
Is Kristin Chenoweth getting too big for her boots?- Page 2

Is Kristin Chenoweth getting too big for her boots?

Caravaggio Profile Photo
#25re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 8:36am

I agree. She is making very astute choices in his film & TV work by doing showy bit roles in high-profile productions. More people will see her in the first weekend of BEWITCHED than her entire run of WICKED. She'll come back to Broadway.

That said, I would not be surprised if her "Alice in Wonderland" opera gets shelved (eeeew, bad idea) and if she cancels on THE APPLE TREE for Encores! in May.

I'm happy as long as there are brownies in the green room.

#26re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 9:21am

Oops - I'm sorry - when I first saw the title of this thread I thought it was about whether Kristin's boobs were too big.

It's early in the morning.

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#27re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 9:33am

What a lot of people don't know about Ms.Chenoweth is that she originally declined the offer to be in Wicked at first because she was aware of scheuduling issues when the show was going to be on Broadway.
Add that to a serious injury during the out of town try outs, and sickness in her family, AND getting sick herself within the first few weeks Wicked opened and of course she's going to miss some performances
There were also several shows where the only reason Ms.Chenoweth could perform was because she was on very serious pain medication for her neck. She would even have to wear her neck brace on stage at times.
And that's not such a terrible thing either. It gave Laura and Melissa some chances to strut their stuff for a bit anyway
If Wicked has any message whatsoever, it's in their tagline:
There are two sides to every story

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#28re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 10:35am

I think it's pretty selfish and extraordinarily presumptuous of us to decide what is right for Kristin Chenoweth. Perhaps we are the ones who are too big for our boots.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#29re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 11:16am

couldnt agree more rath and bwaystar2b!!


Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#30re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 12:41pm

I just love it when a bunch of know nothings like to go around just assuming things.

Who says KC books her own dates, magan? How do you know? Are you her manager? The closest you've come to her is probably holding her CD.

Vietgrl and Rat..you're so right. I love watching industry wanna be's playing dress up.

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

#31re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 12:53pm

I like her and I am sure we probably will see more of her on the stage. She has to win a Best Actress Tony first. re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?

#32re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 1:13pm

Look at it from her perspective--she's starred in a huge broadway show and she's offered to do TV/film--what would you do? She'd be making a heck of a lot more money, and becoming a bigger star would only elevate the leads she would be offered upon her return to Broadway. Updated On: 10/24/04 at 01:13 PM

#33re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 2:04pm

Oh, heaven forbid she mix mediums a little. You know, when you say that her taking a supporting role on "The West Wing" means she's getting to big for her boots, it sounds like you're already making the demeaning implication that TV is better than theater. re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?

meagan9848 Profile Photo
#34re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 2:56pm

"Who says KC books her own dates, magan? How do you know? Are you her manager? The closest you've come to her is probably holding her CD."

First- It doesn't matter who's booking the dates the point is they were booked and confirmed until she got the offer for the west wing.

Second- I don't know, I was seeking opinions.

Third- I am not her manager, but that's what I'm going to school for...

Fourth- I've been much closer than olding her CD thanks, I've seen her in almost everything she's done.

Hmmm lets cut the personal attacks?

Idina: Somehow I got myself to the stage, came out at the end of the show, and I had some kind of closure.
Some guy: You looked great!
Idina: Thanks...I WAS SO HIGH! 8/21/05

RockyRoad Profile Photo
#35re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 2:58pm

Well that's just great...but the lady has the right to take on whatever job offers she likes.

Just cause she cancelled a concert date you wanted to attend, don't get pissy.

meagan9848 Profile Photo
#36re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 3:04pm

I'm not pissy...I just don't think it's right to cancel 10 shows you're already commited to just for a big check...it's not like she's a starving artist

Idina: Somehow I got myself to the stage, came out at the end of the show, and I had some kind of closure.
Some guy: You looked great!
Idina: Thanks...I WAS SO HIGH! 8/21/05

#37re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 3:09pm

i heard about the neck thing-Norbert came down on the rope and almost strangled her right??? I think Cheno is great-She was the perfect Glinda!no one does POPULAR better than her but i just wish she was still in Wicked
~LIL Elphie


#38re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 4:01pm

where did you read these were confirmed for 10 dates?? and that she got a big paycheck for West Wing?? She probably makes slightly above scale for TV...tony winner means nothing for the small screen salary.

