
Ana replacing Shoshana in January?- Page 2

Ana replacing Shoshana in January?

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#25re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 7:26pm

I don't know why you say that.. I know for a fact that if the offer comes along she will be more than happy to do it. I think right now she's just waiting to see if the offer is in fact coming.

Why do you think she went on July 22/23? The producers wanted to see her, as they are now starting "deliberations" as you could say as to what they want to do. It's the same reason, as Megan said in her chatterbox, Stacie was put on one night what Megan dubbed "producers choice" (even though she wasnt able to actually go on because of swing call outs.) That was when they were deciding whether to promote her to standby or not.

Honestly, I think it's going to either be Saycon or someone completely new. Ana is ruled out.. her run in Chicago doesn't end until January 22nd, and Shoshana's last show is January 8th (an early poster said that she hasnt said she is leaving... it is no secret she won't be renewing, and her contract is up on that date. Michelle Federer told me she is also leaving then, and I hear David Ayers might also.) The only way she could take over is if the standby played the role for most of the month and she took over once she was out of her Chicago contract, and I don't see that happening. She has a young child, and Kate Reinders said in a recent interview that Ana is getting tons of offers to do alot of things right now and she kind of hinted that it would be difficult for her to maintain the full Broadway schedule. Keep in mind guys... Ana is a mainstream celebrity, and for someone like her whose career is heating up to take two years pretty much to do the same role, no matter how high profile, I think is a little naive.

As far as SJB goes, she deffinetly won't be stepping up. She's more concentrated on even getting back to the tour, let alone a possible take over on Broadway. As much as I dislike her voice, she is a trouper for continuing on as she has..

Eden won't be doing it either I dont think. People are reading way too much into her stepping in on the San Fran stop of the tour. The truth is that she was free and the producers did not want to have an understudy go on for a full what, four week run while there star recovers from what could be a full time sidelining injury? As much as "Wicked" sells it self, that's the bottom line: they wanted to bring in somebody to please the fans. It is in no way a "trainign for Broadway"-type gig as some have billed it.

Bottom line is, Shoshana Bean won't be gone for another five or so months, and there is plenty of time in between for anything to happen.

PS Look for Brandi Chavonne Massey, the Elphaba understudy, to go on sometime before November.. I doubt Saycon will be staying as Standby if she doesn't assume the role, so they are probably going to want to try her out, regardless of whose being cast anyway.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 8/16/05 at 07:26 PM

#26re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 7:38pm

I can confirm that Shoshana Bean WILL NOT be extending her contract. I e-mailed her about a week ago to ask her if she knew what her last day would be (because I wanted to make sure I got a good seat). She e-mailed me back and said that her last performance will be on January 8th, 2006. That will also be Ben Vereen and Michelle Federer's last performance.

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#27re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 7:42pm

the only thing i agree with is that Saycon WONT BE THE STANDBY

#28re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 8:05pm

Shouldn't Saycon be transferring to The Color Purple. That is, if it was offered to her again.
Updated On: 8/16/05 at 08:05 PM

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#29re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 8:15pm

She has told me she is not involved with "The Color Purple" (I emailed her a few weeks back asking about it.) It looks as if only LaChanze will be returning from the Atlanta cast.

Ben Vereen is leaving then too?! I didnt know that! Where'de you hear...?

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

#30re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 8:18pm

Shoshana said it in her e-mail to me.

I'll be sad to see him go. He is a wonderful performer (no pun intended!)

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#31re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 8:23pm

Hahaha! Yeah, I've heard the best Wizard so far.. I didn't expect him to stay long though anyway. I am far more interested to see who they are going to cast as Nessa and the Wizard than Elphie, considering I believe it will be my girl Saycon and I've already heard everything of hers lol I have emailed her asking again FYI about the whole replacement situation, so I will let you guys know what I hear..

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

#32re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 8:30pm

I love Ben as the Wizard. I'll be sad to see him go. I wonder what legend they'll bring in next.

I've never been a fan of Michelle. I saw her in June and she seemed bored off her ass with the role. And then I saw Cristy Candler in July and she was much, much better.

And I hope Saycon doesn't take over.

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#33re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 8:40pm

I would like to see Stephanie or Eden.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

Aigoo Profile Photo
#34re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 8:48pm

Unfortunately, Ana is leaving Chicago after her contract is up in January. Kristy Cates will be taking the helm.

::puts on cheerleader suit::

Gooooooooo Kristy!

This is my signature.

#35re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 9:16pm

I am surprised shoshana confirmed that she's definitely leaving in january since it hasn't been announced and she has said recently it's too early too tell. I mean, if you're a close friend of her's and she told you then maybe you are correct...but that doesn't seem to be what she is telling her fans.

#36re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 9:18pm

We're pretty close. I've known her since before she joined Wicked.

