
Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?- Page 2

Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?

#25re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/6/04 at 8:24pm

Hey! My third grade portrayal of Dr. Librarian in the classic play "Book Hospital" did NOT suck! I was inspirational! I was gritty and raw... :)

Tee hee, kidding. I was in a musical version of Robin Hood once and Maid Marian couldn't sing, dance... oh wait, and she couldn't act either. That was fun.

#26re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/6/04 at 8:30pm

Robin Hood: The Musical!

...horrible. just horrible.

#27re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/6/04 at 8:35pm


Not always! The productions I were involved in were spectacular (probably because we had a huge budget and a large peforming arts department), and we were able to sell out every night (1250 seat theatre). Just the MAJORITY of grade school shows suck *laughs*.


DestinyBeckoned Profile Photo
#28re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/6/04 at 8:35pm

My second grade production of The Foolish Molar was a million times better than when we did The Music Man Jr. in 8th grade. Harold Hill didn't memorize his lines, and he had to have them shouted from behind the curtain.

We went through 3 Charlies.
The set fell over during Wells Fargo Wagon, and everyone screamed.
Harold was also squeamish about kissing...so they hugged on the bridge.


#29re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/6/04 at 8:37pm

8th grade- The Boyfriend. Hate the show to begin with, but when they cast the show wrong and put a guy in as Tony who can't sing for his life, then you have a problem. And again, I hate the show.

-If you don't like your fate, change it. You are your own master.- Aida

#30re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/6/04 at 8:40pm

High school production of "Our Town" -- I was Rebecca, and there was all this internal drama between people dating other people, love triangles and hexagons, as it seemed to me. It was my first play in high school, I was the only freshman in the cast, and it was a horrible experience for me. And the girl who played Emily...well, she left something to be desired.

sanda Profile Photo
#31re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/6/04 at 8:54pm

accoustic Chocolate.
Wow, that is horrible. They messed the sound system. Thus when the singer sang, it suddenly burst that sort of sound like a cat scratch the glass. Or the mike totally was dumb. I felt so pity for those poor actors who had to continue on stage. But I felt more pity for the audience who paid 50 bucks to watch this crap. Luckily at least I left during the intermission.

Amneris Profile Photo
#32re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/6/04 at 8:56pm

I did a production of CAROUSEL when I was 16... It was HORRIBLE. There was an actor from the Canadian cast of Les Miz as Billy and a bunch of other equity actors and they were awful!!! I can't even explain but, I was bored on stage.

Roxie Profile Photo
#33re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/6/04 at 9:08pm

Rock 'n Roll Santa...me as dancer the reindeer....nuf said!

LuvUrBatBoy Profile Photo
#34re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/6/04 at 9:29pm

My senior year of high school, we were supposed to do Oklahoma, but the director decided that we didnt have an actor who could pull off Curly so he dropped it. Not having enough time to procure the rights to another show, he decided to write his own. In like 2 weeks.

And thus, BROADWAY DREAMS was born. The plot concerned a girl who hit her head at an audition and was transported to a "dream world where every sentence is a music cue." To make matters worse, the musical director refused to work with the director again, so she quit. The director ended up going out and getting 2 Broadway karaoke CDs which we had to rehearse and perform to. The plot was basically nothing more than a few lines in between songs. For example, my song: Sit Down You're Rockin' the Boat from Guys and Dolls went like this:

(2 Guys walk on stage)
Guy 1: So I had a dream last night.
Guy 2: Really, what was it about?
Guy 1: Well....I dreamed last night I got on the boat to heaven...(rest of song)

It was atrocious and it was my last highschool musical, and we has done awesome stuff in the past. So sad. Needless to say that director was fired the year after I graduated.

Yes that's me. No, it's not a Rent homage.

#35re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/6/04 at 9:44pm

THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE!!! i dont even want to get into it because ill break something but it sucked so00oo00o0o0o0o0o0oo0o0o0o00oo0o0o0o00oo00o0o0o frigin much

kangaroo Profile Photo
#36re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/6/04 at 9:58pm

Oh no! I love Pirates of Penzance... our high school production was awesome!


NIL MAGNUM NISI BONUM "No greatness without goodness."

RENThead, enLIGHist, Ozalot, Grobanite, Ringer, Pickwick LW, Wicked, Lost, American Dreams, West Wing
Lea S. Hugh J. Adam P. Idina M. Matt M. Taye D.

