. The sooner she faces the fact that she's destined to be a Trivial Pursuit question, the better.

#15Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 10:07am

That was definitely to stay in the spotlight like ya'll have been saying. Either way, though, I was happy to see it. Modonna still looks good for her age and I think Britney's the hottest and Christina's not too shabby herself. Two thumbs up from this man!!!

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#16re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 11:32am

2 words for Britney Spears.... DEBBIE GIBSON! As I gaze into my crystal ball, I see a very bright future for her as a judge on some American idol-esque show, at best! Last nights' performance did reek of desperation on her part. Updated On: 8/29/03 at 11:32 AM

DavidMegg Profile Photo
#17re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 11:40am

re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!! Although I enjoy Deb, you're 100% accurate! Bottom line is, Brit and Xina were SO the back-ups to Madonna, and I don't think their number would have been talked about for more that a few hours without that kiss.
Good for them, let them shock people...
Al, you hit it on the nail. I think many of us here understand and know good singing, how hard it is, and how few people have that talent, yet there are people who are labeled "singers" who really can't and earn buckets of money for it.
It's the same line of thought where sports stars make millions and millions, and there are school teachers making 25K a year...
thanks for your post (well... re-post).

#18re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 1:25pm

exactly.. I laughed at teh fact that DivaSpears was singing backup. :)

as far as the kiss..... um.. no. Woman on woman doesn't do it for me. what is the big deala nyway?? A kiss is a kiss. I bet if it had meen two guys guys doing it, SOOO Many would have had a fit! Why is it more acceptable because they are women??

anyways, some people did have a problem with teh kiss and teh guys from Queer Eye being there...... on a pop radio station this morening the two DJs were commenting on how they were gflad their kids didn't watch beause two people of the same gender kissing and five gay men from a makeover show are only appropriate for adults to see.. whatever.

#19re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 1:33pm

re The Queer Guys onstage....

I adore Queer Eye for the Straight Guy...well lots of stuff about it.

Did anyone else find part of their appearance a bit "disturbing.?" How funny was it talking about straight guys hitting gay guys really? And Carson saying "some of us like to be punched" oyyyyyyyyyy....

it was awful...I just watched the video of it,,,,,,,,that was really terrible...

and this was actually scripted apparently??? No one involved knew or said anything about how awful or awkward or "bad" that dialogue was????

Isn't that strange?


Hello Gorgeous
#20re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 1:37pm

I also don't undertstand what Madonna and Britney were trying to sccomplish with the kiss. What was the point?

I loved seeing the FAB 5 too! My sister was jumping up and down when they came on. I love them!!

~*Christa*~ "Don't ya wanna be the life of the party?" Idina Menzel, THE WILD PARTY

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#21re: re: re: re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 2:10pm

Accomplish? I don't think they were trying to "accomplish" anything per se. Madonna just likes to push buttons. And if that's what she was trying to accomplish...she did.

#22Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 3:08pm

Are there any lesbians on this message board? (seriously)
I want to know what you think of the kiss. I'm straight and sick & tired of showbiz depicting intimacy between women merely for titillation, or 'cause it's "cool," or as a stop a woman has to make on the road to sexual liberation/promiscuity.

How could you compare the Madonna thing to Marc Shaiman's Tonys kiss? The latter was a genuine expression of love and gratitude, not an "I'm so down with the latest trends" move.

Anybody catch the Jerry Herman tribute by the Boston Pops on PBS a few months back? Marin Mazzie and Faith Prince sang "Bosom Buddies" -- very cute rendition -- and after the song, as the "choreography" ended with them with arms around each other, they kissed quickly on the lips as the audience started applauding. It had none of the for-titillation/publicity-only feel of the VMA kiss.

Plus, people, we're talking about Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera and Madonna...three people who would perform sexual favors on Osama bin Laden if it meant some publicity.

(Although they're all media whores, I wouldn't group Madonna totally with the other two. She's created some good music. Plus, let's see where BS & CA are in 20 years...)

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#23re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 3:11pm

"Did anyone else find part of their appearance a bit "disturbing.?" How funny was it talking about straight guys hitting gay guys really? And Carson saying "some of us like to be punched" oyyyyyyyyyy"

Christomighy, TOT. I never watched that show, Now, I'll actively boycott it. I have no use for self-loathing faggots who pander to straight male insecurities.

As for the "kiss" - girl-girl kissing thrills straight men. man-man kissing TERRIFIES them.

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#24re: re: Madonna/Britney/Christina Kiss!!
Posted: 8/29/03 at 3:44pm

You nailed that one Master. And it is very fashionable and "trendy" to be a lipstick lesbian. The straight men lose it over that sort of crap. How sad that the supposed harbinger of female liberation consistently panders to that banal mindset.