I asked her point blank when her last show would be and she told me.

So, sorry you don't believe it. But it's 100% true.

#37re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 9:19pm

I doubt Shoshana would extend. She has said from way back during her stand by days that she was just passing through Wicked before she goes to work on a record.

BrdwyThtr Profile Photo
#38re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 9:26pm

I think Eden deserves it.

Elphaba3 Profile Photo
#39re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 10:26pm

I hope it's Stephanie or Eden.

#40re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 11:31pm

No, you've got it all wrong! Rosie will be replacing Shoshanna in January--right after she finishes her run in FIDDLER.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

bwaybound865 Profile Photo
#41re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 11:34pm

You guys are on crack, I really hope Saycon gets it (though she's told me it's not very likely as she wants to leave) but of all the Elphaba's I've heard, I absolutley LOVE her voice, it's FABULOUS! As for shoshana I'll be so glad to see her go, I saw WICKED twice with her near the beginning of her run and I haven't been able to return unless I know someone else will go on and I really miss it because it's my fav show on broadway, I'll just be happy to see her go and don't mind who takes over for her!

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#42re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 11:40pm

i'm glad Saycon is leaving...she is to good for wicked

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#43re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/16/05 at 11:53pm

WICKED is grossing almost a Million a week on Bway.
and has made Millions on the Road and now in Chicago.
and I hear the Producers are screwing around with the Talented Ladies who have played or have been injured playing the role.
They don't need any "names" Ana , well she has TV credits,
but is too old for the role
At this point anyone who can actually do 8 shows a week and save $ on Understudies going on will get it.
My Faves are Eden and Jenna Leigh Green.
No one really heard of the great Sho before this and there is not a seat to be had, so go figure....

#44re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/17/05 at 12:39am

"The only way she could take over is if the standby played the role for most of the month and she took over once she was out of her Chicago contract, and I don't see that happening. "

Well I agree, but only because Gasteyer has hinted that she doesn't really want to stay on. But those type of replacements most definitely happen all the time with multiple productions, where an understudy takes over the role for a few weeks until the new "star" comes in.

"It is in no way a "training for Broadway"-type gig as some have billed it."

I totally agree. They cast tours the same as if they were casting for Broadway. Broadway shows make half their money on the road...they can't send out an inferior product and expect it to survive. Updated On: 8/17/05 at 12:39 AM

kim1061 Profile Photo
#45re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/17/05 at 1:34am

Miss Espinosa is flying in....80percent sure, but i could be wrong.

ahh Ben, that was such a short run!

A dancer might dream to see her name in lights and mean it, but all she really dreams is to make someone else feel the way she did when she first saw a dancer. And that is so beautiful-Anonymous

QueenAnne82 Profile Photo
#46re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/17/05 at 9:57am

Can I just say how very very sad I will be when Ana leaves us!!! However... whoever said she's too old... you're CRAZY!!! She's actually very young and portarys both the student and adult Elphaba with very different and appropriate characteristics. Anyone know what she't gonna do after January... and when exactly her last show is?

Everything in this room is *eat*able. Even I'm *eat*able. But that is called cannibalism, my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies. ~Willy Wonka

It's TRUE! GET A FREE IPOD!!! It's really easy http://premiumipods.freepay.com/?r=15232098 Ask me any questions about it.

I love Ana Gasteyer and Chicago Theater!!!

best12bars Profile Photo
#47re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/17/05 at 10:16am

Eden is the most likely candidate to take over when Shoshana leaves. According to "inside sources" connected with the producing team... aside from the enormous temporary paycheck they offered Eden to fill in for the San Fran run, they said they were checking out her stamina over those weeks very much hoping she would take over the Broadway run. Whether or not it works out... Whoever takes over Elphaba is going to have to prove that they can stay in the role and deliver 8 shows a week for an extended period of time. So far, Eden fits that bill better than anyone, in their eyes.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 8/17/05 at 10:16 AM

BoxFive Profile Photo
#48re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/17/05 at 11:34am

Eden is mostly/likely set to replace Bean, who has proven to be a terrible casting mistake overall. Her performance has become a parody of sorts and her diva antics off-stage should be a caution for "young" actresses everywhere.

Unfledge them of their...perriwigs, And they appear like bald-cootes, in the nest. Beaumont, Knt. Malta, (1616).

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#49re: Ana replacing Shoshana in January?
Posted: 8/17/05 at 2:02pm

One- Ana and Kate's last show is January 22nd.

Two- I asked ensemble member Jen Waldman about the Eden rumors, and she said her name has not even been mentioned around the Gershwin. She went on to say that most of the hype surrounding Eden taking over Broadway has been both fan-started rumors and people reading too much into the San Francisco take over stint.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