#37re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/6/04 at 10:03pm

8th grade musical- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I was Willy Wonka (well, the female version of him, anyway). I didn't learn my solo until about 10 days before the show. We didn't have any blocking until 2 hours before our first (and only) dress rehearsal. The director chose the one rehearsal I missed to focus on my hardest scene. The script was edited up until a week before the show- and I was yelled at b/c I didn't know my lines.... b/c they kept changing!!! And the director supposedly had done numerous other musicals before, and not just for grade-school (community theater and high school I think). And on opening night (well, we only had one performance), they decided to change the staging of the curtain call.... it was a nightmare, especially in the middle of studying for the all important jr. high u.s. constitution test.....
sry, that probably sounded awful. thanks for letting me ramble

#38re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/6/04 at 10:14pm

Stefanie Hero, my senior year. Worst. Show. Ever.
The year before out director got ATTACKED by parents for putting on The Heidi Chronicles and the next year he obviously chose something of the complete opposite nature. Such a terrible, terrible show about a headstrong princess, an evil sorcerer that loves her and his egor-type character who is...drumroll...THE PRINCE! So bad! (Oh yeah humans are turned into swans and fly!) The show is also ended with a a song entitled "The Hero in You". Mark Medoff had a MISS with this awful show. Maybe he was high when he wrote it.

#39re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/6/04 at 10:20pm

GEORGE M! for a regional group in MD a few years back... I played teen George (up through the All Aboard- reprise). The guy who understudied Gary Beach as Rooster in the ANNIE tour was the director, the rest of the production staff mutinied against him and the whole production went downhill from there.

And if she'll say, "My darling, I'm yours!" I'll throw away my striped tie and my best pressed tweed, all I really need is the girl...

aces25 Profile Photo
#40re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/6/04 at 10:34pm

Anything Goes.

Yuck, it had rotating cast and was dreadful.

gettinhep Profile Photo
#41re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/6/04 at 10:41pm

A second grade production of 'Paddington Bear.' I think this short lived nightmare was written by one of our teachers.

Note to that teacher - never ask a seven-year-old in a bear suit to say the word 'incorrigible.'

'Try not to have a good time...this is supposed to be educational.' - Lucy Van Pelt

harris007 Profile Photo
#42re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/6/04 at 11:31pm

Victor/victoria our set was terrible and our band didnt get the music books till 4 days before we opened. And our norma was only 15 so it was just BAD

Attend the tale of Bovine Boy His party threads we all enjoy But does he have Mad Cow Disease? He doesn't eat beef - but cows skating? - oh please!!! With cocoa!?! And lemonade!?! The heifer-mad poster of Broadway (World)

Mercutio121687 Profile Photo
#43re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/7/04 at 9:17am

I played the title role in 'Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat.' That show....sucks.

"It's our time, breathe it in, worlds to change and worlds to win. Our turn, coming through. Me and you, pal, me and you!" -Merrily We Roll Along

redhotinnyc2 Profile Photo
#44re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/7/04 at 9:23am

When I was a junior in Highschool I had the lead in a play called "U.T.B.U." which stands for Unhealthy to be Unpleasant. It supposedly ran opened and closed the same day on Broadway and starred Tony Randall in the role that I played. It was god-awful - but back then I didn't know any better and enjoyed playing the lead.

"I don't really get the ending,all i can go with is when after several months,Judith saw Pat sang,and later she kissed him on the toilet,after that the story back to where Pat went down from the stage after he'd sung,and he went to the italian lady.I just don't get it,what Judith exatcly meant when he kissed Pat that she had seen,and did Pat end up together with The Italian Lady?Please help me,thank u very much!" Quote from someone on IMDB in reference to a movie he/she didn't understand. Such grammar!

#45re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/7/04 at 9:42am

WOW I LOVE THESE. THERe woops caps lock. They are all abosolutly hillarious. I love bad musicals cuase during the time they suck but there always good for a laugh

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#46re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/7/04 at 9:56am

An original musical called Darby and the Sleeping Prince. It had some decent songs, but the book was awful and the production was quite embarassing. It was one of those "hey let's put on a show" moments that was fun to put together and work on, but the show itself just wasn't very good. Still, the experience was moer about creating and producing a musical from scratch and it still ended up being a very worthwhile experience. Some of the worst shows I have performed in were the shows I actually had the most fun performing.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

DancerGirl16 Profile Photo
#47re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/7/04 at 10:20am


When someone blunders, we say that he makes a misstep. Is it then not clear that all the ills of mankind, all the tragic misfortunes that fill our history books, all the political blunders, all the failures of the great leaders have arisen merely from a lack of skill in dancing. - Moliere

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#48re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/7/04 at 10:34am

A community/fundraiser type production of JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT when I was in 11th Grade. There were tons and tons of people in it and it was supposed to be this huge event. However, the people at creative end of this show were absolutely clueless. The main producer of the show was married to the director of the show - and, that's right - their son played Joseph. I can't even begin to describe. It wasn't that the final product was that God-awful - the rehearsal process and the unorginization eventually left every fed up.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#49re: Worst show YOU HAVE BEEN IN?
Posted: 12/7/04 at 10:43am

I hate when that happens... when the director's child is in the shows... and of course, they get the leads.
Exactly what happens at my school... Their son is only a soph, and he is Joe Hardy in Damn Yankees this year, and was Nicely last year in Guys and Dolls as a frosh. He's ok, but there are MANY MANY other talented guys that should have gotten it over him.

-If you don't like your fate, change it. You are your own master.- Aida