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#39re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 4:04pm

Just the fact that this thread has been up for 14 hours and has engendered little input says to me that she's lost some of the swaggering blind affection she used to possess *here* mere months ago...

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10

#40re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 4:07pm

Give her some credit. She is a talented working actor. We should be happy. :)

bjivie2 Profile Photo
#41re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 4:08pm

I really don't think people need to worry about Kristin not doing stage anymore. She's already committed to doing an opera adaptation of Alilce in Wonderland in LA, and she's also committed to the new Legally Blonde musical as well as this Boots show. No worries. She went and did the TV/movie thing after Charlie Brown, and she came back. Granted, she didn't have much luck that go around, but if this time is different, and she becomes a gigantic star, I doubt she'll forget her stage past. She's doing Asphalt Park or whatever that new movie musical is, and she loves to sing, so I doubt that she'll give up on stage forever.

Eeeeeeyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaannnnnddddd aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiyyyyyyaaaaaammmmmmmm teeeeeeeelllllliiiiiinnngg yyyyooooooouuuuuuuwwwaaaahh...

Mamie Profile Photo
#42re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 6:00pm

I know it's not a popular view these days, but I have to agree with meagan9848 - if in fact Ms. Chenoweth did agree to the earlier dates. There was once a time when a person was as good as their word. Today (apparently) even a signed agreement isn't worth much. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with Ms. C's talents, opportunities, wish to return to the stage, etc. It simply has to do with the worth of a promise.

If what broadwaystar2b says is true, I assume that she informed the producers of Wicked that early COMMITMENTS may have to be filled, thus resulting in her leaving the show. Perhaps she made these other commitments the same way? If so, and if the producers of these other shows accepted her involvement under those terms, then she has all the right in the world to feel a little 'too big for her boots'.

A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#43re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 8:53pm

...and we are still waiting for confirmation and proof that all these dates have been cancelled because she received another offer. Meagan...where is it?

Love it how you idiots will jump down someone's throats because someone posted something.

And I haven't read many "Sutton is the greatest" threads in that past months. I guess, according to your logic, she's lost her shine as well.

Maybe you should stay to reading your 16 Magazine and picking your flavor of the month and leve the posting to those of us who appreciate talent..today..tomorrow..and in the future.

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#44re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 9:04pm

Wait, Mr. Tuttle....hear that in the distance?


In a few weeks....

BWW will quake in terror....

before the unstoppable perkiness...

It's the RETURN...


Unleashed in the crinolined torrent of LITTLE WOMEN Hysteria!

Opening cans of whoop-ass on Eden, Kristin, Shoshanna...and even the almighty Idina!


"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"
Updated On: 10/24/04 at 09:04 PM

broadwaybound3 Profile Photo
#45re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 9:07pm

that was great.

QueenMuppet Profile Photo
#46re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 9:08pm

She'll receive a lot of international exposure with The West Wing. Of course, she'll do it, no matter what else she had confirmed nationally. I'd do exactly the same thing. Good for her.


'He really wasn't good as Fieyro. Is it just me or does he sort of come across as a pimp? Just...the hand motions I've seen him do and the attitude..not that Taye is a pimp.' - SallyBrown on Taye Diggs as Fiyero
Updated On: 10/24/04 at 09:08 PM

meagan9848 Profile Photo
#47re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 10:13pm

I'm definately not 16. If were 16 I probbly wouldn't have such an issue with it. I'm actually going to college for "Music Industry and Business" meaning. Maybe that's why I'm so annoyed.

Idina: Somehow I got myself to the stage, came out at the end of the show, and I had some kind of closure.
Some guy: You looked great!
Idina: Thanks...I WAS SO HIGH! 8/21/05

shlamdiddly Profile Photo
#48re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 10:29pm

can you change the thread title from "TO" to "TOO" PLEASE!!! It's been driving me crazy!!!!

You aren't feeling overwhelmed are you?

meagan9848 Profile Photo
#49re: Is Kristin Chenoweth getting to big for her boots?
Posted: 10/24/04 at 10:44pm

ahhhh sorry about that! I'm suprised I didn't catch that, I'm usually good about my spelling/grammar.

Idina: Somehow I got myself to the stage, came out at the end of the show, and I had some kind of closure.
Some guy: You looked great!
Idina: Thanks...I WAS SO HIGH! 8/21/05
